Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Thankful Thursday

1 Thessalonians 5:18 "In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you" 
For a majority of the people in Mississippi and surrounding states, this week has been eventful. Although we should give thanks to God everyday for His protection from things that we will never know He blocked, we should definitely thank Him for sparing us against the things we saw coming. Words cannot explain how grateful I am for the safety of all those who survived those storms neither can words explain the empathy I feel for those who lost their loved ones in those same storms. 
It is times like these that we have to take a step back to put things into perspective. It is not a time to question God instead we must seek God's hand in it all. This scripture says in EVERYTHING give thanks because everything that happens is the will of God concerning you! Therefore every storm has a purpose and you survived it because you are apart of that purpose!  

Check your prayer log...perhaps it was someone else's prayers that saved you. Even in a storm like that God is in control and He has a plan. No matter what or who was taken away from you in your storm YOU are still here and for that you must be grateful. 

Thank God in the midst of your storm because just as there is an entrance there is an exit.  


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

God's Voice

Some time ago a friend asked me what God's voice sounded like. In that moment I could not find the words to explain it, but I referenced it as a sense of feel more so than a sense of hearing. I can recall saying "you'll know it when you hear it" which as I reflect on the conversation today I realize that I wasn't very helpful. As my relationship with Christ has gone through ups and downs I have had seasons in my life where I didn't hear God's voice as much and/or as clear as I had in prior situations. I wondered why, but who am I to question God. I now know that the ability to hear God's voice and feel His presence is dependent on how focused you are on Him. 

Have you every been in a setting where a lot of things are going on around you and someone is trying to talk to you yet you are so distracted by your surroundings that you can't hear a thing they're saying? I mean, you know they're talking but you're not hearing or LISTENING to anything. Think of God being that person and the world around you being the distraction. It is so easy to become consumed with our jobs, finances, relationships, OTHER PEOPLE'S jobs, finances, and relationships. Some of us even focus on our gifts more than the Giver. When this happens in our lives God's voice is drowned out and we often lose our way. Thankfully, losing your way doesn't stop you from reaching your destiny. Once you've received God He will never depart from you...just like the prodigal son God is always ready to welcome you home (because He already knew you would be coming back). 

The closer you are to God the clearer His voice becomes and the quieter you become the more you are able to hear His voice. When you are focused on God you and Him are on one accord which means you will begin to think like Him versus trying to convince Him to think like you. His thoughts become your thoughts...His plans become your plans...His direction becomes your path. So to answer the question about God's voice...God speaks to us through our hearts. One of my favorite scriptures is Psalms 37:4 "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart"
That's a powerful scripture in that it shows us that we don't tell God what we want/desire, but as we become one with Him He gives us those desires/wants through our heart. 

So we have to check our surroundings to see who/what is drowning out God's voice. Who/what has you so consumed that you've neglected the One who loves you most and all that He has planned for you? Silence the world and open your heart...I'm sure God has a lot that He wants to say to you. 


Monday, April 28, 2014


I've constantly prayed for God to reveal to me His purpose for my life because it seemed like everything I have set out to do on my own has not prospered. From career paths to friendships to relationships things haven't turned out how I envisioned. This post is my personal testimony on the season I am currently in in my life. As the picture above states I want to inspire people thus the reason I started this blog. It is difficult to encourage others when you're discouraged yourself, but honestly when I read the blogs after "I" have written them I'm like WOW thanks God I needed that.  
Anyone who truly knows me knows I have a giving nature; not of things, but of myself. I go above and beyond myself for the good of others. I'm a selfless person who wants to see those around me be happy. It's not something that is easy and it's definitely a character trait I wish I didn't have because of all the emotions and disappointment that come with sacraficing yourself, but I got it honest as both my parents are exactly the same way.

Testimony Tuesday  
Over the weekend as I was watching Uplifting Entertainment the quote "you get what you put in" was the basis of the movie "Apple Mortgage Cake" and I TOTALLY DISAGREE with that quote!!  Everytime I heard it I got a little more angry. All my life I've given 110% in my work, school, community, friendships, relationships, family, and etc. only to be underappreciated, abused, used, betrayed, overlooked, ignored and etc. FACT God gets the glory for everything that I do; however, I'm still human. If I always gave and never received I'd be empty which is something that I've been struggling with. Last week I didn't post any blogs because I didn't feel like I was in a place to encourage anyone. Sometimes I need encouragement and support too, but that's when people seem to vanish. Shortly after God directed me to start this blog I lost my grandfather, have had family issues (on both sides), and even the love of my life slipped out of the nearest exit door during such vunerable season of my life. No one was there when I needed them although I'd always been there for everyone else. So most days it is VERY difficult for me to be encouraging and inspiring to anyone when it seems the world is crumbling around me. Despite all that is going on around me I will not be moved and John 15:18-27 is the reason why. 
LESSON: Never let the way people treat you and/or what they say to/about you affect your character and how you treat others. Continue to be who you are, treat people how you want to be treated, and love despite of (just like God does). As a christian your goal should be to become more like Christ and less like the people of this world, so with that you'll have to endure some difficult times.

When we had the "Whispers of Faith" group we would always talk about "dying to self daily" to become new in Christ everyday so that's what I had to remind myself.

Romans 12:2 "And be not confromed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

 Everything that is posted on this blog comes directly from God and He has chosen me as a vessel to deliver it. I thank everyone who was concerned about my failure to post last week. Your kind thoughts reminded me that this is not about me at all. My mind has been renewed...I have a purpose...I prayed for it...God gave it to me so I have to follow through even when I'm disappointed, discouraged, hurt, sad, mad, and/or agitated. Because of you all I will not give up and hopefully because of me you won't give up...we are in this together.

SHOUTOUT to my Sissy Marissa who stepped in to write a little for me last week. You are a breath of fresh air and I love you so so so much! My cup is now running refilled me with that 2.5hr conversation Saturday night!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Motivational Monday: KEEP GOING

Isaiah 53:5 "But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed"

Isaiah 53:5 states that ONE reason that God has given us to keep going! Imagine Jesus on His walk to Calvary, carrying that heavy cross that He would later be nailed to AND die on; being taunted and tortured by those who He lived to save. I think it's safe to say that Jesus had many reasons to quit; for starters, those that He was trying to save were ungrateful, selfish, ruthless, careless, and etc (as we have a tendency to be today at times). But the ONE reason He didn't quit was because of ME. Yes, this is can say He did it for you too, but I am CERTAIN He did it for me! 

Somewhere, through all that you are going through, there is a blessing specifically for you. That means there is nothing ANYONE can do to stop you from receiving that blessing. Currently you're either walking in your blessing, walking to your blessing, or walking away from your blessing. Which one are you doing? Here's a hint: Your relationship status with God and your obedience to Him will tell you. The scariest part about walking IN your blessing is that sometimes you don't realize it and you'll end up walking right THROUGH it without actually receiving it. STAY FOCUSED!! Walking to your blessing is the most wonderful feeling because it shows that you are on God's path, but you must be careful what you do when you reach your blessing. STAY FOCUSED!! Oh but walking away from your blessing simply means you are completely out of the will of God. GET FOCUSED!! 

Today you may be on your way to calvary (life's journey), carrying your cross (life's burdens) but don't give up...KEEP GOING because when you get there Jesus will already be there. He's already paid the price for you all you have to do is drop those burdens off. Psalm 55:22 "Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and He shall sustain thee: He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved" You're not in this alone. You may be moving a little slower, but at least you're still moving. You may have fallen a few times, but you got back up. You may have a couple of bruises but that's just proof that God heals. By His stripes we are healed! Healed in and through Christ; therefore, nothing can hinder you. No matter what it looks like trust God...Keep going!  

Have a good day and a good week! 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Genesis 3:8-10 And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden.
And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?
10 And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.

So in the scripture above it talks about Adam & Eve hiding after they committed sin against God. You know eating of the forbidden fruit from the forbidden tree. Kinda relates to today. We ponder what life would of been like if they just obeyed, but I wonder what would of happened if they just came forth with what they did instead of hiding. Just like any other relationship we would rather the person tells us than us finding out that he or she did something wrong, right? Moreover, we STILL hide sin. What were they thinking I wonder? Did they want to appear to still be perfect by just not admitting they've done wrong and God won't notice? Is that what we do? We act like something isn't there in fanciful hopes of it disappearing like magic? Let's replace them eating the forbidden fruit to our own secrets. What are we hiding hoping it would magically vanish? Are there secret addictions, childhood memories we need to let go, failures that are preventing us from spiritual success? I really believe God was more hurt that they did not utilize their relationship with Him by confessing first instead of hiding. I believe He was upset because not only were they disobedient as we all are, but made excuses instead of admitting the truth. He wanted them to engage in the relationship. God knew they were going to mess up, just like He knew Jesus would have to die for the sins of the world. More personally, for you, me, us! For my addictions, your bad habits, our short comings! We never had to hide. Sin makes us shame, but Jesus Blood is justifying! God already made a covenant with Adam in the beginning that's why he did not die even in his faults and the same reason why now believing in Jesus we won't die in ours! Don't hide behind poor decisions, addictions, failures, fear of rejection because God TRULY Loves you! Instead, be real with Him. He already knows anyway so why hide? Let's practice to grow more in our relationship with Christ by allowing Him in and letting Him love us. It is hard to let someone love you when you constantly have a mask on. Show Him who you are so can He sculpt you into who He desires you to be. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Testimony Tuesday: GRACE

Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast"

Do you know how you got over that mountain? GRACE! Do you know why you have everything that you have today? GRACE! Do you know why are are able to read this right now? GRACE! Do you know why that situation didn't kill you? GRACE!!

Don't take God's grace for is a gift! We should respond to God's grace with constant gratitude through worship. This picture speaks volumes, so much so that I literally can't find the words to express what it means to me. Grace is our way out of no way and our bridge over turbulent waters.

We cannot take credit for anything God has blessed us with for He gets all the glory.
My mother is the leader of the "Vessels of Praise"dance ministry at Traveler's Rest Baptist Church. I have watched this ministry grow tremendously. It is such a blessing to see these young women minster through dance. If you speak to any of them after they have ministered they will all say "to God be the glory". They don't just dance they minister with purpose...through faith and by grace.
I mention them here because the worship song today is one that was ministered by them a couple of years ago that brings me to tears at the very thought of it. I love those girls because they have played a major role in the life of myself and my mother. We have grown spiritually with them and it is all because of God's grace.  

Worship song: For Every Mountain by Kurt Carr

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Giving up vs. Letting go

Philippians 4:6 "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God." 

Letting go is something I've always struggled with because I refused to be a person who gives up at anything or on anyone...I'm a fighter I don't give up I see things through. God helped me to understand that letting go and giving up are not one in the same when you are a part of His Kingdom.
Giving up represents a quitter, a person of little faith, and admittance of defeat. None of those are characteristics of who I am in Christ today nor who I will become in Christ in the future! 
I am more than a conquerer!!! 
On the other hand, letting go represents strength and wisdom (and true wisdom comes from God). To relinquish control by letting go gives God room to shows that you trust and have faith in Him. 
Think about painting a canvas....God gives you a vision, the tools you need, then guides your hands to make that vision a reality. At some point while painting you let go, take a step back, and make sure you are still going according to God's plan. This is an example of what letting go actually's a chance to let God put things back in perspective for you so that you can fulfill His purpose. It's not giving up it's knowing that you are not it in alone and sometimes you have to consult the King and let Him have His way. Find peace in knowing that God is in control and He is never defeated and as long as you belong to Him neither are you. 

Worship Song: Let Go, Let God by Dewayne Woods

Friday, April 11, 2014


My mom loves Pharrel new song, "Happy!" That song has been played repeatedly for some time now. I eventually bought the song on iTunes and is now one of my favorite songs too. Happiness is a choice. We tend to allow circumstances to depict when we will smile or frown. Negating the fact that Jesus dying on The Cross should be enough to keep us smiling for eternity. The Bible teaches us to keep our minds on positive and pure thoughts in Phillipians 4:8. Paul tells us to rejoice always twice in Phillipians 4:4 to emphasize as Christians we have EVERYTHING to be happy about considering the Debt that was paid! If worldy people can say "I ain't worried bout nun, I ain't got no worries, and to just live your life," why are we having trouble doing those things? We have an Amazing Heavenly Father Who will fight our battles, supply our needs, comfort us at ANY given moment, angels warring for us at all times, and let's not forget The Ultimate source of our Joy, Jesus dying for our true happiness in Him. So ummm what are we upset about? Yeah I'm haaaaapy, clap along if you know what happiness is to you. Clap along if you feel like that's what you ought to do." 👏👏😄 Enjoy your Saturday! More importantly enjoy your life!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Edification or Separation?

James 5:13-20
13 Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms.
14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:
15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
17 Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months.
18 And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit.
19 Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him;
20 Let him know, that he which convert the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.

I am sure all of us have had what I call "flashlight" conversations. Flashlight conversations are where we are flash lighting others areas of weakness in conversation as though we are superior with absolutely no faults or sins forgetting that we too need God's Mercy and Grace in our lives. I get it. We have TMZ, and all other gossip sources out there to entice us to see who did what today, but is that edifying? In the scriptures above, in a nutshell it talks about how we should pray for one another. If someone wronged us, we should go to them peaceably so that we will not carry that weight of bitterness or a grudge no longer than we ought to carry it because there is freedom in forgiving and confessing. Perfect Example as always, Jesus asking His disciples to pray and they all were sleep. Did He go tell everyone that they were sleep and embarrass them? No, He continued to pray. Even now Jesus is sitting at The Right Hand of His Father praying for us. And what do we do? We tell anyone and everyone when someone has sinned. Example: 

Conversation-Deacon Joe robbed a bank; he ought to be ashamed of himself , but you do not pay your tithes. Sally had premarital sex last night. She knows better, but you envisioned sexual thoughts the same night. 

It is not our place as Christians to spread the wrong deeds or weaknesses of other believers. Instead, we are called to lift one another up. How about we pray for Joe and Sally? How about we go see about them and try to encourage them or just show love towards them? We are on the same team, correct? If the a player from The Bulls points out his teammates weaknesses to the opposing team it will ruin their chances of winning and break the solitude of the team. Same point with Christians. We are a team! Satan already has the job of accusing and putting down EVERYBODY. So, why would we punch his clock working for him talking about sister so and so sins or brother so and so faults? Start  a specific prayer line for people with strong addictions or struggles, a prayer group, or just simply pray for people in your spare time. Whatever God leads you to do, but do not put down others especially your brothers and sisters in Christ when they are weak or struggling. There were many people Jesus healed when other "religious" people turned them away and talked about them. Let's operate in love. We need each other. Lastly even in our faults God's mercy sustains! Those last few verses speaks on how Elias in The Old Testament was a man who too had faults, but what did he do? He prayed and again the prayers of the righteous can change some things around and that is exactly what his prayer did. He did not allow his shortcomings to keep him from going to The Throne of God and neither should we. His prayer caused it to rain in a dry spell and it continues to say that even in your screw ups, if you can gain a soul to Christ you have covered a multitude of sins! That is Mercy at it again. All of this is preparation for what is already going on in Heaven. The Holy Trinity is The Model of Team work even though they are ONE. The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost work together and as His people we should make an effort to follow the same example.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Offerings or Awful things?

Throughout The Old Testament there are various scriptures illustrating how God asked for sacred offerings from His people. What made those offerings sacred? What was it about the lamb, the ram, or the bullock? Did the animal have to have a certain hair color, shape, size? I mean what REALLY made the offering sacred? Why did God ask them to sacrifice these animals? Then we skip to The New Testament when God is revealed in flesh through His Son, Jesus Christ, as The Ultimate Sacrifice for the sins of the world. For He said, "If any man come after me he must first deny himself, pick up his cross, and follow Me..."-Sacrifice.  As it is written, "Jesus when He had cried again with a loud voice yielded up the ghost."-Sacrifice! For God so loved the world that He gave His Only begotten Son so that anyone who believes on Him shall not perish , but inherit Eternal Life."-Sacrifice. So to answer those previous questions, God does not want our things or money; He wants our hearts. Abel gave to God from his heart. Cain gave from his flesh and that is why his offering was not pleasing to God. Judas followed Jesus but never offered his heart to Him. Therefore he did not enter the kingdom of God. How would you feel to verbally claim and "act" as though you are a follower of Christ as Judas did and be denied inheritance of His Kingdom once your judgment comes? No one likes a fake individual, so why do we fake Christianity? Since Jesus has given His Life we are not asked to sacrifice a bullock for an offering, but to offer our lives as a usable tool for God which was all He wanted since the beginning. I mean who wants someone to give them something with strings attached? That's how we do God sometimes. Okay Lord, I'll give you a section of my life, but I still want to have sex, drink excessively, go to wild parties, watch porn, use profanity, etc...not saying once saved those bad habits will magically vanish the first day of conversion, but there should be a genuine intent to strive to please God. Also there is no money we can pay or number of church services we can attend to get right with God. "...For we are not saved by works lest any man shall boast." it goes back to the heart. He wants it ALL, not a portion, not partial, ALL! He wants to clean us up, renew us each day so that we will become better, inspirational, and that His Light can shine brighter in someone else life through us so that He can draw others to Him.
                                    Lord thank You for Your limitless Love that was perfectly displayed on The Cross for the sake of my soul! Forgive me! Help me to be a living sacrifice so that Your Light may attract others. Search me and clean me as You see fit. I want to be used by You, in Jesus name, Thank You Lord, Amen!
Study Scriptures: Genesis 4, Numbers 28, Matthew 16:24, Matt. 27:50, John 3:16, Romans 12:1, Eph. 2:1-10

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Would you Follow?

Luke 9:23-24 "Then He said to them all, If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it."

What if God asked you to give up everything you've worked hard for to follow Him? Would you obey? or would you forfeit your place in Heaven for the temporal things of this world? After all, everything you have is His anyway, could He not return it 2, 4, or 10 fold?

Jesus may not literally ask you to follow Him in present day, but as a believer you have a job to do in the Kingdom that calls for you to let go of some things to fulfill your purpose. When Jesus choose His disciples they did not hesitate which is an example of how we should respond when God instructs us. When God speaks into your life do not be afraid to act because He would not give you a task that He will not provide the provisions for you to achieve. 

Deny yourself, put aside your selfish desires, and follow God. 

Worship Song: Remember me (At the foot of the Cross) by Shana Wilson

Monday, April 7, 2014

Define Yourself

Matthew 7:12 "Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets"
How you treat others speaks volumes for your character and ultimately reveals the condition of your heart. Have you ever felt disrespected, mistreated, used, neglected, and etc? I know I have...and guess what...Jesus experienced all of that too yet He still died for us. It is always tempting to "do unto others as they have done to you" but that is not what the Word tells us to do. Furthermore, that kind of behavior does very little for your character and is not pleasing to God.
God has called us to serve His people not to be served; therefore, how we treat others weigh heavily on how people view the church. As believers we represent our Father and we should act accordingly...He is always watching.
One of my favorite sayings is "be the person you want to meet" which is essentially the same thing as treating people how you want to be treated. Be cautious in your actions and with your words you never know how they will affect someone. 
Strive to make someone's day rather than breaking someone's day.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Entitlement or intimate

Psalm 34:1 "I will bless The Lord at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth."
Psalm 56:3 "What time I am afraid I will trust in You."
Psalm 56:10 "In God will I praise His Word. In The Lord will I praise His Word."

Have you ever been in a trial in your life? Most people would of course say yes, right? Well in human nature when going through various hardships, we tend to have the "why me syndrome." In accepting Christ as our Lord and growing into being more like Him we have to turn those hardships into an opportunity to gain a better intimacy with God. Ask Him how can this build my Faith? How can I use this to edify someone else? Maybe someone seeing me go through various difficulties with supernatural strength and noticeable peace can draw someone closer to The God I worship. We know Bible scriptures, we go to church, we Amen when we feel we are in agreement with The Word, but as soon as life hits us in the face we hit God in the face by doubting His compassion, by questioning His Plan, and choosing to listen to his enemy, the devil, who says there is no hope and to focus on the negative. When we should be practicing to seek His Face instead by first being still and opening our hearts to Him. Running to the old ways of looking at trials we go through can give us a sense of entitlement when we really don't deserve any good thing God does for us in the first place. Entitlement brings on complaining, negative thoughts, pride, and lack of faith which in turn is not only hurting God's feelings but also killing our witness. As we begin this day, let's evaluate how we can improve our relationship with Christ. Developing a deeper personal relationship with God assures us of His Love for us. Knowing and growing into Who He Is will equip us during trials to rest in assurance that everything is alright, that He is right there with us, and cares deeply about our situation. Just take a few minutes to commune with Him. The more we practice this the easier it will be to do so once trials occur. Here is a song to meditate on

Saturday, April 5, 2014

What IS Love??

1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 "Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things" 

Yesterday's topic was "What A Love" in reference to God's love for us. After writing about that I began to think about what love actually is; how it is defined in the Bible and how it is for us today. If you start at the beginning of 1 Corinthians 13 you'll find that without the love of others (not the love of the things), the gifts God has given you are nothing. You can sacrifice all of yourself and gain nothing if you have not loved others. Love is clearly defined here; however, it is shown in the life of Jesus Christ as a sacrifice. Jesus sacrificed himself to show us what real love looks like. Jesus served us because He loved us, He healed us because He loved us, He saved us because He love us, He fed us because He loved us, He DIED for us because He loved us. God's love is directed outward and is selfless. The closer we become to Christ the more we should become like Christ in our loving, giving, and sacrificing.
My only question for God much do we sacrifice for the one we love? Our life as Jesus did? God replied with " I have control over your heart (Psalm 37:4) and your me, listen to me, and I will guide you just as I did my Son". WOW!!! I am then reminded that God is in control, even of the way we love and the extent to which we love. Don't be so caught up in the idea of love that you forget the purpose of love. Love is essential to our being. God speaks of love soooo many times throughout the Bible...His love for us, how we should love Him, how we should love our neighbor, how husbands should love their wives, etc. Loving God is easy...loving others is risky which is why God had to give us instructions on how to do it HIS way. 
All in all, even if you've read everything about love you will never truly know love until you feel it! 

Song: Heaven (The Love Song)  by Tamela Mann  

Friday, April 4, 2014

What a love

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life"

What a love, what a love! Jesus is the model of what love is. I know no greater love...He died on behalf of little ole sinful me...that's love! God showed His love for His people throughout the Bible and He continues to show His love for us today although we may not always recognize it. I know God loves me because even though I don't always listen He always provides. No matter what I do He's right there with His grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness. 
Yet again today adversity met me as soon as I finished my morning worship and one-on-one with God. I was overwhelmed by the situation and in utter disbelief. Thankfully God blessed me with a loving mother who is ready and willing to do anything necessary for the sake of her only child! God had positioned His people in place to comfort and encourage me in that moment...WHAT A BLESSING! Although God's love is enough He knows that we has human beings sometimes need someone beyond the spiritual realm. 
Over the past couple days two different people have mentioned the same scripture to before today's situation and one after today's situation. To me, hearing it the first time was God prepping me for and warning me about today's situation then second time it was Him reminding me that He already knew and He has taken care of it on my, have faith, be patient. 
That's Love!! 

Worship song: How He Loves US by David and Nicole Binion 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Proverbs 3: 5-6 "Trust in

Proverbs 3: 5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path"

It's FRIDAY!!! This has been a long, challenging week for me and I'm thankful God has brought me through it. This is one of my favorite scriptures and one that I recite when things going on around me do not make sense. That's what I love about the always makes sense when nothing else seems to. Interesting because when things don't make sense to you its confirmation that it's all going according to God's plan. This scripture is perfect for the season I'm currently in and I thank God for His words of comfort. 
This week I had a "silver and gold" moment where I felt overwhelmed and just needed someone to talk to; the two people I called did not answer. I immediately got on my knees to pray and that's when God told me not to worry about anyone else because He would always be here I just need to focus on Him. I obeyed by doubling up on my readings and altering my prayer pattern and place. Although I'm still not sure what God is doing I'm confident that He knows and I'm trusting Him to use me in whatever way to fulfill the purpose He has for me and those close to me. It does not matter that I don't understand what matters is that I can feel His presence in my life.

Worship song: Silver and Gold by Kirk Franklin

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Thankful Thursday

Proverbs 24:16 " For a righteous man may fall seven times And rise again, But the wicked shall fall by calamity" 

Today I am thankful for second, third, fourth, and fifth chances! I'm thankful that my God is a forgiving God. I may not get it right every time, but I'm definitely one who doesn't give up. God is a good teacher so I strive to be a wise learner finding Him and His purpose in ALL situations.

The most wonderful thing about God is that He doesn't expect us to be perfect He only wants us to trust Him, love Him, confide in Him, and etc. That sounds like the basis of a strong healthy relationship to me. One mistake doesn't ruin your chances of further developing your relationship with Him it actually strengthens it. Going before God with your mistakes gives Him to opportunity to continue in fulfilling His will for your life and it gives you the opportunity to show Him how radical your faith is and how much you trust Him.

The more you get the know God the more dependable you'll find Him to be. He will not condemn you for your were forgiven on Calvary. Don't be so hard on yourself there is not one perfect person on this earth. When you mess up get back up and keep pushing forward in Christ. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Joshua 1:8 "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success" 

It's hump day...where is your Bible? Is it still in your car from Sunday?
Reading daily devotionals is good but even they still suggest reading the Bible. Reading the Bible is good for your soul! The Bible gives you a new way of thinking each's your daily bread, your light, your comfort! It is essential to our spiritual being. You can not grow in Christ if you don't know the Word for yourself. God's guidance comes from His Word. God's love comes from His Word. God's wisdom come from His Word.