Friday, October 30, 2015

Yes or No

Hello again! Not quite the last day of the month, but we are close! This is a great time to prepare for the next month. Let's not bring any old baggage into the month of November. Well, it is great practice to start anew each day. Today, we will free ourselves of all that have us bound. Best way to do that is give it to God. How? Talk to Him in prayer. I am definitely guilty of not utilizing my privilege of communing with God lately. This semester has been so topsy turvy, I have been doing and trying every other way to get answers or escape. God stunningly reminded me that only He can give me the answers I need. Notice I said, need. Oftentimes, we go to God "searching" for the right path when we really want Him to tell us what we want to hear. His answers will not always be, yes. Whatever He is keeping us from is for protection. God is not trying to be mean when He says no. We have to pray being just as open to His no as we are to His yes. The only constant yes we need to keep in mind is a repetitive yes to His Will no matter what.

So take this time to free yourself of yourself. Think about what exactly you are asking God for. What if He doesn't give it to you? Are you going to pout or shout in gratitude? Yes, shout gratitude because again we should be just as happy when He says no as we are when He says, yes. An answer from God is good whether we like it or not. He doesn't have to talk to us in the first place. Furthermore, if we don't want to hear an answer then we shouldn't ask the question, right? So, whether it is yes or no be thankful anyway. It's not our will, remember?

#FreedomFriday #YesorNo 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

No Filter - Know Your Worth

Today we are a social media driven society, which is a gift and a curse. Social media has sensationalized life to the point where we lack discernment of what living really is. We now have access to the "lives" of so many people that we don't take the time to live our own lives. We look at Suzie's pictures and videos on Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube and strive to be like her as if the life we've been given isn't worth living. It has become mandatory to post every milestone in your life on social media where statements have been made like "It's not real until you see if on Facebook". Instead of living in the moment at a concert or event we bring our phones out to record never really taking the time to enjoy the moment.

Check out the worship song and allow it to infiltrate your mind, your heart, and your soul. Understand that we aren't free we are enslaved to the world of social media where we actually become less social with the people we are around daily and most importantly God. Don't forget how much God deemed you to be worth. Know that living YOUR life is good enough for Him. You never have to update God on how you are doing, what you have, and who you're with because He is the giver of all those things. God accepted you just as you were and if you haven't yet given your life to Him He will accept you just as you are. There is no filter necessary when God looks at you. You don't have to look a certain way or obtain a certain status He will receive you any way.

#KnowYourWorth #NoFilter #FearlessFAITH 

Monday, October 26, 2015


Good day people! It is time to start our week out strong in The Lord! One word we would like to focus on is intentional. In order to achieve anything in life, it has to be intentional. We have to train our minds for faith, love, peace, and joy. Those things are not just going to come out of thin air. Oftentimes, we expect God to do something when He is actually waiting on us to use what He has already given us. He gave us His Word, His Spirit, and His Son. What more do we need? Jesus coming was intentional to save us from hell. His life on earth was intentional to set an example for all of how we are suppose to live as believers. The Cross was intentional to cover the sins of the whole world. His ressurection was intentional because it displayed God's Faithfulness and Power. Jesus lived with the intentions of setting us free. We must live with the intentions of being free. It's all in our mind. Just as the old saying states, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste." Nothing good can happen if we think negative all of the time. God wants us to deposit more positive words in our mind that will produce positive actions which leads to a positive lifestyle. Yes, the things we speak hold weight, but don't forget our thoughts can be lively or deadly as well. So be intentional this week. Love intentionally. Be happy on purpose. I know it's Monday, but you are alive and God didn't have to do that for you. Best way to train our minds is to stay in The Word. Let His intentions be your intentions! Have a good week!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Face Your Fears!

"To have courage is not the absence of fear, but it is the actions you take in spite of fear."
-Will Moffett Jr.

Good morning people! It's the middle of the week which means it is time for your mid week encouragement. Today, I am taking a quote my oldest brother told me during a conversation we had a few months back. It is most appropriate seeing how our whole purpose is to live a fearless lifestyle. Now with saying that, does that mean we never get scared? As Christians, are we so engulfed in our faith that our human emotions are obsolete? Why of course not! Oftentimes, we tend to fear before we utilize our faith. I mean we still are finite beings. However, God's Spirit doesn't allow us to be afraid for long! How many fearful situations have you been in? Did God not speak to you telling you to trust Him? Was His Peace not bestowed upon you? 

Throughout the Bible we can find so many courageous moments where God used people like us to bring glory to His name. Even today, God is still using people in the midst of their fear. I'm pretty sure David was fearful of fighting the big, bad, giant. The difference was, he didn't allow his fears to overcome his faith. Like I previously stated, we can't omit fear from our emotions. What we can do is look to God during those seemingly scary moments in life. I have friends who have left good ole Mississippi and never looked back. I deeply admire that because it takes courage to leave your home to go to an unknown place. They all knew God was with them which made the move easier. Sure there were nay sayers, but it didn't stop them. That's another thing we must take into account. Never allow people to direct you, but ONLY God. Who really believed David could win against a giant? If he listened to people God would not have been able to use him. This goes for you as well. Base your decisions on God. If He is telling you to go, then it doesn't matter what family, friends, and church family are saying. Likewise if He is telling you to stay, or take the new job, travel, whatever your fear is, consult with God. It's great to talk to other faith based people! God speaks through them(sometimes). But ultimately our decision should be based on His Will. 

So what are your fears? Some fear marriage, others fear heights, maybe it's a new chapter in life. Whatever they are, know God is hear and near waiting to empower us to conquer each one. Be encouraged and let's turn that fear into fearless faith! 

Monday, October 12, 2015

It Doesn't Stop There

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" 

Happy Monday!!! It's motivational Monday so let's just get right into it. There is a statement of encouragement "Prayer changes things" that we so frequently use in troubling situations. The statement is indeed very true, but let's dig deeper. We know that prayer is essential to our spiritual well-being; however, it is not reserved just for troubled times. For your prayer to change things you must first understand that life changing prayers are backed by power. How much power do you have? Your power is determined by your relationship with God. The more you allow God to control your thoughts, your actions, and your life the more powerful you become. 

Who is going to listen to someone they don't know? If a stranger on the side of the road asked you for a ride to their next destination would you take them? More than likely you wouldn't. And if a stranger offered to take you to your next destination versus you spending hundreds of dollars on a plane ticket would you go? Hopefully not. My point here is neither you nor God is going to listen to someone or do something for someone whom is unfamiliar. Now, this is where amazing happens. If Jane Doe (who has fallen ill) doesn't have a relationship with God, but she knew John Doe who does have a relationship with Him therein lies your power. Prayer should be a chain reaction because now John's prayer has opened the door for Jane to experience God first hand. It is now up to Jane to keep those lines of communication open and the prayers flowing even after God has healed her. 

Don't forget to spend time with God this week. When you spend time getting to know someone the sound of their voice reveals to you their state of mind for that day without having to explain it in words. When a mother has a child she learns what each cry means because that is her child and they've spent time bonding and communicating in a supernatural yet extraordinary way. This is true for God if we communicate with Him regularly He will be familiar enough with our voice to know what our cries mean and we'll be familiar enough with His voice to know what His direction is. Prayer doesn't stop at your blessing. As long as you are a faithful believer blessings will continually flow and because of that you should continually pray. 

#MotivationalMonday #PrayerChangesThings #ItDoesntStopThere    

Friday, October 9, 2015

Let It Rain!

Hello, hello! It's getting near to the end of the week. Some may have wondered how they were going to make it, but God brought you through! With that being said, let's talk about today's title. We tend to have a love/hate feeling towards rain. When there is a drought or a slight lack of rain, we beg for it. On the other hand, we curse the rain when it is longer than our expected time limit. Humans, so indecisive, yet so demanding. The nerve to complain about something we asked for. I mean we will do a rain dance and everything then when the rain comes, complain. Why not embrace the rain? How? Well, if we are prepared for it, the rain wouldn't bother us as much. Look at the terrible happenings in South Carolina. If the state was better equipped in preparation with the dams, that incident would have been avoided. So as you know I will relate this back to our spiritual walk with Christ.

God did not guarantee us sunny days every day. Knowing that, we should equip ourselves to withstand the rain AND embrace it. Noah was instructed to build an ark in preparation of God's Mighty Work. There was so much sin going on that God absolutely had enough. So much so He decided to allow it to rain over a month and destroyed everything during that time. Everything, but Noah's family and the animals he gathered were destroyed. God protected them because they were obedient. They weren't destroyed because they were prepared. Not only was Noah prepared, but he embraced the storm. He trusted God even though he may not have understood His Plan. That is the same way we should be. Our storms are meant to be embraced because it brings us closer to God. If we prepare ourselves by daily getting in His Word and praying, then we too can be at ease during the rainfall. Had a stormy week? Having a stormy semester or season? Don't stress; God is working! I want to leave you with this poem.

Oftentimes rain brings anew
Embrace it because He is growing you.
You're His delicate flower
That He needs to water.
Dance in the midst of the shower
Like David, our brother.
I know you may be experiencing some pain,
But find comfort in God that He will sustain.
So much so you can shout, "Let it Rain!"

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Hold On!

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not evil, to give you a future and hope" 

Well well well, it's hump day. By the end of the day most of us will feel some sort of relief that this week is almost over. Along with that relief will be the feeling of satisfaction that no mater what came against us we made it through. For some of us, myself included, it may not be the middle of the week that's giving us the relief and satisfaction. In those cases it's us getting over the hump in a challenging situation. For example, it's the middle of the semester for both Marissa and I. She has taken her midterms and I'm preparing for my graduate school qualifying exam next week in addition to working full-time AND researching. In addition to that there are the general things that life brings and I must say both of us have equally been through some tough situations these past few weeks. BUT GOD, has shown favor upon us and allowed us to push through and even beyond where we thought we were going.

In all of that the lesson learned is that God knows what He's doing. Maybe your plans fell through it was solely so that His plans (which are always better than yours) could come through. Can we just stop for a moment and praise Him just for that? God always comes through in the clutch when we didn't expect Him because we didn't think we needed Him. Yes, I did say when we THINK we don't need Him because subconsciously we act as if we don't. We must be careful not to get so ahead of ourselves that we get ahead of God's plans for us and the work that He is doing in and through us. So just sit tight and let God work it out. When your hands have been tied it's because God's hands are busy. It's okay rest in assurance that He has your best interest at heart because He loves you. 

Monday, October 5, 2015

You Are Forgiven!

Romans 4:7 "Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered."

Hello, hello! It's a new week which means new blessings! First blessing of course, is your life God so graciously gave you today. Did you thank Him? While we are in the thanking business, we should remain forever grateful for the leading scripture in today's post. Blessed are they whose sins are covered! Let's talk about it.

Let's think about the last time someone wronged you. Now, how many times can that SAME person do that before you completely cut them off? Not too many times, right? As humans, we can only endure so much from each other. Nowhere in our finite makeup can we tolerate the same negative behavior repeatedly without giving up and letting go. Good thing God is the COMPLETE opposite! See, He provides this spiritual phenomenon called Grace that enables us to still be saved even in our short comings.  Don't get it twisted! Grace doesn't mean God is sweeping our sin under the rug. He still acknowledges it and so should we. There will still be accountability for EVERYTHING we do, think, & say. Read up on that in Matthew 12:36. It is more so that God sustains us through Jesus Blood(only) in spite of the sin we commit.

You know the scripture "all have sinned..." So yes even us good Christians sin, BUT we are not slaves to sin. Sin does not and should not control us or The Cross would be of no effect. How can we say Jesus died for us to be made new if we still look the same? Who goes to a prestige store to buy hand me down clothes? Nobody. Just as God is not going to go to such great lengths to purchase us for us to still be living in the old man. Jesus Blood is powerful enough to change our life if we are willing to change. As believers, sin can only run a muck if we allow it. Even when we stray Jesus Blood is sufficient! Trust me, I know. However, since we proclaim to love God we should hate sin and anything displeasing to Him. The world still needs to see Hope. There are plenty more that needs His Forgiveness. Be the living example of what mighty works our God can do by allowing Him to conquer the sin in your life.

We are blessed! We are covered! We are forgiven. Never forget that.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Fall into Faith

Ecclesiastes 3:1 "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven" 

FALL IS HERE!!! It's a new month AND a new season and I fully look forward to everything that the fall brings. The aroma, change in color of the leaves (although we don't see it much here in Texas), and most of all THANKSGIVING is right around the corner. We should always always give thanks to our Lord and Savior no matter the season, but this is the time where we begin to display that sense of gratitude in excess which we'll discuss closer to the holiday. Now, for many of us although the season has changed not much around us has changed. It's the same ole same ole so you may be wondering why even bother acknowledging this "change". I mean, it's still hot outside, the leaves are still green, the summer flowers are still in bloom, and etc. Well, this is the perfect opportunity for me to share a bit of wisdom passed to me when I began working in my field a few years ago that I think could be tweaked to fit this situation.

"You have to do the job before you are given the title"

In all honesty, I thought that person was absolutely insane for giving me that type of "advice". At the time it seemed to me as though I was undervalued and overworked. As I grew more in my field I was afforded many opportunities being promoted each year since I began working. My last promotion was one that opened my eyes to the aforementioned advice in that I was fulfilling the duties of the higher position yet I was not initially considered for the position. That was fine because that position was there waiting for me to fill it just like your new season is there waiting on you to enter into it. Some people (including yourself) may not think the conditions are right just yet but before you know it you'll wake up and everything has changed.

Although it is fall with regards to weather each of us are in our very own seasons. We may have gotten to a point where the seasons seem to blur together and right when you are fully adjusted to one season here comes the other. In other words you may be going through something now and before you can fully come of that you're going into something else. This feeling isn't unique to just you so don't feel secluded as if God has left you out because that isn't the case. Also, what you're going through someone has already been through it so don't be afraid to acknowledge your issues because God may very well have someone in place to help you on the merit of their own experiences. So fall into your season the right way - full of faith. Be encouraged, greater is coming so thank God in advance.

#FallIntoFaith #FearlessFAITH