Friday, October 30, 2015

Yes or No

Hello again! Not quite the last day of the month, but we are close! This is a great time to prepare for the next month. Let's not bring any old baggage into the month of November. Well, it is great practice to start anew each day. Today, we will free ourselves of all that have us bound. Best way to do that is give it to God. How? Talk to Him in prayer. I am definitely guilty of not utilizing my privilege of communing with God lately. This semester has been so topsy turvy, I have been doing and trying every other way to get answers or escape. God stunningly reminded me that only He can give me the answers I need. Notice I said, need. Oftentimes, we go to God "searching" for the right path when we really want Him to tell us what we want to hear. His answers will not always be, yes. Whatever He is keeping us from is for protection. God is not trying to be mean when He says no. We have to pray being just as open to His no as we are to His yes. The only constant yes we need to keep in mind is a repetitive yes to His Will no matter what.

So take this time to free yourself of yourself. Think about what exactly you are asking God for. What if He doesn't give it to you? Are you going to pout or shout in gratitude? Yes, shout gratitude because again we should be just as happy when He says no as we are when He says, yes. An answer from God is good whether we like it or not. He doesn't have to talk to us in the first place. Furthermore, if we don't want to hear an answer then we shouldn't ask the question, right? So, whether it is yes or no be thankful anyway. It's not our will, remember?

#FreedomFriday #YesorNo 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

No Filter - Know Your Worth

Today we are a social media driven society, which is a gift and a curse. Social media has sensationalized life to the point where we lack discernment of what living really is. We now have access to the "lives" of so many people that we don't take the time to live our own lives. We look at Suzie's pictures and videos on Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube and strive to be like her as if the life we've been given isn't worth living. It has become mandatory to post every milestone in your life on social media where statements have been made like "It's not real until you see if on Facebook". Instead of living in the moment at a concert or event we bring our phones out to record never really taking the time to enjoy the moment.

Check out the worship song and allow it to infiltrate your mind, your heart, and your soul. Understand that we aren't free we are enslaved to the world of social media where we actually become less social with the people we are around daily and most importantly God. Don't forget how much God deemed you to be worth. Know that living YOUR life is good enough for Him. You never have to update God on how you are doing, what you have, and who you're with because He is the giver of all those things. God accepted you just as you were and if you haven't yet given your life to Him He will accept you just as you are. There is no filter necessary when God looks at you. You don't have to look a certain way or obtain a certain status He will receive you any way.

#KnowYourWorth #NoFilter #FearlessFAITH 

Monday, October 26, 2015


Good day people! It is time to start our week out strong in The Lord! One word we would like to focus on is intentional. In order to achieve anything in life, it has to be intentional. We have to train our minds for faith, love, peace, and joy. Those things are not just going to come out of thin air. Oftentimes, we expect God to do something when He is actually waiting on us to use what He has already given us. He gave us His Word, His Spirit, and His Son. What more do we need? Jesus coming was intentional to save us from hell. His life on earth was intentional to set an example for all of how we are suppose to live as believers. The Cross was intentional to cover the sins of the whole world. His ressurection was intentional because it displayed God's Faithfulness and Power. Jesus lived with the intentions of setting us free. We must live with the intentions of being free. It's all in our mind. Just as the old saying states, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste." Nothing good can happen if we think negative all of the time. God wants us to deposit more positive words in our mind that will produce positive actions which leads to a positive lifestyle. Yes, the things we speak hold weight, but don't forget our thoughts can be lively or deadly as well. So be intentional this week. Love intentionally. Be happy on purpose. I know it's Monday, but you are alive and God didn't have to do that for you. Best way to train our minds is to stay in The Word. Let His intentions be your intentions! Have a good week!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Face Your Fears!

"To have courage is not the absence of fear, but it is the actions you take in spite of fear."
-Will Moffett Jr.

Good morning people! It's the middle of the week which means it is time for your mid week encouragement. Today, I am taking a quote my oldest brother told me during a conversation we had a few months back. It is most appropriate seeing how our whole purpose is to live a fearless lifestyle. Now with saying that, does that mean we never get scared? As Christians, are we so engulfed in our faith that our human emotions are obsolete? Why of course not! Oftentimes, we tend to fear before we utilize our faith. I mean we still are finite beings. However, God's Spirit doesn't allow us to be afraid for long! How many fearful situations have you been in? Did God not speak to you telling you to trust Him? Was His Peace not bestowed upon you? 

Throughout the Bible we can find so many courageous moments where God used people like us to bring glory to His name. Even today, God is still using people in the midst of their fear. I'm pretty sure David was fearful of fighting the big, bad, giant. The difference was, he didn't allow his fears to overcome his faith. Like I previously stated, we can't omit fear from our emotions. What we can do is look to God during those seemingly scary moments in life. I have friends who have left good ole Mississippi and never looked back. I deeply admire that because it takes courage to leave your home to go to an unknown place. They all knew God was with them which made the move easier. Sure there were nay sayers, but it didn't stop them. That's another thing we must take into account. Never allow people to direct you, but ONLY God. Who really believed David could win against a giant? If he listened to people God would not have been able to use him. This goes for you as well. Base your decisions on God. If He is telling you to go, then it doesn't matter what family, friends, and church family are saying. Likewise if He is telling you to stay, or take the new job, travel, whatever your fear is, consult with God. It's great to talk to other faith based people! God speaks through them(sometimes). But ultimately our decision should be based on His Will. 

So what are your fears? Some fear marriage, others fear heights, maybe it's a new chapter in life. Whatever they are, know God is hear and near waiting to empower us to conquer each one. Be encouraged and let's turn that fear into fearless faith! 

Monday, October 12, 2015

It Doesn't Stop There

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" 

Happy Monday!!! It's motivational Monday so let's just get right into it. There is a statement of encouragement "Prayer changes things" that we so frequently use in troubling situations. The statement is indeed very true, but let's dig deeper. We know that prayer is essential to our spiritual well-being; however, it is not reserved just for troubled times. For your prayer to change things you must first understand that life changing prayers are backed by power. How much power do you have? Your power is determined by your relationship with God. The more you allow God to control your thoughts, your actions, and your life the more powerful you become. 

Who is going to listen to someone they don't know? If a stranger on the side of the road asked you for a ride to their next destination would you take them? More than likely you wouldn't. And if a stranger offered to take you to your next destination versus you spending hundreds of dollars on a plane ticket would you go? Hopefully not. My point here is neither you nor God is going to listen to someone or do something for someone whom is unfamiliar. Now, this is where amazing happens. If Jane Doe (who has fallen ill) doesn't have a relationship with God, but she knew John Doe who does have a relationship with Him therein lies your power. Prayer should be a chain reaction because now John's prayer has opened the door for Jane to experience God first hand. It is now up to Jane to keep those lines of communication open and the prayers flowing even after God has healed her. 

Don't forget to spend time with God this week. When you spend time getting to know someone the sound of their voice reveals to you their state of mind for that day without having to explain it in words. When a mother has a child she learns what each cry means because that is her child and they've spent time bonding and communicating in a supernatural yet extraordinary way. This is true for God if we communicate with Him regularly He will be familiar enough with our voice to know what our cries mean and we'll be familiar enough with His voice to know what His direction is. Prayer doesn't stop at your blessing. As long as you are a faithful believer blessings will continually flow and because of that you should continually pray. 

#MotivationalMonday #PrayerChangesThings #ItDoesntStopThere    

Friday, October 9, 2015

Let It Rain!

Hello, hello! It's getting near to the end of the week. Some may have wondered how they were going to make it, but God brought you through! With that being said, let's talk about today's title. We tend to have a love/hate feeling towards rain. When there is a drought or a slight lack of rain, we beg for it. On the other hand, we curse the rain when it is longer than our expected time limit. Humans, so indecisive, yet so demanding. The nerve to complain about something we asked for. I mean we will do a rain dance and everything then when the rain comes, complain. Why not embrace the rain? How? Well, if we are prepared for it, the rain wouldn't bother us as much. Look at the terrible happenings in South Carolina. If the state was better equipped in preparation with the dams, that incident would have been avoided. So as you know I will relate this back to our spiritual walk with Christ.

God did not guarantee us sunny days every day. Knowing that, we should equip ourselves to withstand the rain AND embrace it. Noah was instructed to build an ark in preparation of God's Mighty Work. There was so much sin going on that God absolutely had enough. So much so He decided to allow it to rain over a month and destroyed everything during that time. Everything, but Noah's family and the animals he gathered were destroyed. God protected them because they were obedient. They weren't destroyed because they were prepared. Not only was Noah prepared, but he embraced the storm. He trusted God even though he may not have understood His Plan. That is the same way we should be. Our storms are meant to be embraced because it brings us closer to God. If we prepare ourselves by daily getting in His Word and praying, then we too can be at ease during the rainfall. Had a stormy week? Having a stormy semester or season? Don't stress; God is working! I want to leave you with this poem.

Oftentimes rain brings anew
Embrace it because He is growing you.
You're His delicate flower
That He needs to water.
Dance in the midst of the shower
Like David, our brother.
I know you may be experiencing some pain,
But find comfort in God that He will sustain.
So much so you can shout, "Let it Rain!"

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Hold On!

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not evil, to give you a future and hope" 

Well well well, it's hump day. By the end of the day most of us will feel some sort of relief that this week is almost over. Along with that relief will be the feeling of satisfaction that no mater what came against us we made it through. For some of us, myself included, it may not be the middle of the week that's giving us the relief and satisfaction. In those cases it's us getting over the hump in a challenging situation. For example, it's the middle of the semester for both Marissa and I. She has taken her midterms and I'm preparing for my graduate school qualifying exam next week in addition to working full-time AND researching. In addition to that there are the general things that life brings and I must say both of us have equally been through some tough situations these past few weeks. BUT GOD, has shown favor upon us and allowed us to push through and even beyond where we thought we were going.

In all of that the lesson learned is that God knows what He's doing. Maybe your plans fell through it was solely so that His plans (which are always better than yours) could come through. Can we just stop for a moment and praise Him just for that? God always comes through in the clutch when we didn't expect Him because we didn't think we needed Him. Yes, I did say when we THINK we don't need Him because subconsciously we act as if we don't. We must be careful not to get so ahead of ourselves that we get ahead of God's plans for us and the work that He is doing in and through us. So just sit tight and let God work it out. When your hands have been tied it's because God's hands are busy. It's okay rest in assurance that He has your best interest at heart because He loves you. 

Monday, October 5, 2015

You Are Forgiven!

Romans 4:7 "Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered."

Hello, hello! It's a new week which means new blessings! First blessing of course, is your life God so graciously gave you today. Did you thank Him? While we are in the thanking business, we should remain forever grateful for the leading scripture in today's post. Blessed are they whose sins are covered! Let's talk about it.

Let's think about the last time someone wronged you. Now, how many times can that SAME person do that before you completely cut them off? Not too many times, right? As humans, we can only endure so much from each other. Nowhere in our finite makeup can we tolerate the same negative behavior repeatedly without giving up and letting go. Good thing God is the COMPLETE opposite! See, He provides this spiritual phenomenon called Grace that enables us to still be saved even in our short comings.  Don't get it twisted! Grace doesn't mean God is sweeping our sin under the rug. He still acknowledges it and so should we. There will still be accountability for EVERYTHING we do, think, & say. Read up on that in Matthew 12:36. It is more so that God sustains us through Jesus Blood(only) in spite of the sin we commit.

You know the scripture "all have sinned..." So yes even us good Christians sin, BUT we are not slaves to sin. Sin does not and should not control us or The Cross would be of no effect. How can we say Jesus died for us to be made new if we still look the same? Who goes to a prestige store to buy hand me down clothes? Nobody. Just as God is not going to go to such great lengths to purchase us for us to still be living in the old man. Jesus Blood is powerful enough to change our life if we are willing to change. As believers, sin can only run a muck if we allow it. Even when we stray Jesus Blood is sufficient! Trust me, I know. However, since we proclaim to love God we should hate sin and anything displeasing to Him. The world still needs to see Hope. There are plenty more that needs His Forgiveness. Be the living example of what mighty works our God can do by allowing Him to conquer the sin in your life.

We are blessed! We are covered! We are forgiven. Never forget that.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Fall into Faith

Ecclesiastes 3:1 "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven" 

FALL IS HERE!!! It's a new month AND a new season and I fully look forward to everything that the fall brings. The aroma, change in color of the leaves (although we don't see it much here in Texas), and most of all THANKSGIVING is right around the corner. We should always always give thanks to our Lord and Savior no matter the season, but this is the time where we begin to display that sense of gratitude in excess which we'll discuss closer to the holiday. Now, for many of us although the season has changed not much around us has changed. It's the same ole same ole so you may be wondering why even bother acknowledging this "change". I mean, it's still hot outside, the leaves are still green, the summer flowers are still in bloom, and etc. Well, this is the perfect opportunity for me to share a bit of wisdom passed to me when I began working in my field a few years ago that I think could be tweaked to fit this situation.

"You have to do the job before you are given the title"

In all honesty, I thought that person was absolutely insane for giving me that type of "advice". At the time it seemed to me as though I was undervalued and overworked. As I grew more in my field I was afforded many opportunities being promoted each year since I began working. My last promotion was one that opened my eyes to the aforementioned advice in that I was fulfilling the duties of the higher position yet I was not initially considered for the position. That was fine because that position was there waiting for me to fill it just like your new season is there waiting on you to enter into it. Some people (including yourself) may not think the conditions are right just yet but before you know it you'll wake up and everything has changed.

Although it is fall with regards to weather each of us are in our very own seasons. We may have gotten to a point where the seasons seem to blur together and right when you are fully adjusted to one season here comes the other. In other words you may be going through something now and before you can fully come of that you're going into something else. This feeling isn't unique to just you so don't feel secluded as if God has left you out because that isn't the case. Also, what you're going through someone has already been through it so don't be afraid to acknowledge your issues because God may very well have someone in place to help you on the merit of their own experiences. So fall into your season the right way - full of faith. Be encouraged, greater is coming so thank God in advance.

#FallIntoFaith #FearlessFAITH  

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

No Regrets

Hello people and it is that time again! Let me just say that the balancing act of this semester has not been so successful, and we do apologize for the lack of posts this past week. Fearless Faith will be back on track and if any feels Led by God to help write email us at

Alright, so let's get into the topic of discussion. The picture above gives a great illustration of today's encouragement. Funny, because I was just having a conversation about certain reservations I had at the top of the year concerning a job. It was a risk, but I allowed others to talk me out of it. Now, from time to time I wonder what could have happened had I actually pursued that opportunity? Pretty sure we all have those moments in life when we are left wondering, "What If?" Nothing wrong with wondering unless it happens too often. Life is all about taking risks. Our faith can be looked at as a risk. Even though spiritually we know we are good, carnally speaking we wonder. Is this the right decision? Is he/she "the one?" Am I doing this for nothing? Is this the right job? Where should I move? All but not limited to are risky questions we ask ourselves. The best way to take a risk is with a SURE God, The ONLY Wise God to be more specific. He already knows what certain doors unlock in our lives. So it is best to be risk takers with Jesus and not on our own judgment. 

Like the picture portrays, no one wants to be on the third row. Especially, being on the third row of your own life while others are basking in fearless, faith-filled adventures! Partake in yourself, and what  new possibilities are in store for you. What are you afraid of? Many are scared of being hurt, so they choose not to open up. Is that you? Or some have a comfort zone the size of California and fear change like cats fear water. Is that you? Only person stopping us from enjoying life is us! Live regret free, fearlessly, in the guidance of God of course. I challenge all to do something before the year is out that you were afraid to do whether it be small or big. Trust God and let live! 


Friday, September 18, 2015

Get on Beat

Psalm 26:2 "Test me, O LORD, and try me, examine my heart and my mind.   

The physical condition of our hearts reveal a lot about our health. How much we exercise, the types of food we eat, and etc. Let's continue the "Change of Heart" post from Monday. The heart is a vital organ, it is actually the first sign of life in the womb of an expectant mother. A normal heartbeat is steady and often times beats to a rhythm. The pace of your heart is indicative of the condition of your heart at the moment. For example, a fast heartbeat can indicate anxiety and puts stress on the heart which could negatively alter your heart's condition over time. Contrarily, a slow heartbeat can indicate an interruption in the electrical pathway of the heart affecting the function of other parts of the body as well. See, the condition of your heart is critical. 

Let's look at it from a spiritual perspective. Your heart is the place you feel your emotions, most importantly it's where you feel God's presence, His love. The moment you stop feeling within your heart is the moment your heart stops beating spiritually. God places His desires for you within your heart and there you will feel what it is you need to do as He guides your footsteps. In order for you to be on one accord with God you must be moving at the pace He has set for your life, within your heart. What will God find when He examines your heart? Are you on beat? Or has your heart stopped beating spiritually? It's time to get on beat with God, don't slow down and don't move too fast. Go at the steady rate that He is setting for you.  

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

I Am He!

Isaiah 48:12 "Listen to Me, O Jacob, even Israel whom I called; I am He, I am the first, I am also the last.

It is the middle of the week and it is time for another Word of encouragement! I Am He, God says to us. These are words we should never forget. This scripture can give life to so many seemingly dead situations in our lives. When we feel like all hope is gone, we can remind ourselves, "I Am He!" Those moments the enemy tries to sneak in, "I Am He!" We have no reason to worry or fear because God is always here for us. He was here before us and He is not going anywhere. So, our best bet is to get to know Him. Now in the King James Version the scriptures begins with, "Hearken unto Me..." That is one thing we fail to do as people of God. Throughout scripture, we will find that God is speaking to His own. Although He loves everybody, He expects those whom call Him Father to love Him back and obey His Word. 

Just a quick testimony, I was working two jobs briefly this summer. My body was tired and I prayed to God about what I should do. School started which made me all the more tired. He told me to leave one and I didn't listen at first. I was wondering how I will pay certain stuff and He kept saying trust Me. Well, the one He told me to leave didn't put me on schedule for two weeks. I laughed because my bills still got paid and He was basically showing Himself to me even in my doubt. I worked one last week at the job He wanted me to leave. Finally, I decided to trust God and quit. Ever since then, I have been promoted twice within only two months of me working the job God planted me at. God just showed me once again that I can't go wrong trusting Him. It is no sense in running my body to the ground when I serve an awesome God Who WILL supply. That was a product of not only God's Grace, but me finally listening to Him. When was the last time you really listened to God? Are you praying in vain? Could you be asking God for guidance with your lips, but your heart is still embedded on what you want to do? Look at the church today? Does it look like The Body of Christ is listening? Are we forgetting about the mighty God we are suppose to serve? Is I Am He satisfied? We would know if we were listening, right? The answer is...well the answer is waiting on us. God speaks every day which is why we shouldn't just talk to Him when we need Him. His words of Wisdom and guidance is offered with every breath He gives us. Just look around, silence yourself, and Hearken unto God. Here is a video I want to leave you all with. Make the commitment to put God first, listen to your Father, and never forget Who He Is to you. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Change of Heart

Ezekiel 36:26 " I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh" 

It's Monday....a new day and a new week. For many the beginning of the week is not symbolic of a fresh start because the same feelings from last week are present, same situation just a different day. They're still lonely, still hurt, still broke (broken), still on the same unfulfilling job and etc. They read our "Motivational Monday" posts and still feel blah inside. Now, here's the motivation I have today for those who are feeling that way: don't allow your current situation define who you are and who you have the potential to be. More times than not we are our own hindrance. Yes, it is true that we can't control the things around us, but one thing we can control is how we react to them. Do not let your heart be filled with doubt, despair, and unrest. There is always always always some good in any given situation you just have to have the eyes to see, the ears to hear, and the heart to feel.

So what should we do? We should check the condition of our hearts today. Make sure our life experiences haven't caused us to harden our heart to the point where we can't feel anything good or bad. Our heart is a vital line of communication between us and God, so it is imperative to have our heart in working order so that God can reach us and teach us His way. Times may get hard but be sure to stay calm and trust the One calling the shots.

What's in your heart? Do you even know? The Word tells us that our treasure is where our heart is. Which means you can't do anything of value without having your heart in check. Your situation is not designed to make you give up, instead it is designed to make you get up. How much longer will you allow your situation to have control over your heart? It's time for a change, a change of heart.

#FearlessFAITH #ChangeOfHeart #MotivationMonday

Friday, September 11, 2015

Time well Spent

1 Samuel 12:24 "Only fear the Lord, and serve Him in truth with all your heart; for consider what great things He has done for you" 

It's Freedom Friday and this has been the longest "short" work week ever!!! Let's be thankful for all the things that God has freed us from this week, this month (so far), this year, and this lifetime. God didn't free us from this world of captivity for us to do what we please, when we please, and how we please. He freed us to live freely in Him but still by His laws (which benefit us more than we like to acknowledge). We have to make it a priority to spend time with Him because time spent with God is time well spent.  As our calendars become filled with tasks and events from sun up to sun down each let's not forget about God because He certainly doesn't forget about us.

Things may not always be perfect in your life, but He still requires your time. Also, that time may be the time you need to find peace in the midst of your situation. There's a saying "When things seem to be falling apart, they are actually falling into place" before Monday I believed that statement to be true, but I now have a change of heart. Perhaps things are falling apart because we have fallen astray from God. We follow the motions of being a dedicated Christian by going to church events, Bible study, Sunday school, and Sunday Worship while in the same token we aren't spending personal time with God. Imagine having a spouse who only acknowledged you in public, but ignored you in private when it matters most.

My perspective on the aforementioned saying changed after seeing the movie War Room in that it really spoke to my spirit. Sometimes God will allow things to fall apart in order for us to realize that we need Him. So if you're free this weekend I highly suggest seeing this movie and I won't elaborate on my take away points in an effort not to spoil it for you all. It will definitely be time well spent.

#FearlessFAITH #FreedomFriday

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Am I?

Hello good people and it is that time again for your mid week word. This would be more of a self evaluation than an inspiration. Well, it could be a little bit of both. Every now and again we have to ask ourselves are we giving God our all? Can you imagine living your whole life and forgetting God? I know us good saints will never do that, huh? Probably can't even fathom ignoring such a great God, right? In all honesty, it is not that hard to put God on the back burner, especially in the times we are living in. Society is designed to worship everything else, but God. It is fairly easy to put work, family, bills, friends, etc...before our King. He wakes us up, we rush to work. He blesses us with food. We rush to eat with no thanks whatsoever. Now it is the end of the day and we barely recognize Him. Is that fair? Of course not. Listen, we are unable to give God what He deserves, meaning we can't thank Him enough. However, we can give Him our ALL which is what is required of us. Get that, I said our ALL. Anything we do outside of God will fail. There have been plenty of times that I stopped doing school work to just commune with Him and passed my test with flying colors or the test got pushed back the day of so I could get more study time. 

I was told when I first began my relationship with God that you can't go wrong pleasing Him. Our flesh or satan may have us thinking that if I don't pay this bill instead of bringing my tithes and offerings that I will be broke. Wrong, God always provides the increase and it is not our money anyways. He blessed us. Just like He blesses us with everything else we have. Let's not live our lives in vain. Ask yourself, am I really living for God? Am I impacting my community, surroundings, people I encounter? We don't have to do something spectacular. All we have to do is be true in our relationship. People notice the small things in our character that we completely forget about that points to Jesus. Am I treating EVERYONE the same? Am I living life in His Will?  The truth of the matter is, our way of living will come up again. So let's make sure we are giving God our all no matter the cost. Jesus paid the hugest cost known to man. Let's return the favor. 

Friday, September 4, 2015

Fear Not!

Jeremiah 30:10 Therefore fear not, O my servant Jacob, says The Lord; neither be dismayed, O Israel: for, lo, I will save you from afar, and your seed from the land of captivity; and Jacob shall return, and be in rest, and be quiet, and none shall make him afraid. 

Hello all and today is not only Friday, but it is a #FearlessFriday! Make the hashtag come to life today by resting on the sure Word from The Lord. Think back to early childhood. I'm certain that many if not all who reads this has experienced a frightful moment during that time. It could have been those dreadful five minutes in the store looking for a parental. Perhaps, it was a horrific movie that prevented a good nights rest. Somehow once our parents came to our rescue, the terror in our minds quickly vanished. Just like that we felt relieved of all anxiety because mom and dad was present. See where I am going with this? 

Even as adults we still may feel troublesome while walking through dark times in our lives. However, we must not allow ourselves to become afraid. Why? Because God is ALWAYS present. When we were children we had to wait on mom/dad. Even now as adults we have to wait on law enforcement if there was trouble in our home. Not with God! God shows up within an instant because He is everywhere! That is why we can cheerfully go through obstacles because Jesus walks with us. Rest assured we are only walking through the valley, but should have the confidence of David which concurred, "I know YOU are with me." David knew God was with Him no matter what. Jesus promised to never leave or forsake us. Of course being humans, we tend to fear terribly too much. See it that we are believers, fear should not reign in us. Our faith should be the boldest element about us. Trials should be a launching pad for our faith, not a silencer. God wants to put us at ease, but He never said this walk would be easy. What are your fears? Talk to them, write them down, and speak The Word against them all. Speak with confidence, rebuke the devil, walk in boldness and wait on The Lord. Not that He is slacking, but He is simply building our trust through our trials. Fear not! Don't be dismayed. Your God will make a way! #FearlessFriday 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Less of Me

Matthew 23:12 "For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted" 

Humility is the most underrated characteristic a person can exhibit and is often never spoken of. Back in January I received a promotion at work, no big deal to me I told who I was going to tell and went about my business. Approximately two months later another coworker got a promotion in which a big show was made of it. Expressing how much more money the new position offered, getting a personal shopper, forgoing duties deemed lesser of the new position, purchasing a new car, and many other bouts of arrogance. At my place of employment promotions are accompanied with a 6 month probationary period to ensure that you are capable of fulfilling the duties of your new position. It is during this period that if you cannot fulfill the duties you are at risk of being terminated without the lengthy process it would normally take. I say all of that to say this, last Friday was that person's last day because in the midst of glorifying and exalting thyself the opportunity to learn and grow was missed. 

There are two lessons that should have been learned here. #1 If you think you know everything you'll never learn anything. #2 Wait for God to exalt you because if you don't He'll humble you. When God gives you a humbling experience it could mean one of two things. Either you have exalted yourself and He has to bring you back to where you should be OR He is preparing you for something extremely amazing. If it is the latter the humbling experience is to prepare you to be able to handle the power, authority, money, fame, or whatever God is going to do in your life.

So when someone has to describe you in 3 words let's hope humble will be one of those characteristics. Think of Jesus, He has so much power in His hands yet He still sat amongst the people. He talked with them, He walked with them, He ate with them. His promotion didn't exempt Him from any duties deemed by society as "less than". He washed the feet of His disciples!!! Being humble is not thinking less of yourself, but it's about thinking of yourself less. Try it!!! 

Monday, August 31, 2015

God Will Bring It To Pass!

Isaiah 46:11 "...Yes I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it.

Hello, all! Fearless Faith will be doing something new for the next few months. We will be going from five days to three day a week posts. Don't worry it is just temporary. That also gives you time to dig into The Word on your own time.

So, today's post is simply saying don't fret! Oftentimes, we feel the need to figure out why certain things are happening to us and want to build a plan to "fix" our situation. This scripture reminds us that God has NOT forgotten about us. We have to remember that God truly wants the best life for us. If it is in His Word then it will surely be done in our lives. God doesn't speak just because it sounds good or to hear Himself talk. He means what He says. The reason we doubt isn't because He is taking too long or playing with us. Doubting in this case, comes from fear, mistrust, and lack of knowledge. Planting more Word on good soil produces that mustard seed faith we need to please God. Understand that you are here on purpose. God saved you on purpose. Nothing that has been done concerning you is in vain. Try not to let your situation have you and give your situation to Jesus. Let's exercise repeating scripture in confidence knowing God has already came to our rescue. He helped us before we even knew we needed help.

Don't fret; God is not through with you yet! You are loved, valued, unique, and hand picked by God. That's enough to be excited about. I want to leave you with this song by Tina Campbell called, Destiny. It is a beautiful song inspired by a rough time in her life which God spoke to her saying, "It is not over." Yes, it seems bleak, but you are purposed. I know you are feeling weak, but hold on. I have so much good things in store for you. God may be speaking those things to you, listen to Him. He does not lie. Believe that He will fulfill His Promises in your life.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Be True To YOU

It's FRIDAY...Freedom Friday!!! Let's talk about being true today, true to yourself. This is a crazy crazy world we live in and the one thing we all probably have in common is no one likes to be lied to. Ironically, the same people that don't like being lied to end of lying either to someone else or worst of all to themselves. Take everything and everyone else out of the picture and focus on yourself for a minute. What kind of lies have you told yourself lately? Have you been so consistent in lying to yourself that you believe it yourself? Your outward should reflect your inward and sadly that isn't the cast generally. Some of us walk around with lively with a bright smile when we're actually dead inside living in darkness trying so hard to conceal the truth. You no longer have to be that person. Confide in God and allow Him to guide you to the earthly being He has equipped to help you through being proud of your truth. Free yourself from the lies that you keep telling yourself which are also the lies that are holding you back from being a better you for the Kingdom. The worst injuries are self-inflicted so if you wouldn't want anyone else to harm you then stop harming yourself. 


Thursday, August 27, 2015

For Your Good!

Psalm 119:71 It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn Your statutes.

It is #ThankfulThursday! What are we thankful for today you may ask? Well, we are thankful for trials. Some of you may be saying huh? It is okay. Everything will make since later. So one day I was watching Nat Geo Wild. Not too much on television these days that can stimulate my mind, so I said why not? On this particular segment, the narrator was focusing on lions, the Kings of the jungle. One fun fact I learned, is that lions absolutely dislike water. See, I knew they were my favorite for a reason. I dislike water too. Ha! Anyways, turns out the very thing they disliked was an instrument used to keep them alive and feed themselves. These lions had to travel through the water because their prey was coming for them. So, even though they probably despised every step they took through that water, they knew it was necessary to get to the other side. Or maybe they were too busy thinking about eating that they didn't care about the water for those few minutes. Those lions were moving pretty swiftly. Nevertheless, they did what it took to secure their life and nourish their hunger. 

We can learn a thing or two from nature. One being to not look at certain happenings as a set back and look at it as a tool to get closer to God. Each day we should be striving for a better relationship with Him. Even more so when our backs are against the wall. God wants us to be wise enough to trust Him through EVERYTHING. I mean, the lions did. They didn't throw a pity party. God gave them clear instructions as He gives us and they immediately obeyed. Sometimes, in order to get our blessing we have to go through trials which is something everyone dislikes. Remember to keep your eyes on Jesus and His Promises. That's the best way to handle manuvering through this life. David said, it was good that he was afflicted, because he was able to learn more about God. That's what we should be doing during our life problems, seeking more of God. So again, it is #ThankfulThursday peeps. Find God in the midst of your situation and listen to His guidance. Your blessing will be there waiting on the other side. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

What To Expect When You're Expecting

Psalm 77:14 "You are the God who does wonders; You have declared Your strength among the peoples" 

A few weeks ago my good friend who is the founder of "Use Your Words the Movement" declared it to be birthing season. God has planted something in each and every one of us that is fed by His Spirit and His Word. While the seed may have been planted a long time ago the ability to grow is dependent on your willingness to properly feed and nurture it. While I have never birthed a child I am familiar with the process having watched those close to me experience it. Conception is the beginning of the process in which the egg is fertilized and placed inside the woman's uterus (I know I know TMI but bear with me) and is often unbeknownst at the time. The woman eventually starts to experience changes within herself which alerts who that something is growing inside of her. There are a various emotions a woman will experience during this time and it varies between women.

Pregnancy is a process that can, at first, be concealed. However, there comes a point where what is growing inside this woman (often referred to as a gift from God) can no longer be hidden and must be shared. It is the gift of life! One can only imagine the excitement of God allowing you to bring life into this crazy world. There will be lots of questions and expectations from that mother from the moment the pregnancy is revealed. Some she will have answers to and some she will not. There are certain things expecting women can't do and there are certain things they can't consume while their seed is maturing. Eventually, the level of comfort for both the mother and the baby decreases which is an indication of birthing time! From that moment things change forever from things that you expected to things you never saw coming, but it's okay because God is with you.

I'm sure at this point you're wondering "What's YOUR point?". My point is that when God has planted something in you it has to come out. It is inevitable to conceal the gifts that God has given for His glory. So expect the unexpected when God is working in your life. Good things will happen and not so good things will happen, but keep going. Labor is the toughest part of the pregnancy process (so I've heard) and it is also the last part of it. If you're uncomfortable right now, in pain, and feel like you've come to an ending point then you are probably in the birthing process. Don't give up, see it through because the best is yet to come. As we previously expressed here on our blog "God doesn't want you to be perfect, He wants you to be willing". Be willing to experience some pain on the way to experiencing joy. Be willing to leave behind everything that's most familiar (Abraham/Lot), be willing to go into the fire (Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego), be willing to get swallowed up by a whale (Jonah), be willing to dream big (Joseph), be willing to die (Jesus).

So what do we expect when we're expecting? Expect the UNexpected! #FearlessFAITH  

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Come See A Man!

John 4:29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?

Hey, hey! Another day that The Lord has made especially for you! Aren't you glad? You should be. Anywho, let's dig into this scripture. So much is happening in this verse. Out of her excitement, shock, and faith she proclaims to everyone, to Come see a Man! Jesus just finished telling this woman about her life. In her mind she was just going to the well to get water not get read like hooked on phonics. In today's terms yes that was the ULTIMATE read. He basically, shared her whole life with her and she is wondering how does He know these things about me. That's simple. On the outside looking in we know that Jesus knows EVERYTHING. However, while Jesus was walking the earth people weren't so acknowledging of that fact. Even today, with everything God has done and is doing for us we still fail as a human race to acknowledge and believe in God. Now just imagine what is running through her mind after this talk she had with Jesus. Probably the same questions we have today when God speaks through people concerning us about our lives. We all have or will go through those same emotions at some point. For example, when it seems like the pastor is talking directly to you during the sermon. If you didn't know, it's not the pastor broadcasting your business it is God speaking through him to teach and convict.

God loves us and corrects us when we aren't living the best possible life here on earth. Just as He took time to meet the woman at the well, He will take time to meet us in our "well state." Now what we do after God meets us is totally up to us. Absolutely love how on fire she was after talking with and believing in Jesus. It takes you back to when you first heard about Him. Remember when you first got saved? Definitely remember how I wanted to tell everyone and anyone what God did for me. It was a special kind of fire stirred in me that I thought would never burn out. Even though it hasn't burned out, it is not burning as intense as it used be. As Christians, we have to keep the fire ignited. Telling others about Christ is our MAIN purpose on earth. It is easy to get side tracked with our lives, jobs, families, etc...that we put Jesus on the back burner. He isn't to be forgotten or hidden. He is to be The Light that shines through us every day! We can learn from that woman at the well. Our walk should be pointing to Jesus just as she did. Spreading the Good News and proclaiming to all to, "Come See A Man!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Question Is...

Today is a new day and none of us knows what today will hold, but we know that we're not alone in facing it. So today the question is: Where do you want to be? At this point every school in the southern region of the United States is back in session. Generally the beginning of the year encompasses many questions in which we are told to set goals for the remainder of the year. Some of us even have to set career goals at very immature points in our lives. This years marks the second year of graduate school for me. While I'm very grateful to have the opportunity it took a while to get here. Why? Because, at the age of 9 I made plans for my life and my career none of which came to pass no matter how hard I tried because it wasn't in line with God's plan. Often times we think we have it all figured out when life isn't designed that way. It's okay to "not know" when God is leading you because you are in good hands.

So when deciding where you go from here ask yourself these questions...Is God where you want to be? If not, why be there? Is where you are where God wants you to be? I'm at a point in my life where I don't want to be anywhere that God isn't is is not allowed. God's presence is needed in my life at all times (to protect me, to guide me, and to keep me). Don't focus so much on the ending just take time to enjoy the journey.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Follow Back

Matthew 4:19 "Then He said to them, Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men" 

Happy Friday!!! Let's switch it up a little today and do "Follow Friday" instead of "Freedom Friday". This is a generation of "social media" where all communication can be done without ever leaving the comfort of your own home as well as without having to open your mouth to speak. Sadly, some measure their level of success by the amount of followers they have acquired on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, SnapChat, and etc. Now, I personally don't have a lot of followers on any social media outlet; however, I do have my rules. The major rule being if I follow you and you don't follow back within 24-48 hours (depending on my mood) I will unfollow. Yes, I'm very aware that it is a petty way of behaving, but that's just what I do.

Now, were designed to follow...Christ that is! Jesus is the one who should have an infinite amount of followers, yet from the looks of things Kim Kardashian, Beyonce, and Nicki Minaj may have more followers than Him. Actions speak louder than words. We may profess our love for the Holy Trinity on Sunday, but our lives don't truly depict that of a follower of Jesus Christ (and that includes what we share on social media) Monday through Saturday. So stop what you're doing to follow Christ.

The scripture above comes after satan had been tempting Jesus in the wilderness in an attempt to get Him to follow Him versus carrying out the task that the Father had given Him. Be careful who you're following in reality as well as the realm of social media. Your eyes are ears are openings that allow what you see and what you hear to enter into your mind which could eventually enter into your heart, hardening it to the truth that is Jesus Christ. After Jesus left the wilderness unscathed by satan He was able to carry out His mission.      

It's amazing what God will do for you if only you follow the lead of Jesus Christ in your life who God has appointed as your G.P.S (God Provided Support).

#FollowFriday #FearlessFAITH  

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Be Aware!

Colossians 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

Hello, hello! It is Thursday peeps and boy is this scripture relevant! Have you ever came across people described in the leading verse? You know, the ones that use eloquent speech mixed with enticement and agressively try to make you believe it came from The Bible? Funny thing is, when you read with The Wisdom of God you don't see it. Well, that's exactly who we should keep our distance from. Just as the picture states, we should bear fruit. Not just any fruit, but the fruit of the Spirit(Galatians 5:22-23).

If your teacher/supervisor told you to go home and grow apples, would you grow oranges? No. So why should we depart from His Word in regards of the fruit we bear? Never let anyone entice you to go against God. It is vital that we know, understand, live, and spread His Word in that order. That's part of the problem. Most miss the understanding and living part. They just read and start spreading their own version and if they word it right, it starts to sound pretty good. Remember almost doesn't count. It almost sound like The Bible, Almost is a lie. Sound doctrine breathes God's Holy Word. God's Word is not to give us a sensation, applaude our sin, and ease our guilt. However, people will try to make you believe that it's okay to sin everyone does. When Romans 6 declares otherwise. Also, be mindful of the self righteous who judge EVERYONE. They have so many rules it ain't funny(excuse my grammar). Have you met the "it's a sin for women to wear pants," "you MUST attend church four times out of the week," or my favorite "you going to hell!" That's not of God.

Best way to discern is again getting to know YOUR God by opening up that Bible. Sacrifice time for just you and Him. Soak everything He gives you in and pray you never depart from it. Today, people get so caught up on the "show" of being godly that they miss out on God all together. Don't let that be you. We can be nuts FOR Jesus just not nuts WITHOUT Him.

                #Beware #KnowHisWord #FF14

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Come Back

Hosea 14:4 "I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely, for My anger has turned away from him" 

Sometimes it may seem like God is far away from you and it may very well be true. If in fact God is far away from you it is not because He has chosen to distance Himself. The distance is usually due to our own fleshly desires which results in us turning away from Him. It's okay to go back to God. He's actually waiting on you to do so so that you can continue your journey with Him. God's love for you is unconditional and greater than your love of sin. Allow Him to forgive you, allow Him to love you, allow Him to guide you.

Let us not get so caught up in where we want to go that we disregard God and ignore His guidance. We are fed and led spiritually by the Word of God; therefore, if we turn away from it it is inevitable that we will begin being fed and led by the world.  Indeed, we may still be heading to the final destination that He has predestined for us, but we'll never actually make it without Him. The "shortcuts" that we take on our own often lengthens our journey because its not what God has designed for us.

Remember as a child when your mother/father would take you to the park (or anywhere outside of your home for that matter) and asked that you not leave their sight. This was in order to protect you. God, your Heavenly Father, wants nothing more than to protect you from the dangers and deceiving nature of this world. Don't go out of His sight, come back to Him He's not angry at you for leaving.

#FearlessFAITH #ComeBack  

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Lord, Increase!

Luke 17:5 And the apostles said to The Lord, increase our Faith.

Hello good people! It is yet another week and August is winding down. Time is moving fast which is why we can't waste time. Every opportunity we get to be with God should be cherished and ceased every day. It is on us to do so. God isn't going to force a relationship. He has done enough for us already. Look around. Saints should be running to The Throne daily. The world is in ruin. Just last week I was told about a demonic statue being placed in Detroit and Oklahoma with sculpted little children next to satan. Get this. They want to place this 7 foot foolishness beside The Ten Commandments. Just awful! People aren't hiding who they worship anymore. It is all out in the open for everyone to see. In times like these, who wouldn't need more of God?

So, the leading scripture shows the apostles telling Jesus to increase their faith. Ever needed a replenishment from Jesus? I'm sure we all have and will as long as we are living on this earth. We get that increase when we read our Word. How can we exercise true faith if we barely know Who we have faith in? There is no way we can solely depend on the inspirational social media statuses and this blog for spiritual guidance. What we must do is dig into our Word. Not just reading it to say we did, but asking God for understanding of His Word. Many read, but few actually understand what God is truly saying to us. The Bible is the ONLY book I know that can provide Peace, Joy, Correction, Renewal, and Wisdom. God tells us how to maneuver through life in His Word. Want to know why people are so stressed? Lack of Word. Can't just glaze over scripture, feel a sensation, then call it a day. That Word has to take root, has to be watered, cultivated in our hearts, and then will sprout in our lives. Whatever we may need from God rests in His Word. Need an increase? Well, increase your time with Him. It is amazing how much fulfillment we can get by just spending quality time with Him. God isn't a genie here to grant our every little wish. It is our faith that opens the door to our blessings. Jesus later told the apostles that their faith can move a sycamore tree out of its root to the sea all by a mustard seed ounce of faith. They would have never known if Jesus had not told them. Jesus is The Living Word, but He is not walking around earth anymore. Now we have The Word to go to for our increase of knowledge and understanding. Utilize it. Increase your daily reading and watch God increase your faith in Him.

                  #Increase #ReadYourBible

Friday, August 14, 2015

Shut It!!

Phillipians 3:13 "Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind me and straining toward what is ahead," 

It's FRIDAY!!! And what a week this has been! Two things that are exciting about the end of this week #1 we don't ever have to see it again #2 we made it through to prepare for another week. You can't get ahead if you keep going back. Yes I know the pit of the week may have encompassed some challenges and disappointments as I'm sure the week peaked with some victories and exciting moments. Either way no need to dwell on either because we're not done. There is so much more for each of us and that is why we must refrain from going to that closed door. 

It's funny how God takes us through something and put an end to it yet WE feel like there is still more to come of it when it's really not. We continue to go back to what God has already deemed over. And in that sense we're stuck in a cycle of hurt, disappointment, distrust, and etc. Free yourself of all of that on this good ole Freedom Friday. Leave the door closed that God has shut because you probably don't want to experience what is going on on the other side. Praise God all the way to the next door that He opens for you. There is a Gospel song called "Praise Him in Advance" because what God is taking you to is definitely better than where he's taking you from. Don't allow your discomfort to become comfortable. Move when God says move! Remember He has given us Christ as our G.P.S. (God Provided Source). Let Him be your guide, your counselor, your comforter, and anything else you need. 

#FearlessFAITH #FreedomFriday #ShutIt  

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Picture This! August 2015

Hello, hello! It's that time for another picture this moment! Ready? So, imagine this person growing up in church doing all the right things. It's like clock work. Every Sunday he is there not to mention the weekly Bible study. Everyone knows this guy to be great! He has been doing the same routine since he was a little boy. People expected him to preach, so he did. Young man started his own church and gained many followers because of it. Years went by and he was the talk of the town. This man was very well known in the community. He gets older and starts to suffer from health issues. People were worried. They didn't want to lose such a great guy just yet. Unfortunately, his time was up. Now, he is being judged by God. God tells him about all the signs that were done in His Name and said depart from Me because your work was through sin. I don't know you! Wow! Imagine his shock. This man has been zealous all his life and God doesn't even know Him? How is that possible? Well, I will be glad to explain.

Going to church and showing up at weekly church functions doesn't qualify anyone for salvation. If read carefully, there was no discussion about His Love for God or people. All his life was centered around was outward show and others approval. Notice, people assumed he should preach and he did. God didn't call him. This guy then starts his own church for popularity and not for service. We MUST be careful about not falling into the same snare. The Disciple Challenge has taught me thus far what loving God is all about. It is easy to get caught up in our own zeal that we forget why we are truly saved. Jesus loved us so in turn we love Him. Jesus sacrificed so we sacrifice DAILY. Jesus obeyed His Father as we should obey our Father. But Jeus did all those out of Love. Love is what we need to get back to because Love covers the Ten Commandments. We will never go wrong when we genuinely love God. Loving God is more difficult than loving anyone else because He is so easily put on the back burner. Evaluate yourself. Can you picture it?

“Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy Name? and in ThyNname have cast out devils? and in Thy Name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7:22‬-23 KJV‬‬

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

We Are One!

Matthew 18:19 "Again I say to you if two of you agree concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven"

One is a number that we've deemed to be lonely, of lesser value, and etc. when in fact one can be very powerful. One day can change everything, one man can change the world (i.e. Jesus), and one decision could change your life (i.e. dedicating your life to Christ). Here in Houston, TX there is a graffiti painted bridge that says "Be Someone" which is an inspiring message to see during your morning commute each day. Well, last week the bridge was altered to say "Be One" which was met with much criticism. It was baffling to see the outrage of what I perceived to be a very strong message considering the not so subtle division amongst our nation racially, religiously, politically, and domestically. Being one doesn't necessarily mean you're standing alone or separating your individual person apart from the whole. Being one is indicative of being a cohesive unit to attain a certain dynamic that will keep us in a state of progression versus regression.

How can we agree less we come together as one fellowship?  As yesterday's post proclaimed fellowship is the glue that hold us together as one. We are a people united under God, "indivisible" yet as a whole we act as if that is not the founding principle of our country (it actually isn't which is a different RANT but just go with it here lol). We sometimes even act as if it's not the founding principle of the Church. Awesome things can happen if we could come together to be on one accord. The body of Christ is made up of many members, each having their own purpose necessary for the full function of the body. Let's not get so caught up in being someone that we forget to be one. Our God-given purpose is not just self-gratifying it should benefit the entire body in some way. Take the time out to focus on establishing cohesive relationships so that we can come together to be one force against all that will come our way.

Many blessings flow and revelations seen when we are in atonement (at one) with God. So let's no longer see "Be One" as an insult, but instead a little encouragement to put our own selfish desires aside to be the church, the nation that is continually progressing for the good our everyone.

#FearlessFAITH #BeOne  

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


What's going on peeps? Today, we are going to discuss fellowship. There use to be a time when our neighbor was our friend. If we needed anything, they helped us. Likewise, if they needed anything we would help them. Not just the person across the street, but really anyone. Now times have drastically changed. Most of us barely know our neighbors and we are perfectly fine with that. As long as they stay on their side, we are good. Let's not get started on the church. The time we spend together if you can count it, is usually only in church. Somewhere down the line we stopped cultivating relationships. Silly, because that's the only way we can cohesively work together. The arm has a relationship with the hand. As do the leg with the knee, so we need to as well. How can we edify and be a working member of the body of Christ when we barely speak to one another? Holding grudges, bitterness, or whatever else that is keeping us from forming that relationship should not be a hinderance. For instance, I have the pleasure of meeting with two young ladies I've never met before. We all are doing The Disciple Challenge. God is good because I couldn't afford The Redeemed Girls trip to fellowship and grow my relationship with Christ. So, in turn He provided this challenge sent to me.

First day was yesterday and let me tell you, it was awesome! We were on video chat discussing our lives, struggles, God's Word, answered questions, and ended with prayer. It opened my eyes because you never know who is going through the same things as you which is why fellowship with each other is important. We get so closed off that we forget it is therapeutic to be able to discuss life with others in a positive environment, of course. The Challenge was mandate that we text as little as possible because texting isn't real conversation. It's the lazy man's way of communicating, honestly. Furthermore, our fellowship with Jesus should be MOST important! Sacrifice time for Him because He is giving us time for everything else. Also, make time to talk to someone you barely talk to. Catch up with that friend or family member. Perhaps make a new friend. I'm getting to know two awesome young ladies! It's a sacrifice, but a well worth sacrifice. Don't get so busy that you forget what is important. Jesus pushed fellowship while He was here on earth. He wasn't closed off and to Himself. The same path we are to take. Be open. Make the sacrifice because we don't have the time we think we have. Love through fellowship while you can! May not have another chance.

#Fellowship #GrowTogether #Sacrifice

Monday, August 10, 2015

Let's Go

Psalm 32:8 "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with my eye" 

Let's reflect back to a point in time when our cellphones weren't an all encompassing tool. Actually, let's reflect back to a time when they didn't even exist and we relied on familiarity to travel from place to place or an actual roadmap. Some people found maps helpful while others found them to be confusing preferring not to use them and staying within the areas they were most familiar. Today is much different in that we have so many tools to go many places beyond our comfort zone, reach more people, and accomplish more things. One thing the past and the present have in common is God as our guide and the Bible as our road map. Although today there are still many people who find the Bible confusing and overwhelming (much like roadmaps) we have so many more ways to reach people and get them into the Word with various translations that make reading and understanding easier, but the one thing a Bible app cannot give you is a relationship with God. There is a tremendous difference in knowing of someone and actually having a personal relationship with that person. Same is applicable to God.

As children our parents are instructed in Proverbs 22:6 to raise us up in the way we should go while the scripture above leaves the responsibility for being guided by God on us. In order for God to guide us we must see eye to eye with Him since that is how the scripture says He will guide us. Which means we must be able to communicate and understand one another. We must trust God enough to fearfully and fearlessly go where He is telling to go, do what He is telling us to do, and say what He is telling us to say. That's right, we must be fearful of the Father and the consequences of disobeying His commands and not allowing Him to guide our lives. We must also fearlessly go where He leads despite what it looks like or feels like. Let nothing you face affect your confidence in God, your self-assurance, nor your ability to accomplish your task. I saw a picture that read "The ship that you're waiting for to come in, may very well be the ship that you need to build." You may not be a carpenter, but guess who is? You guessed it!! Jesus was and still is a carpenter and anything/anyone else you need Him to be.

So are you ready? Don't ask God for guidance if you're not willing to move your feet! You can't go anywhere if you don't move and you definitely can't make a powerful move without Christ. He is your G.P.S . (God Provided Source). So let's go!!!

#FearlessFAITH #LetsGo #GPS

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Are You Watching?

Matthew 24:42 Watch therefore: for you don't know the hour your Lord will come.

Hello great people! This is a special post due to sudden happenings. Couldn't wait until next week to share and you will find out why. So, I was awaken out of my sleep. Only to be up thinking about the state of this world. With so much going on personally, in my community, and country I can definitely say my heart was grieved. In my sorrow, I turned to God. With bundles of questions, I lay waiting on a response. Why this and why that, God? Black people aren't able to be citizens without dying. Families are not speaking to each other. Churches are too busy having programs than evangelizing. Christians are too busy worrying about ourselves. Schools don't have enough funds. People are walking in complete darkness while we continuously only pray for ourselves. Leaders are crooked. The elderly have worked their whole life taken care of others and aren't being taking care of in their old age. Why, Lord? In my questioning, He already provided an answer. Reaching for my Bible, ironically I turned to Matthew 24. Of course I smiled because boom, that's the answer!

These are not the times that I should be questioning, but watching! Pay attention is what God was telling me. This is only the beginning. It is so easy to get side tracked in our personal affairs that we forget the true mission on earth. What's the true mission as a Christian? It is spreading The Gospel. Not making someone believe, but letting them know there is another way, the ONLY way to truly live in every aspect of the word which is through Jesus Christ! I urge all to engage in Matthew 24. Let God speak to you and your walk. Be mindful of the rest of your time here on earth. Don't be caught slipping or unaware. Yes, no man knows the exact time when Jesus comes back, but that doesn't mean to slack concerning His Will. In fact, we are warned not to be slacking, but you have to read it to know, which is why I'm not going to input a reference scripture. Be mindful. Be steadfast! Ask yourself. Are YOU watching?