Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Where Is Your Faith?

Hello people! March is winding down and April is around the corner. Today, we are going to touch on a subject we love to talk about, but rarely exercise, FAITH. The very element that is vital to our spiritual relationship with God. I mean how is it possible to be saved BY faith and fail to operate that SAME faith in our lives? Good question, right? The same question an unbeliever would ask out of confusion. How is it that a go tell it on the mountain, singing, dancing, teaching, blogging, and preaching Christian is ready to give up so easily? Where is your faith? Do we know how incredible Jesus' death was for us? Can you understand how ridiculous it sounds to believe in Someone you have never met that happens to control everything and also made everything? In addition, we have the nerve to believe God is real, willingly died for us, was resurrected AND will save us from hell? That is a tremendous amount of trust. So, why are the day to day challenges so difficult? Think about it. Have you really pondered your salvation and the depths of what you are telling people you believe? Are we as daring in our actions as we are with our declarations?  No, because we fail to trust Him for trivial matters that are a given on this journey WE accepted to venture on while accepting Jesus in our hearts. Talk about disrespect. Can you imagine how God feels watching us talk to Him like a (excuse my real)  nigga on the street? Like He does not have ALL Power? Like He is unable to keep HIS Promises?! Yeah God I believe you, but not really. However, can you bless me anyway? We aren't even convinced in our hearts, yet still expect God to do His Thing without holding up our end of the bargain-FAITH.

Oh sure, I trust God to deliver me from hell and have this awesome paradise set up for me where I will have no worries at all, but I do not trust Him to pay my bills, to marry the right person, to heal me, to mend broken relationships, and to break curses? Looking back at Jesus' life, healing people was child's play in comparison to saving our wretched souls from hell. So, I ask again where is your faith? Are we able to realistically believe in Him to deliver us from hell and not deliver us from day to day problems that we encounter?  I ask because our faith as the church, as His bridegroom, is at an all time low in my opinion. We do not believe in healing or that God will provide. We will rather say a weak prayer with doubt because cancer is such a horrific disease Jesus could not possibly heal that person. Jesus can't pay my bills, I just have to work three jobs. Is this the more abundant life He promised us? I am not saying every disease will be healed. I am saying we need to stop acting as though God can't do it by living this mundane Christian lifestyle with stale belief that is only shown via mouth and not lived with the Power Of God moving in us. No one likes anything stale because it has no taste, it is useless, and unwanted. So is faith without works! Remember "Oh taste and see?" We can't advertise to the world stale bread and have the nerve to wonder why they aren't converted. Jesus isn't stale bread. He was manna in the flesh! I have seen God heal, perform miracles, and breakthroughs for myself recently, not talking in "yester-years."

Where is your faith? Is your light shining consistently? By light I mean is your trust in God so deep that it lights your path so that others are drawn to The Light, meaning Jesus? Does God even believe you have faith in Him? That may be a good reason as to why your "prayers" are not being heard. Where is your faith? Is it in your heart? Is it disposable? Is it convenient? Is it unmovable? Is it tied to this worldly magical emotion that soon fades once trouble approaches? Do we tell our situation to God in confidence or in doubt? Where is it? Is it visible? Is it helping anyone?
                                                        WHERE IS YOUR FAITH?

Sunday, March 27, 2016

He Still Resurrects!

It is Resurrection Sunday people! God has blessed us to celebrate one more time together in gratitude of what His Son, Jesus did for us thousands of years ago. His innocent Blood was shed for you, just for you. His Love was stretched from left to right, up and down on The Cross. His patience was between the two thieves that represented us. That's another story because those two thieves represents the two kinds of people in this world. However, Jesus faithfulness to us kept Him there. Jesus was exalted in the midst of His enemies. In the midst of His ridicule, shame, and agony he was high and lifted up! Just as with us and our turmoil of life God will lift us up. He said He has already prepared a table for us in the presence of our enemies. For all of those going through remember The Cross and remember that He did not stay there. Jesus got up! God raised Him from the dead just as He will raise us from our seemingly dead places in life. Jesus went to hell and preached. Are we still preaching in our hellish lives? Are we still proclaiming the soul saving power of Jesus when we are going through trials in life? Jesus showed God's Power never left. God's Power never leaves us. We may leave Him, but He is always there! Even when we feel like we are unable to feel Him, all we have to do is ask. Ignite God's Power over every situation in your life.

 Now, every day is a declaration of what Jesus did for mankind. I know we have our days when we feel like giving up. Jesus shared those same moments with us, but nevertheless He said not my will, BUT let YOUR Will be done! So speak The Word when you are having those same struggles. God has purposed you and your living is not in vain, just hold on. Your Resurrection from your dead places is coming! God is STILL resurrecting! 

Friday, March 4, 2016

Eliminating Waste

Isaiah 52:2 "Shake off your dust; rise up, sit enthroned, Jerusalem. Free yourself from the chains on your neck, Daughter Zion, now a captive" 

Let us continue marching on through 2016 growing and staying focused on the goals we've set for ourselves. I'm excited to see what God has in store for us as we switch our focus to redemption, forgiveness, and grace this month.

As I sat struggling to stay awake in an evening work meeting yesterday God saw fit to use that "boring" moment to reveal a message to me. My exhaustion during that meeting stemmed from being emotionally, mentally, and physically drained as we all have our days. God encouraged me to "stay awake". The objective in the meeting was to assess a process within the department in order to improve it following an integration. My role in this is to serve as a facilitator ensuring that the team stays on task; however, there are moments (such as yesterday) when my presence is not much needed. After about an hour of laying out the current process the head facilitator moved to the next task on the agenda which was to identify any waste in the process. Oh, now you've gotten my attention.

One could regard their life as a process in the sense that there are certain types of ways we tend to operate. Your process could be working, but there also could be room for improvement. When assessing a process it is important to identify wastes. What is waste? Waste is anything that consumes resources without adding value. One type of waste is "moving" waste whereas we actively go back and forth physically, mentally, or emotionally unnecessarily which slows down the process. Another type of waste is "stopping" waste in which you are completely stuck waiting on something or someone which hinders your process. The last waster I'd like to mention is "searching" waste whereas we spend an excessive amount of time searching for things in all of the wrong places.

We should operate in such a way that promotes growth and in order to do so we must "Stay Awake". Waste has the ability to accumulate in and around you forming a hinderance, don't allow it. If something doesn't add value to your life it is considered a waste; of space and of time. If you find yourself going back and forth with something or someone it is considered a waste; of energy. Just as the above scripture says, shake off your dust and free yourself from the chains that are holding you back. Redemption has been given to you (vs.3) and it is only through God's grace.

Eliminate that Waste!!!

#FearlessFAITH #EliminateWaste #March2016