Thursday, July 23, 2015

Losing Nothing

John 6:39 And this is The Father's Will which has sent Me, that all of which He has given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. 

It's Thankful Thursday folks! This Thursday we are thankful that we never lose in Christ. Jesus wants us to be confident in our faith. In any state that we find ourselves in, we should know a loss is simply an introduction to a miracle. A miracle God is willing to do in our lives if we believe. There must be confidence in knowing that His Will exceeds our critical thoughts. Despite popular belief, losing anything in Christ is not actually losing. Non believers may see what we as Christians go through and question why we serve God. What they do not realize is that it is not stuff or other people that unlocks our joy. Our joy comes from God! Jesus discusses this concept in the latter chapter of John 6. He tells us that He will lose nothing because His Father, our Father will restore Him on the third day. Same correlation for our own lives. God is able to restore whatever we thought we loss. That's the whole point of us having faith. It's not possible to believe God while doubting His capabilities. 

I have been applying for jobs left and right. The job I had my eye on didn't hire me. It was said, that I didn't have enough experience in that field. However, another great opportunity presented itself when I wasn't even looking for it and this company hired me immediately after the interview process. I could have taken that first job as a loss and gave up, but I didn't. Knowing The God I serve, I know if it didn't work out that He had something better and He did. Actually, just found out the job I wanted are cutting ninety hours out of the schedule. So that means less hours and ultimately numerous people out of work. Sheesh! Dodged that bullet right? Moral of that story was, I lost nothing. Every "no" isn't the end of the world. Embrace your losses because that just means God has something GREATER! Look forward to what He has in store for you. You will never lose! 

#ThankfulThursday #LosingNothing 

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