Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Guard Up

Hey people! How is your week going? Have you been conquerors or cowards? It's only one way to be in Christ and that's definitely a conqueror. Despite popular belief, being a Christian is not for the weak. I am sure you can attest to that. Seriously, every day our God is questioned and our faith is ridiculed. We get talked about(for Christ sake) and much more on a weekly bases. Well, if we are living right because if not then satan really doesn't care to bother us, but hey we can discuss that on another post. Anywho since being a Christian takes much confidence, we must keep on the lookout for anything that may destroy or hinder our boldness in God.

One sure way to remain a conqueror is keeping our guard up. I don't know too much about boxing, but what I will say is the boxer signals he is ready for a fight when his gloves are up. Standing in perfect position, feet swift, usually had a good training in before the fight, & knowing his opponents weakness guarantees him a victory. On the other hand, if his gloves are down usually he is getting beat up, or tired, wasn't prepared, or all three. Same with us. If we don't get enough Word(excluding Sunday & Bible study), know our enemy, and keep our guard down by constantly feeding our flesh then we are begging satan to tear us to pieces. Look the devil knows The Word, knows God, & already been to Heaven. Also, he never lost his gift from God. Without us tapping into God's Strength we are no match for the devil. So why not use ALL of our advantages over him? We can't win without them.

So if you feel as though you are defeated ask yourself was your guard ever up? Maybe it was up and you got tired and gave up. Did you train well enough for the fight? If we train for the fight, we know that we aren't the ones fighting, but it is He Who fights our battles. It is He Who will break the necks of our enemies(Psalm 18:40). It is He Who hides us from our enemies (Psalm 91:4). God does most of the work, but we must fight our portion with His Word and our faith. That 2pc combo will guarantee a KO every time. Is your guard up?

Monday, October 27, 2014


It's the beginning of the week and I just want to encourage you to be strong in The Might of The Lord no matter what happens. Whether it's a school week, work week, or looking for a job week just remember your hope, your joy, your peace is not fixated on anyone else but Jesus. So no matter what will come your way those things should remain the same. Have it in your mind that through The Help of The Lord, you will conquer this week and not let it conquer you.

We have so much strength in God that we forget to tap into it. He isn't going to force us to because of our free will to do whatever we want, but if we are confident in church we must also be confident outside of church. Yesterday's children church lesson talked about Samson. For the children to understand, I had to let them know by holding my arms in a muscular manner that God is strong. God is so strong that out of Samson's obedience He worked through Him to defeat each enemy that came against Him. I asked them, can you imagine defeating every enemy that comes against you? I ask you the same thing. The same God that did it for Samson can do it for us if we remain obedient.

As people of God our victory has already been won. We just have to weather each storm. How we begin our week is a great indication of how it will go. Constantly remind yourself that God is strong even if you have to hold your arms up in a muscle flexing fashion. The best reminder is in His Word. In His Word our joy, peace, and hope will never cease. So go ahead and conquer this week y'all! How? In God's Strength!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Where do I stand?

So where do I stand? I see how passionate you are about your dreams and goals that you want to accomplish, but where do I stand? Am I not the reason you're even able to accomplish these aspirations? If it wasn't for Me, you wouldn't care to dream. Where do I stand? I admire you being family oriented. I created the first family, but where do I stand? I know your family needs you, but do you not need Me? Did I not say don't put your father or mother before Me?  Where do I stand? You're so dedicated to the church. Every program that you are asked to participate in, you accept. However you're so involved that you forget to minister. You know outside the four walls. When was the last time you ministered to a sinner? You know I didn't save you to stay confined within the four walls, right? Is that the example My Son showed you? Did He not make it His duty to reach lost souls or was He ONLY in The Temple? Where do I stand? I get it. You're busy. You have to make that money because you need money. Forget that I said I will supply your needs. Where do I stand? I mean we barely even talk anymore. Just a quick thank You, Lord every now and then. Then, when you get to church after neglecting Me all week you blame the lack of anointing on the pastor and congregation as to why you can't feel My Presence. Where do I stand? Now, you're dead. You lived all your life putting things before Me. Thinking you're doing right only if you read what I wrote that states, every man has a way that seems right, but the end is destruction. Only if you remembered that I said, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. If it doesn't matter where I stand in your life. It's too late. Now you stand in front of Me. And the real question is, where will you stand?

This is just a reminder to not lose focus on why we are here. It's easy to get caught up in doing "stuff." Let's not make being busy an excuse or a priority when it comes to God. Jesus said the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. Don't let your life be in vain. So He asks, "Where do I stand?"

Friday, October 17, 2014

Who Are You, Really?

So in my psychology class Wednesday night, the question arose, "What motivates you?" I look around and puzzled faces took over the room. Then, the teacher asks, "What are you good at?" Again, to my surprise it was like pulling teeth to get answers out of my classmates. The demographics that I failed to mention were young people between the ages of 19-24. Now as I pondered over what I observed, it hit me. Why are we inclined to pursue relationships with others without pursuing a relationship with self? What is the big rush to engage in a committed relationship or friendship without figuring out our own makeup? Moreover when those ill advised relationships fail, why are we so distraught as if we didn't play a huge role in the matter?

Connecting with others is about sharing common grounds. Then after finding common ground we can enjoy each other's company. Since there are many that do not know who they are in full detail and in fact are in relationships or friendship, is the common ground being lost? I mean what is tying them together if they do not know who they are on the inside? The answer is, nothing. That is why marriages fail, the unmarried date countless people(mostly), and friendships do not last because there are people who haven't grown into themselves. Any relationship takes two whole people to thrive. Broken people attract broken people and the longevity is shorter than your next breath. 

The point of this all is to understand that we can't truly connect with others if we have missing pieces to who we are wholly. You ever connected the wrong piece to a puzzle? It never fits and it looks weird. Thus the imagery of today's dating scene. Ever dated someone or befriend someone and go, "What was I thinking?" You weren't. Well, not properly anyways. So I ask you, what's your purpose? Why are you here? What legacy do you want to leave? Why do you get up in the morning? Is it just for money? Perhaps, you want to make a difference. Are you merely existing and waiting on your death? Do you seek companionship as completion? Who are you? Who are you trying to be? Who do you want to be? With whom have you shared yourself with? The real you. Do you even know who the real you is? Who. Are. You? 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Are you alive?

Matthew 22:32 "I am The God of Abraham, and The God of Issac, and The God of Jacob. He is not The God of the dead, but of the living."

It's the middle of the week and I would like to check your vital signs. Are you living? Most if not all may answer, of course I am living. If I was dead I would not be able to read this post. In that perspective you would be right. However, I am talking about being alive  spiritually and mentally. Where is your focus? Is it on dead works, people, and things? How can that be possible some may ask? Well, some are stuck on people who refuse to change. Others are stuck on situations that are stagnant, and others on things that stop producing life a long time ago or maybe never did.

My pastor has us reading a book titled, Autopsy of a Deceased Church by Thom Rainer. In the book it gives a diagnosis of how different churches slowly died throughout the years. Some didn't want to change. Others magnified the past. Then you had the ones that paid more attention to their needs than the needs of others which will effect the growth of the church. If something isn't growing then we usually consider it dead. How can we grow? Are you getting enough Son? Just like the sun rays, His Light brings forth happiness, energy, and light to our dark paths. Without Jesus we are doomed to death. Even in our salvation, the lack of His Ways in our lives can be detrimental to our witness. God also encourages us to not allow our faith to be dead, but to proclaim it boldly. Because if we claim we serve an awesome and living God then our works should correlate with our faith. We can't say God is this and that then give up every time we face a trial because He is not dead and proves it through our trials. That's why we are glad when we are tempted and tried because we know that God WILL come to our rescue on His Time. I urge you to continue to live in Christ. Don't allow anyone or anything to prevent your growth. Live! Live until you die to live everlasting because our God is The God of The Living!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Good To All

Psalm 145:9 The Lord is good to all, and His tender mercies are over all His Works.

It is the end of the work week for most of you. Go ahead and say it, TGIF! Okay now, we have that out of the way, I would like to propose a question. Are you good to all? Do you try to help everyone or just the people who like you? Maybe you'll get a gold star from the world because you feed the hungry at local soup kitchens or you clothe the unfortunate. What if they didn't appreciate what you were doing? Would you still do it? Perhaps, there is a person at work that purposely tries to get on your nerves, have you showed kindness to them? I ask because that is the love God wants us to share not the convienent love the world displays daily.

Apart of this walk is stretching ourselves so that our ways vanish and God's Ways take control. The scripture states The Lord is good to ALL. Yes, His People have better privileges, but He still loves and exercises His Love for everyone. Remember when you weren't saved? How He kept waking you up, stopped terrible harm from coming to you, maybe stopped you from killing yourself? Remember how He cared for you while you weren't thinking about Him, showed mercy towards you while you were sinning up a storm, and only allowed satan so much time with you before He changed your life? Remember? Well, keep that in mind when dealing with that person that seems difficult to love. It's not that we are extending ourselves rather we are exercising God's Love. The less they see of us the more they see of God.

People are use to someone reacting out of anger because of how they mistreat them. That mean person doesn't expect you to buy their lunch, ask them how they are doing, or wish them a happy birthday. I know because I have been there and will forever be there until God calls me home. We are here to glorify God in ALL that we do not just for show. Nothing against feeding the hungry or clothing people, but we can't forget those who hunger and thirst for love in other ways. Someone who needs God's Love to clothe them through your acts of kindness when it is easier to react in anger. So, who have you showed God's Love to this week? Pray and ask God to continue to build you as who He would have you to be, just like Him. A love which shows no bounds to all who walk Earth's grounds. Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Attitude of gratitude

1 Thessalonians 5:18 - In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

One thing I definitely need God's Help on as of late is my attitude. The very minute I fix my mind to be grateful in no matter what state I am in, somehow a sudden occurrence will quickly make it difficult to be thankful. Have you ever found yourself in that situation? You make up in your mind to not allow people, lacking things, or a trial, to hinder your gratitude and then boom. You start complaining. "Stupid car pulled out in front of me." "Ugh! My job working me too hard." "These folks got me messed up." Any of these quotes ring a bell? On the outside, people may think we are peachy king, but remember God knows our heart. He knows if we truly are grateful and how much we complain within ourselves.

So, in order to practice a lifestyle of gratitude we must learn how to be content. A writer said in every state he has faced, he gained knowledge on how to embrace each one. Kinda like turning a negative into a positive which produces a grateful spirit and a merry heart. Point being using one of the previous quotes of complaints. Instead of yelling or thinking that stupid car pulled out in front of me be thankful that no one was harmed. Get it? Okay, I know we won't as imperfect beings totally be thankful but mostly is the point I am trying to make. There are countless blessings God gives us to dwell on that we overlook because we rather magnify the bad occurrences of life. 

Take a poll if you will. As a matter of fact, you can just ask yourself. Who would you rather spend most of your time with? A person who complains most of the time or someone who always strive to see the bright side? What about if you are constantly giving someone something and they rarely acknowledge your giving and spend more time focusing on the negative? Would that not drive you bananas? Well, replace you with God. God has done and is doing so much for us. He has even prepared our seat at the heavenly table of life and a mansion plus much more if we just hold on to our faith and endure just a little while longer. Not to mention His Protection from satan and other blessings He so graciously bestows upon us. So, what are you complaining about? Check your attitude. We all have much to be thankful for no matter what is going on. Make it a practice to jot down throughout the day what you are thankful for and watch God become even more gracious in your life. 

Friday, October 3, 2014

Family Ties

Nehemiah 9:16 "But our ancestors acted arrogantly; they became stiff-necked and did not listen to Your Commands." 

You ever been told, "You act just like your father or mother?" Some if not most tend to view it as a compliment. Seeing how our parents are usually our go to role models since children, it is natural to poke our chest out when compared to them. However, in this case being compared to a relative is not a good look. I'm sure all of us exhibit some sort of bad habit from time to time. It could be a bad attitude, big mouth, lazy, so on and so forth. Ever thought about whether you inherited or learned such behavior?

I ask because many of us carry certain aspects of our family without even realizing it. We thought once a sinner that we were just drinking to have a good time. Not realizing the fact we have had several drunks in the family and perhaps maybe not genetically but spiritually was passed down to us. Not a delivered alcoholic? Okay, maybe your family has a known problem of mouthy women. A woman with a big mouth or bad attitude is certainly not the best combination. How many actually look at their families on both sides to see what is a known pattern and how to break the cycle in your life? Some families have patterns of womanizing, getting pregnant out of wed lock, stealing, killing, and lying. Why?  Because no one thought or made an effort to recognize the spiritual disrupt in their family.

That does not have to be so with you. We have the power through Christ to control how we live which doesn't have to reflect what grandmother did or Uncle Joe. Most people do not like change because they enjoy what they do. These people were high and mighty not recognizing their wrongs because to recognize their wrongs means to acknowledge you need to change. Acknowledgement requires action usually. That is why people in support groups in rehabs say admitting is the first step because it is. You do not have to be like your relatives. Be free from family ties that may have you tangled. Our main resemblance should be of God's family. It's #FreedomFriday

Let's be free from learned behavior our families effortlessly taught us and practice the characteristics of being in Christ. For all things have become new says The Word. You don't have to be like mom or dad. Just be like Christ. Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

What is Life?

You ever found yourself inquiring what life is all about? Is it about the money, the things we can buy with such money, the people we can impress with the things we choose to buy with said money? Maybe it is about accomplishments, you know such as: graduating, getting recognized for outstanding work in our careers, or that self satisfying moment parents receive when looking at their child growing into a responsible adult. What is life? Is it finally reaching that dream you have had since a toddler? What is life? Because if life being defined was all of these things, why are we still not fulfilled once those are scratched off of our "to do list?"

Life is beyond us. Yeah, it is great to give back. In fact, The Bible urges us to do so, but that is not what I am getting at. When I say life is beyond us, I mean life is beyond what our human minds can comprehend. To find the true definition of life, we must find The Life Giver, God. Jesus said, I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life" in John 14:6. Jesus sacrificed His Life in Heaven temporarily to then sacrifice His life as the son of man, for the lives of mankind, and His Life was resurrected through the power of The Holy Spirit to show us that we too can live. Live in the sense of being dead in our sins and being renewed in Christ. People always wish for a second chance at life. Well, what better opportunity than the one that was publicly displayed on The Cross to live again. Not only can we live again, but forever. Christians don't die but once because like Jesus that same Spirit is with us to guide us to Heaven- The Place of Life Everlasting.

So, what is life? Life is Jesus. Life is fulfilling when our steps are directed by The Director. The script has already been written. We just have to play our role. Life is enjoyable. It is meant to be enjoyed. God made us to be happy. Don't think so? Why do you think getting overly sad or angry can cause health or mental problems like depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, insomnia, stroke, and heart attacks? I have an answer because our bodies are not wired to handle but just a smidge of anger and sadness while the rest bathe in happiness. Examine your life. What is life for you? Are you fulfilled? Are you happy? Are you in Christ? Need a second chance? Go get your life. The life He created specifically for you and find out YOUR own definition of life. Our common definition is Jesus, but individually there is a life waiting just for us.