Friday, July 31, 2015

Make Time!

Deuteronomy 4:24 "For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God" 

And that's a wrap! The end of another successful, productive week. That's right it's Freedom Friday guys!!! Question: Have you ever been in a relationship where your significant other complained that you didn't spend enough time with him/her which caused a rift in your relationship with one another? Perhaps you have been that person who didn't have enough time to make your relationship grow. Whatever the case may be this same concept can be applied to our relationship with God. No one likes a jealous significant other, but at the same token no one likes to be neglected and put on the back burner for seemingly more important things.

Don't get so caught up in the freedom that God has given you that you forget to spend time with Him. Yes, God is very patient with us but let's not take Him for granted by limiting the amount of time we spend with Him. Is He no the one who gives us another opportunity each and everyday? In order to fulfill our God-given purpose we have to know and understand what that is. The revelation of that purpose is only revealed in our time spent with Him in prayer. The continued direction for that purpose is given in prayer. Don't misunderstand that God communicates with us in other ways too; however, prayer is that quality time that we need to maintain and grow our relationship.

We celebrate our Freedom in Christ each Friday, but let's be careful not to depart from Him with the same freedom. Enjoy your Friday as well as your weekend!!! #FearlessFAITH  

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