Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Pain Means Change

Deuteronomy 31:6 "Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you."

At the end of last week we witnessed the removal of the Confederate flag from the state Capitol in South Carolina. To many this may not seem like a success; however, I beg to differ. This puts many other states in a position of having to address and recognize an issue that is assumed to have been forgotten in years past. The hurtful truth is that most of us have forgotten or were never taught the history behind the civil war as well as the years that preceded it and all that the flag really stands for. Although the civil war ended in 1865 many obstacles faced our people up until June 17, 2015 when those 9 people lost their lives in their church.

Let's take a look back at Moses' Journey. His duty was to free his people from slavery and lead them to what God had promised them as decedents of Abraham. When Pharaoh finally let them go they wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. Why so long? Because instead of just trying to get there they second guessed God, they complained, they were ungrateful and etc. Worst of all they didn't understand. They thought their freedom in the wilderness was no better than their slavery back in Egypt. Even after being freed they still possessed "slave mentality" and this mentality wouldn't allow them to trust God and His plan. In Deuteronomy Moses' journey with his people comes to an end; however, before he sends them into the promised land he reminds them what God expects of them, what God has promised them, and passes the torch to Joshua. Although Moses would probably be the most grateful entering into the Promised Land having fought for his people through frustration and sometimes anger He would not enter into the Promised Land with them. Despite God having told him all about it he doesn't get a chance to experience it, he only gets to see it. At this point everyone who started the journey with Moses had passed away so it was their seeds that got the reap the benefits of the freedom that they had fought for.

Now back to the present day. So many people fought for our freedom only for us to be silently held captive for well over a century after the war was assumed to be over. Why has it taken this long? Because our leaders who kept us on track were assassinated before our very eyes and we allowed ourselves to constantly be distracted by things that didn't matter causing us to lose sight of what really does matter. To the many souls the died fighting for this very moment, the removal of this flag means everything. It's a step forward after we've constantly been pushed back. Many argue that the removal can't change the minds and hearts of the people who stand by it, but that's not our job anyway. We've never had the ability to change things we can't see including the minds and hearts of the people. It wasn't Moses in his own deity that changed the heart of Pharaoh. It was God working through Moses that softened his heart. We have to do what we can then let God do what He does. It is God that renders revelation in the hearts and minds of His people. Just like Moses our leaders that have gone on to be with the Lord never got to experience this feeling of victory, but I bet they see it! Let us rejoice on their behalf because what seems to be a "little" victory is really big.


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