Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Let's talk about while. While we were yet sinners. While we were at the club. While we were having sex. While we were smoking. While we were getting drunk. While we were fighting. While we were cheating. While we were lying. While we were rebellious, Christ was still thinking about us. Can you imagine showing someone so much love and they aren't even looking your way? That's how we treated God. God not only created us and woke us up every day in our sin. He sent His Son Who was willing to go, to die so that we may have a true chance at eternal life if we believe(Romans 10:9). 

Everyone has a "while" they can attest to regarding God's patient Love. I mean who else would sacrifice their own child for people who don't care about them or the child? Moreover, who would willingly die for people who mistreat Him every day? People who don't want to spend time with Him. People who would rather have one night stands(Sunday Only's) than a personal relationship. People who would only use Him when they need Him. People who was suppose to be His friend denying and betraying Him. People who treat others better than Him. Can you think of anyone else who can stand that kind of hurt not forgetting the ridicule & physical pain on The Cross? But God! God loved us so much that He knew Jesus Blood could cover all the wrong we can ever do. Jesus Blood replaces our sins. Jesus Blood that remains powerful! As we take this journey during Holy Week, remember your "while" that He died for so that you may live. #RoadToCalvary #While #HolyWeek #FF

Monday, March 30, 2015

The Lord's House

Matthew 21:13 And He said to them, "It is written, My House will be called a house of prayer and you have made it into a den of thieves!"

As we continue through Holy Week we are mindful of the scripture above. Can you imagine Jesus walking into your local church with the same anger and disgust? I mean out of all the places they could have gone to do unholy things, they chose to do it in The Lord's House. Just sin on top of sin.  Let's take it even further since we are now the temple of The Lord. It would be even more shameful to hear Jesus question what we have turned our bodies into. While we were sinners we had every opportunity to misbehave and count it for ignorance. Now being born again and knowing Whose we are we then know that our life as well as our bodies belongs to God for His glory. So have your life or body been used for God's glory lately? Are you taking care of yourself, fornicating, harboring anger, or mistreating your body in any way? Allow Him to drive out all that is hindering Him from receiving glory through your vessel today. Light can only shine when darkness is absent. When The Light comes darkness flees! In Matt. 21:12 it illustrates Jesus being The Light driving out every dark intruder that came into His House and He can do it for you. So proclaim, This shall be called the house of worship. The place where God lives!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Palm Sunday

Matthew 21:9 And the crowds that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, "Hosanna to The Son of David: Blessed is He that comes in The Name of The Lord; Hosanna in the highest.

It is Palm Sunday and Fearless Faith is excited about it. Of course this is not a one time celebratory moment because what Jesus did for us is a constant memorabila that is undetachable from our hearts. However, nationally we do partake in this day. The day that started Jesus walk to death and resurrection for us! Whew! Aren't you glad? Glad that the same Blood that was shed over two thousand years ago has the same wonder working Power? Power to change lives and free souls because it happened for me. Remember what Jesus went through in the highest regards. The same people that cried out, "Hosanna!", in praise also said, "Crucify Him!", on Calvary.

Isn't that something? Even closer to home the very man that was around Jesus as a disciple betrayed Him for some silver, silver! We have people like that today who once shouted Thank You Lord are now cursing Him. How? Well, by willingly living in a way that does not portray Christ. You, me, us are just like the people in the crowd if we are yelling and crying out on Sunday. Yet act a fool Mon-Sat on purpose without a conviction in the world to want to do better. The crowd teaches us that it is not what we do on Sunday that matters, but every day. Our faith should not waver because Jesus is unpopular. We should remain consistent and boldly proclaim Hosanna in the highest not just with our mouth, but in our lives! #HolyWeek #PalmSunday #RoadToCalvary #FF 

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Tit for Tat

Psalm 97:10 You that love The Lord, hate evil: He preserves the souls of His saints; He delivers them out of the land of the wicked.

Let's talk about the title tit for tat. I know naturally it seems like a great idea to get back at our enemies or anyone who has wronged us. We have the notion that they should feel how they made us feel, but what does that really solve? Who are you really hurting? It takes way too much energy to plot, scheme, and be angry than it does to forgive and treat people right. Seriously, I know. Living with anger is not a good look spiritually, mentally, nor physically. We hear a lot about people having sudden heart attacks, strokes, or having high blood pressure partially because of what we may be holding on to inwardly. It is not always the fried chicken. Some of us have deep anger within that after time can silently destroy us. Remember, that is one of satans jobs(John 10:10). 

So instead of replicating the natural pattern of "tit for tat" let's stand on the promise of God. God said He will deliver us from those who treat us badly. Anything God says WILL happen. There is no question or a doubt about it. Just consider your enemies taken care of. Besides, just as the beginning states, we should hate evil anyway. How can we portray to be a believer if we retaliate as a sinner? Sinners are expected to return evil for evil, but we are called to a higher purpose. Treating people right is easier anyways. Yes! I did say it easier because it is freeing. Freeing in the sense that you are not tied down by the weight that comes with living in anger and bitterness. Be liberated! Christians should be the most unbothered people on the planet. So no more tit for tat when you are done wrong. Let God handle that, forgive, and move on!

#FF #TitforTat

Friday, March 27, 2015

When? Win!

When will the rain stop? When will the pouring come to an end? Can broken things really heal again? When?
When? I demand to know when? The clouds are dark! I thought the sun was my friend. As I walk and people pass me by. I wonder do they even care when I cry? When I try? Try to keep the smile on my face, but WHEN I am alone it goes away. When? Well, God said WHEN troubles come to look towards the hills. That's WHEN all my tears instantly cleared. I knew then that my WHEN was now because He carried every burden, every pain, every doubt. So now I am encouraged to no longer worry about WHEN because in Christ I Win, I Win! 

Just as the picture states, worrying solves nothing. As believers we are encouraged and lifted in every way possible. Troubles are inevitable and so are our victories. Jesus said, IT IS FINISHED! That's it. No matter what it looks like, believers always come out on top. Remember Jesus was on The Cross hanging in mockery. Some thought it was over. They found out in the end that it wasn't. It was actually the beginning. A new beginning. Don't be discouraged in your "When's" of life. Be encouraged that you have already won in Christ! 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Life After

Have you heard the news? There is life out here waiting for you. One must be careful not to cherish these earthly blessings so much that once taken from us we feel like we are in total despair. I mean how can we hang our head low when we have a God Who sits high and cares for us deeply? Don't get me wrong, I know when troubles come that sadness or anger is usually the main attitude we have during the situation. We may pout, shut down, or cry initially which is fine. That is normal, but we shouldn't dwell in those attitudes. At some point we have to wake up, get dressed, and get ready for life. Because our real treasures are in Heaven, right? Not in these temporal matters, but in our permanent Home.

Job (in the Bible) can definitely attest that trials only prove how faithful, strong, and caring our God is to His people. Just as the quote states, it makes no sense to look for happiness in things that can easily go away which are jobs, other people, and material possessions. Why not anchor your joy in more permanent things? Heavenly things which will give you constant Hope no matter what comes your way. So, don't allow ended relationships, a bad test score, setbacks, or losing a job keep you down. Yes, all of those can get you down, but do not let it keep you down. There is life after whatever you may be going through. A life full of promise. A life filled with blessings. Our minds are powerful instruments. With it, we can decide whether we are happy, sad, mad, and the list continues. The more Word our mind has knowledge of (from God) the more capable we are at seeing the life after... A life sculpted and ready for you by God's own Hands. Just continue to let Him guide you and go get your life! The life God desires for you, to trust Him through it all. #FF #LifeAfter

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wellness Wednesday: Meditation

Joshua 1:8 "Keep this book of the law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful" 

It's hump day!! For most of us this is the peak of our work week and things maybe a little tough, but it's almost over. Do yourself a favor today and take 10 minutes, grab your Bible, pick a scripture that is befitting of your current need (or use the weekly meditation scripture on our website), and meditate on it. This should be done in addition to your normal time spent with God daily. Make this a habit on what has become your most stressful day of the week whether it be a Wednesday, Monday, or Friday. Meditation is a way to block out everything that's going on around you to focus as well as gain balance and inner peace from the Almighty. This will also increase your self-awareness on how to prioritize and approach certain situations by refreshing your spirit during the week.


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Don't Settle

Romans 3:10 "There is none righteous, no not one"

God knew that none of us were good enough to fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah; therefore, He didn't settle by assigning the purpose to one of us. Instead, He sent His son, the GREAT ONE, Jesus Christ to do so. With that being said I tell you "Don't settle for what's good, when you can have what's great" Never allow yourself to be in a position that doesn't challenge you to be greater. Remember, our God is great and our main goal is to be more and more like Him in our daily lives. Strive for greatness because He lives in you greatness does also. Work on yourself from the inside out. If you don't believe you are great no one else will believe it either. If you don't trust yourself you can't expect others to trust you. If you don't respect yourself you can't expect others to respect you. Treat yourself how you want others to treat you. Carry yourself in a manner where people will have no choice but to listen to you, respect you, or even want to imitate you.


Monday, March 23, 2015

Motivational Monday: A Healthy You

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, white have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's" 

Have you ever rented a vehicle? If so, then I'm sure you treated it as good if not better than your own vehicle. You were extra cautious while driving it and made sure no scratches or dents occurred while in your care. That's how we have to treat our body's because they do not belong to us. God has given us our bodies to use as vehicles to fulfill His purpose; therefore, we must take good care of them. As you can see above a healthy life is comprised of many different factors; however, the foundation of all of those factors is a healthy spirit. In an effort to encourage not only a healthy spiritual life but also a healthy physical, family, financial, emotional, mental, and vocational life Fearless FAITH will be incorporating all of these factors in our weekly posts. We've been on this journey for a year now, working on the inside (Spirit) so now we'll continue nurturing that while working not the outside.

Nothing grows under inappropriate or malnourished conditions; therefore, we must nurture every aspect of our well being in order to experience the fullness of a healthy life. Your PHYSICAL well-being is being able to make it through the day without experiencing sheer exhaustion. Things that can contribute to your physical wellness are exercise, nutrition, rest, stress management, and your environment. Your SOCIAL well-being is your ability to establish and maintain positive relationships with family, friends, and coworkers. Love and communication are the most important parts of this aspect of wellness. Your need to love and be loved as well as your ability to communicate and execute that effectively. Your FINANCIAL well-being is your ability to live comfortably within your means, decreasing and eventually eliminating debt to secure savings for the future of you and your family. Setting a budget and sticking to it is key to this aspect of wellness. Seeking a financial advisor may also be helpful. Your EMOTIONAL well-being is your ability to understand yourself and cope with the challenges that life may bring. Now, honestly I have to admit that I do not know how to keep my emotions in check so this will definitely be an area that I focus heavily on for my own health. Your MENTAL well-being is your ability to open your mind to new ideas and experiences (Ephesian 4:23)  It is through your mind where you are able to apply all other aspects of wellness to make sound decisions. Your VOCATIONAL well-being is your ability to achieve personal fulfillment within your career while maintaining balance in life. The key here is balance, don't be so focused on your career and finances that you neglect every other aspect of wellness. If aspect is out of balance it effects the entire unit.

Fearless FAITH is motivating and challenging to you do a health assessment to see which area(s) of your life are off balance. Additionally, we will be bring you tips on how to achieve wellness and balance in these different areas throughout each week as a part of our goal to achieve overall health and helping you do the same. Stay tuned!!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Beyond the Clouds

1 Peter 8:9 "Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls"

It is important to know that just because you don't see something happening doesn't mean that it won't happen. Also, just because something looks a certain way NOW doesn't mean it's the finished product. Furthermore, just because we haven't seen God's face [yet] doesn't mean He doesn't have one or isn't real. Each morning as I leave home for work it is still dark outside, which doesn't give me much inclination as to what the weather will be for the day (because I rarely check the forecast). So, just the other day during my morning commute the skies were gray and it was raining. I gazed out the window while eating my breakfast to notice the skies were looking even worse than they had been during my commute so I decided I would check the forecast. Indeed, it predicted 100% rain ALL day. Then at around 10:30 I noticed the rain had subsided and clouds had started to form. By 11:00 the sky was beautifully blue and the sun had started shining resulting in a beautiful day. I can also recall another day about 3 years ago where I was stuck in an airport for about 6 hours due to inclement weather (mostly rain and wind). Once we boarded the plane and took off I noticed the most beautiful sky I had ever seen beyond those clouds and what was going on underneath them. 

I say all of that to get to this...what you see is not always what you get. Although God allows us to get to know Him, His ways will always surpass our full understanding. He and His works are not predictable. No man nor piece of technology created by man has the ability to tell us what God has in store. Things may start out a little rough and can even get ugly but as long as you allow God to have a hand in it it's destined to come out beautiful and bright. Happy Sunday!!! 


Saturday, March 21, 2015

Remember Me

Happy Saturday people! Today's worship song is talking rather pleading for Jesus to remember me. "When You come in Your Kingdom, remember me." Many of us have that same desire. Thinking about how much He has in store for us which is in Heaven. That's our Hope! No earthly mansion can do. No riches in this world is enough to stimulate our spiritual senses. After everything we have gone through on earth for Christ sake not our sake but again Christ Sake we pray that "at the foot of The Cross" Jesus remembers us, you, me.

Friday, March 20, 2015

No Magic Here

Titus 3:4-5  But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared,

Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;

Love is not magical, but it can be manifested. Love is not magical, but it can be tested. How can it be tested? Well, taste and see would be my suggestion. Taste and see what you may ask? Taste His Goodness that is proven to outlast. Outlast any trial and any sin. His Love is powerful we can't help but to feel It within. By the tears we may cry from the thought of His Passion or the clapping of hands awaiting the day of eternal satisfaction. Love is not magical, but it can be manifested. God is ALL powerful. He loves you. You are never neglected. Jesus died for you so you wouldn't be rejected. Yes, on The Cross it is proven that His Love is our redemption. Love is not magical, but it can be manifested. Try Jesus today; you will not regret it! 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

At Your Darkest

Romans 5:8 KJV
But God commended His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

We usually get so teary eyed at the thought of God's Love for us. I mean here we are the most ungrateful, stubborn, and selfish creatures on the planet. Seeing all of the sin that we so willing live in day to day, Jesus still came to rescue us. Lifting up our voice in song or merely waving our hands in such a grateful attitude during worship service is great. However, let's not forget the real charge we have as Christians. What is that charge you ask? Well, how well do you handle loving your friends? Pretty good, right? What about your pastor or fellow church members? Again, I am sure you would pass with flying colors. Now, how about your enemies? How well are you at loving someone who hates you? Could you still genuinely hug or pray for someone who constantly does things to upset you? Yeah, getting a little real now. That is what we are suppose to do. Our love is not dictated on who likes us, but is dictated on our Love for Christ. First thing is to get feelings out of the way. We do not love based on how we feel. We love based on The Power of God. Allowing God full custody of our hearts so that He can nurture His Love within us that it may be displayed to others.

I'm sure we do not have to think too long about someone or people that may require a little bit more effort in the love department. Even while the thief on the cross denied Jesus, His Love never changed. Yes we will feel angry or frustrated. If you have to cry then cry. Jesus did, but He still loved us. That's the love God wants us to capture, master, and deliver to others. He did it for you. This isn't negotiable. This is exactly what you agreed to being a Christian. Not our will, but His Will, remember? Feelings aside and The Word be glorified. He loved me at my darkest. He loved you at your darkest. It is time to return the favor and love someone through their darkness. Then I am confident God's Light will shine through.

#FF #iWillLove 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Trust is a MUST

It is Wednesday people! How is your week going? Are you still trusting God? Sometimes we get so excited about Sunday's Word that we forget that same Word applies throughout the week, heck our lives! Do not allow trials, satan, or the world to change what you know is true. God is consistent which is why we have no reason to fear. Be courageous. Be strong. Continue to trust God. When was the last time He failed you? God is perfect. His plans are perfect. The Will He has for you is perfect. Think about it. He has everything taken care of for you. Your whole life is GOOD because it is in His Hands or is it? Who's plan are you following? We can't try to create our own plans and ask God to co sign. You trusted Him when you got saved, but it doesn't stop there. Meditate on Prov. 3:5. Yes, we know and recite this scripture like the back of our hand, but are we LIVING proof? #iWillTrust

"Trust in The Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding." and listen to Fred Hammond's, "I Will Trust."

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Can you hear me now? GOOD!

Matthew 6:7 "And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words" 

One of the most important parts of our relationship with God is prayer. It is the main source of communication between us and God. Unfortunately, for many believers prayer is the hardest part of our faith which in turn hinders the growth of our relationship with God. Not being able to pray effectively ultimately halts our ability to fulfill our purpose thus not knowing who we are. PRAY WITH PURPOSE FOR YOUR PURPOSE!! Be careful not to be so anxious in your spirit that the words don't come out right. TRUE, God already knows your thoughts, needs, and even your wants (He gave them to you). However, He needs to know that YOU understand.

When we go to God in prayer it is imperative that we go with intent and expectations. Believing that God hears you, understands you, and is ready to act on your behalf is showing that your faith in Him far surpasses any issue you face. Expect Him to be the solution whether it is fixing the situation or just comforting you as you go through. Whatever the case may be you must first GO TO HIM, communicate with Him! What He can't take away He will definitely equip you to deal with which ultimately means there is nothing He can't take care of. There is truly a blessing in every lesson especially when you're looking through faith-filled eyes. Don't expect others to understand how you're dealing with what you're dealing with because God's acts and His peace is not for the comprehension of those who don't believe.

So P.U.S.H (Pray Until Something Happens) through each day, each obstacle, each stronghold. Display radical, fearless faith and let God handle the rest.     

Sunday, March 15, 2015

How much do you weigh?

Matthew 11:28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" 

Have you gotten on the spiritual scale lately? How much do you weigh? How much baggage are you carrying around? The weight of the burdens you carry is inversely proportional to the amount of trust you have in God. OUCH!!! I know that may cut deep but the truth is the truth *shrugs* But no worries because you aren't alone, I can identify with you. Lately I've found myself to be EXHAUSTED despite getting ample enough sleep at night. Tired? Worn out? Burned out? NEWSFLASH: Sleep is not REST. With so many things going on I find my mind working overtime to try to find a solution to everything which causes me to be restless. One of my major struggles is trusting and relinquishing control. We can all agree that wanting to do something and actually doing it is two different things right? Right. That's where I am, I truly want to trust God with EVERYTHING, but it seems like things are coming at me faster than He is taking care of them. I'm waiting on God to do what I haven't given to Him. I'm  walking around with many burdens anticipating God to take care of them yet I've not taken them to Him.

Solution: Jesus Himself has offered Himself up to you (and me) by telling us to come to Him. Wandering around with all of life's problems on your shoulders will weigh you down, but if you can just make it to Jesus He can and will give you rest. You first have to acknowledge that you aren't in control, know who is in control, then relinquish it.

Trust God! He truly has your best interest at heart. #FearlessFAITH 

Friday, March 13, 2015

"Freed" Day

Yes, it is Friday people! We tend to name it #FreedomFriday. It may have been a long week for some, perhaps most of you. What do you need freedom from? Some may need freedom from stresses in the work environment. Others may have scholastic dilemmas that they need a break from. Friday's are an indication to us that it is almost over. Whatever our "it" may be. So why do we await the weekend so much? Is it just a mind thing? Seriously, what is so different about a couple of days that makes us jump for joy once it is near?

As human beings, we tend to associate our happiness with things, situations, and people. Since birth, we were taught to be happy when the sun shines and feel down when it rains. So no wonder spiritually we carry that same mindset in our lives even though it contradicts our faith. God desires us to enjoy life no matter what. Get that? That means not waiting on "Friday," a better job, graduation, or whatever to cause us to be happy, but to truly enjoy life meaning in Christ. If we love Jesus we will love life. May not understand some things, but when did He tell us we would be able to? So whatever is keeping you from being happy get free from it, NOW!

Stop comparing your life to Sue. Do not allow Jack to still your joy at work. Pray through those hard tests at school. Is our God not wiser than any other? Does He not already have your life planned out? Stop stressing and keep pressing. It is sad to waste majority of the week waiting on two days(Friday & Saturday). Just like it will be sad to waste a whole life only being happy for 20 percent of it. Things, people, and certain situations should not have that much control over how we proceed throughout the day, week, and life. Take control by giving God total control. Live in #Freedom

#FF #FreedDay

Friday, March 6, 2015


Ecclesiastes 9:10 Whatsoever your hand finds to do, do it with all of your might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave where you go. 

Living is a hard thing to do. Is it possible that we are consumed with so much throughout the day that we forget to live? What is living? Last month the post was concerning what life is all about. It is important to take time out for topics such as these because we rarely live our lives the way God planned for us to live it. When you think of being saved, what comes to your mind? A life of attending church services and wearing nice suits? A life of sometimes reading The Bible and praying? What do you think Jesus died on The Cross for exactly? Well, it is shown in our lifestyle. The way we see Chistianity is proven in day to day habits. We proudly say we serve an Awesome God, yet fail to utilize His Awesomeness in regards to our life.

In the text God instructs us to find our passion. How do we do that? Well, most times it is right under our nose. If you can sing, SING. Maybe, you like to build, DO IT. Some may like to help people. Well, there are plenty of careers available for aid. Pray on your gifts if you do not know what God has given you. For the ones that do know, DO. Do it to the best of your ability. Do it for the glory of the Kingdom. So maybe you have been utilizing your gift. Great! What else does God desire for you? You know life is all about growing. So, there is always a new level to reach and one more rock to turn over as long as we are breathing.

For there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave where you go. How sad would it be for us to die, go to judgment, and have to explain to God why we chose to limit ourselves. Explain to Him why the gift(s) He so graciously gave us was wasted because of fear, rejection, doubt, unbelief, and laziness. When we die that is it people. We are unable to relive moments. If we did not write that song, finish that business proposal, go for that degree when we had breath then we surely will not be able to once that breath is gone. So do it! What is holding you back? Is it family, friends, co workers, negative thoughts? Rest assure if you don't, somebody else will. We only live this earthly life once. Choose to LIVE! #Live #FF #YOLO