Thursday, April 30, 2015


Sssshhh! Listen to His heart! Can't you hear all the wonderful things He wants to do through you? Can't you hear His undying Love for you? It is so loud that it rings from sea to sea. Can't you hear the nails? Can't you hear the hammer banging on The Cross? Are you listening to Him say forgive them they are lost? Shhh...quiet. Can't you hear the disappointment in His Tone? Look at the world playing such a repeated sad song. Murderers getting away with senseless crimes while families grieve. People having trust issues and divorce rates are sky high. Are you listening to most young people would rather live the single life? People are bitter and cold because they are broken and not whole. Are you listening? Government can't agree with one another. People having three jobs just to earn enough to be broke. Are you listening?

April is almost up people and with so much going on we need to be attentive to what God wants us to do and execute it. Our lives serves a bigger purpose. The church has to be attentive to this world that is about to flat line at any moment. With all of the wars and false doctrine going on we should be all ears to what thus said The Lord! He is waiting on us to listen to Him. Not so much just an April Challenge, but a lifestyle. Let go of fear. Rid yourself of surrounding noise and daily listen to God. Daily He speaks, but He won't yell. God will not force His thoughts on us. Let Him fill you before anything or anyone tries to occupy His spot in your heart. The relationship between man and God is the most beautiful one we can ever come to know. So listen. Free your mind and listen. Empty yourself and listen. Praise Him and listen. Worship Him and listen. Shhhh...quiet yourself. Listen.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

How Rude!!!

God created all things with their own purpose including YOU. Unless you have an identical twin no one has the genetic make-up as you; therefore, no one can be you! Contrarily, you can not be anyone else. It's never too late to be who God made you to me and bask in the imperfectly perfect person that you are. Who are you to say that God got it wrong when He created you? How dare you try to create your own purpose! THAT'S RUDE and disrespectful! Not only did God create you, but He raised you. Did you ever experience a moment when you were caught doing something wrong by your biological parent? Were the first words out of your mother or father's mouth "Now you know I raised you better than that"? Hearing those words come from my parents was hurtful. Not because they said it but because I knew that I had disappointed them after they had done so much for me.

At a young age most of our parents handed us over to Christ so that in their absence God could chastise and parent us directly and not through them. Now, if your life is anything like mine life's lessons didn't start to kick in until you started living outside of your parents home. At that point you began to depend on your Heavenly Father for guidance, support (financially, emotionally, and spiritually), and protection. BUT I can surely remember several instances where God probably looked at me and said "Who are you?, You're not the person I raised you to be". How hurtful is that? Even more hurtful than hearing your biological parents say it because although they had done so much for you God has done infinitely more. So why not be the person God raised you to be? Take the good and the bad, the happy and the sad, the pretty and the ugly and just be YOU. God didn't make a mistake in fact that's the one thing He can not do! So instead of trying to correct God allow Him to correct you. Instead of trying to conform God to your ways you have to conform to His. God is the same today as He was yesterday and will be the same forever more.

When you believe in God you believe in yourself and you have no problem being yourself! #FearlessFAITH  #GodWINS

Monday, April 27, 2015

No Looking Back

Let's start the week off right good people by not allowing the past to be a hinderance. Who cares what happened last week, month, or year. We have been graced with another opportunity to excel. Whatever we couldn't accomplish then, we can now. Take this golden opportunity by the horns and don't look back. Of course, looking back isn't always bad. It is great to see how far we have come. Only time it is not necessary is when we look back with the wrong attitude. It goes back to forgetting things that are not worth remembering which was discussed on Friday's post. 

Some key things that can help us with this goal are:
1. Be surrounded with people who are moving forward.
2. Keep a positive attitude.
3. Thank God for your past and what's to come.
4. Handle past issues so they won't come up again.

Nothing like trying to move forward with people who are going in the opposite direction. Our progress does depend on who we hang around because habits do rub off over time whether they be good or bad. Keeping a positive attitude pleases God and we are more able to see God's purpose clearly with the right mindset rather than thinking negatively majority of the time. Thanking God for our past let's Him know that we understand it was Him Who brought us thus far. Acknowledging Him in our future shows trust, commitment, and faith. If we have those three things in God, then it will manifest in our future as well. Dealing with past hurt helps tremendously in moving forward. There are people who have been holding on to things their family did to them when they were little children. Others can't move past a bad break up. Carrying those things with us are toxic to our lives. So deal with it. If you need counseling then do that. Maybe talking to those that have wronged you will help or just pray that God heals your broken heart altogether. Actually, that's the first step and the others are great additives to think about. We can't walk, drive, eat, or work looking back. So why live life that way? Let's be committed to our future by breaking up with our past! Enjoy your week! 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

How Are You Acting?

How are you acting? Do you let your feelings get the best of you? How are you acting? Do you use your gender to get away with verbal murder? How are you acting? If I asked Jesus right now, could He say He is Lord over your thoughts, mouth, and behavior? How are you acting? Seriously, we have to check ourselves because we will be held accountable for everything we say and do and think. It's going to be that real! I don't care what anyone says, we are responsible for how we act (Romans 14:12). How we treat people, talk to others, and deal with confrontation is being watched with a microscopic lens as professed believers. There are no exceptions. When it was time for the walk of Calvary, out of anger Peter cut a soldiers ear off. Now, one would think Peter did that to defend Jesus. He was hurt that they were trying to take Him. Being hurt is fine, but we shouldn't intentionally hurt others in the midst of our hurt. So Jesus heals the man's ear immediately after which showed we are not to retaliate. Christians don't get a pass to snap or go off on others because they are wrong. Women also do not get a pass to cut people with our words because we are emotional. It is all wrong. I am the first to admit my wrongful attitude at times and try to play the "I'm emotional" card. However, God knows better.

Jesus should be Lord over our emotions, our mouth, and our thoughts. Because all of those things without control can be lethal. That's why you have pointless killings going on now. People are acting off how they feel without any conscious on how it effects the community, the nation, or the world. Because I feel like I'm in a bad mood nobody better not say anything to me or I will snap. That's not of God. We have to pray and put on the likeness of Christ. We are here to love no matter who treats us unfairly. Our actions have weight. Moreover, Jesus showed Love and we are to follow His example. What good is a singing, dancing, or teaching Christian who can't act right?

How we act can be life or death!
You must daily deny yourself.
For everything we do shall be judged.
So let's be about our Father's Business and that's Love. 

Friday, April 24, 2015

Forget It!

It is #FreedomFriday and we are going to forget some things today. How can we listen to God if we are still harboring emotions or thoughts that are counterproductive to our growth in Christ? So you have been hurt? Don't live in it. Stop carrying that into your relationships, friendships, or your life in general. That specific hurt should be left where it started. Yes, people throw dirt. We can't grow if we allow the dirt to stifle us. Flowers bloom through dirt. Gardeners know you have to toil with the soil and pull the weeds out before the rose appears. Just as in life, people will disappoint us. Nothing we can do about that. What we are capable of doing is allowing those moments to strengthen us and not be our downfall. See the weed, pull it out, and continue to blossom.

How can we do that? Find the good in letting go and grow. Forget about the intent and focus on the outcome. Did it take you out? Are you not still here? Is God not still blessing you? Do you not have a new day to conquer? We go to bed at night(or not) worrying about unnecessary stuff. God forgot about all of your wrongs and mistakes when He called you friend. So why can't you? Get some rest and forget about it. Smile and forget about it. Laugh and forget about it. Live and forget about it. It's time that saints act like saints. If we look broken down and down trotted how can we help anyone else? Therefore, brothers and sisters let us forget about those things that once held us captive and move onward to those things in which God has purposed for us. Happy Super Awesome Friday!

Forget the negative
It does you no good.
Remain positive.
In all things you should.
God has a way of making things better.
Let go and forget what is not needed to remember.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Our Father

Isn't it funny growing up, we have this enormous trust in our parents? We trust them to feed us, provide shelter, and clothe us. Without a shout of a doubt we believe that they will take care of us. Now granted, these are imperfect people. People who lose their job. People who grow tiresome. People who aren't promised tomorrow just like us, yet that hope of them coming through for us always remained. So I wonder, how can we so effortlessly trust our earthly parents and doubt our Heavenly Father? I mean here is God being all powerful and all knowing, right? And we have the audacity to doubt Him. He is thinking, "I created your parents that you diligently depend on, but you can't have faith in Me?" That's got to hurt.

So, how can we change that? Easy! Remember that God is simply our Father. It may get a bit too much, knowing He is perfect and holy. We don't want to mess up so we try to "follow the rules" and do the right thing. But guess what? We are not under the law of the letter, but of liberty. Also, He isn't to be thought of as some genie who only grants our wishes(selfish prayers) which will be discussed in more detail on another day. God more than anything wants a genuine relationship with us. Believing in His Son, Jesus, makes us His children. Just like any parent, He wants what is best for us. They birthed us, but He created us to be great. Just like yesterday, we were built to soar and not merely cruise through life. We were also built in flesh and not as a robot. Meaning to stop with the rituals and just get real. Embrace your Father. Talk to Him more than you talk to anyone. He's yours isn't He? We have the greatest Father of all time. He owns everything and can do anything! It's #ThankfulThursday! Let's show our thankfulness to God, by treating Him like family. #OurFather #FF

Thank You Lord, for being my Father
Even when I did not want to be bothered.
You're the greatest of all time.
I'm so glad that You are mines! 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

What were you built for?

Knowing your purpose and fulfilling that purpose is key to a life of abundance in Christ. So what is your purpose? What were you built for? Have you gotten so comfortable and complacent in your present position that you've forgotten that you're on a continuous journey? Have you gotten so comfortable sleeping on the couch that you've forgotten that the bed was designed especially for you to get the best night's sleep? Have you gotten so comfortable with your job that you forgot you had a career plan? Don't sit idle allowing yourself to become an empty vessel in which the blood no longer runs through. Allow God to pour into you and use you for what He built you for. Yes it may be difficult, but whatever it is that God has called you to do He has also equipped you to do. No one can do it like you nor can anyone do it for you, you're purpose is YOUR purpose. Whatever thoughts that seem far beyond your abilities are at God's fingertips He's just waiting for you to make a move. Don't be bogged down in a corner by doubt, fear, or a perceived lack of resources. Should anything or anyone be able to stop you? God has everything aligned for you all you have to do is listen up and follow His commands. The victory is already yours! So don't worry, just as Jesus was in the boat with the disciples during the storm while on their journey He's right there with you. Step out on the water as long as you have trust Him, have faith, and believe you will not sink.


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Listen Up!

James 1:19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.

It is Tuesday folks and it is time to listen up! Still keeping the April Challenge(listening to God and living in the moment) in mind, we are going to briefly discuss great listening skills. I was taught a few semesters ago that naturally we are born with the sense of hearing. However, listening is a learned skill. Listening is not an ability everyone practices. Especially, when we think we are right, it is very hard for us to listen to another while he or she is making their point. Furthermore, we rarely listen to God. I mean really listen. Getting so caught up in our own way of doing things, we tend to close our ears to God.

So The Bible teaches us to be slow to speak and eager to listen. Just like the saying goes, God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason. How can we implement this great characteristic? Well, clear your mind. Even if you are right, try to gain understanding of what the other party is trying to convey so that you can at least disagree peacefully. Understanding and listening goes hand and hand. We have to humble ourselves to listen. The prideful ears are always closed and God isn't too fond of the pride, but that's another post. All we need sometimes is a great listener. Someone who will lend an ear leading with their heart for what we have to say. It is very therapeutic to go to someone who is all ears until you get whatever you need off of your chest. So, let's pray for great listening skills. If we aren't listening to God we aren't able to know His direction and hear His Guidance. God listens to us, but don't you think He would want the same in return? This is a relationship remember? Wouldn't you get tired of always listening to your spouse, but your spouse doesn't reciprocate the same for you? Go ahead and answer. I'm listening.

Listen Up! God is speaking
Listen Up! So you can be receiving
Listen Up! His Wisdom awaits
Listen Up! Before it is too late

Monday, April 20, 2015

It's All Love

1 John 4:16 "And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them". 

Love is a powerful thing, so much so that you can't choose who you love nor who loves you. In fact, love is the dominating characteristic of God exhibited throughout the Bible. It's so powerful that even those who don't choose to be loved by Him are chosen. The church of God is founded upon love and is continually built upon through love. Love is what drove God to put Jesus into the world. Love is what gave Jesus the strength to make it to the cross to die so that we could be live and allowed to exhibit that same type of love to others. Pretty powerful right? Love is usually inexpressible by words (much like God's goodness) because it's more of an action, a feeling. Do you know what I mean? Have you experienced love, God's love? Are you operating in love or are you still trying to figure it all out? Relax. Just as much as God's love is inexpressible via words it is also not always understandable and that's okay. If you're anything like me you need an explanation for every action or feeling when sometimes the answer is simply love and it's unexplainable. You may find yourself asking "Why didn't I get that job?", "Why was I rejected?", "Why do I have to experience this?", and etc.  But don't worry and don't question because it's all love. In order to operate with love you must stand on trust, so I challenge you this week to rely on God's love and operate in God's love.  Allow love to be the driving force for all your endeavors this week. Allow love to take over in situations where anger, irritation, agitation, and hurt try to creep in. God has showered you with love how about you spread that love! 

#HappyMonday #FearlessFAITH #ItsAllLove  

Thursday, April 16, 2015


What are you invested in? Yes, of course financially we may be very knowledgeable on where our money is going. Some have placed money in divers places because that is taught to be the best way to go. The "what if's" of life have us thinking that if this bank fails I can place my money else where so I will not lose all of it. That's great, but somehow that "what if" factor has strolled into the dating scene and our overall life period. God never expects us to date without hopes of it leading to a marital commitment. Moreover, God has no intentions on us having a relationship with Him while still being invested in our old ways and habits. This will be a two parter, but I will try to keep it short and sweet for you guys.

Okay so, the wisest decision when being involved in a relationship is to make sure your investment is sure. Just like with your bank, I'm sure you inquire beforehand where your money is going. Is it  a well trusted and safe place, right? Same with the dating scene. The reason many have heartache is because we didn't do the ground work as far as making sure the person we are giving our complete all to is the RIGHT person. He or she may be great, but are they right for you? Does this "bank" meet your requirements, needs, and standards? Is it safe? Not just going off verbal feedback. We won't know who is right for us unless we pray. Okay your family wants you to "bank" with them but what does God say? Because these are your feelings and time being invested, not theirs. Praying requires fellowship. Fellowship requires a relationship. So, if we are serious about God He will be serious about us. We can't be entangled with the world and then use God when we need Him to answer a question or perform a miracle.

Great thing about God is it only requires one investment. Therefore, the relationship He sends your way will only require one investment. No need to have a side chick or a number two. The person He sends will be all you need just like He is all you need. It's #ThankfulThursdays! Be thankful all you need is ONE investment in Christ.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Speak Up!

Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of The Gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. 

Topic for today is speaking up for what we believe. Not so much in words, but in our lifestyle. Anyone can memorize scripture, but not all can put it into practice. See, back in the day Paul and others who were apart of the first church, were unapologetic about their faith. They were not concerned about who they offended because The Gospel is offensive. Jesus took some critiscm just like they did. Guess what? We will too. Everyone is not on The Lord's side. We have to deal with family, old friends, co workers, and some church members who do not quite understand our faith. Which is why we are to be bold and speak up.

Jesus didn't save us to hide in the corner, but to stand boldly in our salvation. Why should we be ashamed that God, God, Himself poured Himself into flesh just to save us from death? If anything we should be screaming to the mountain top how great our faith is in Christ. He was bold when He died. In turn, we should be bold in this new found life we have through Him. Speak up! Do not let trials quiet your faith. Speak up! Do not allow sickness to silence your praise. So they took prayer out of school, bless your food anyway. Your job doesn't want to offend the Muslims so they say happy holidays instead of Merry Christmas. Say Merry Christmas anyways. The world is not suppose to agree with us and we are not to compromise with the world. There is power in our faith. Power that not only changed your life, but can change someone else's. Jesus is not embarrassing. He is not dead. He has risen! Be a voice. Be heard. Christ lives. Christ saves. Christ Always! Speak up! Believe it or not, the world is listening either way.

#SpeakUp #FF #RunTellDat 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Forget YOUR Plans

Ezekiel 3:10 "Moreover he said unto me, Son of man, all my words that I shall speak unto thee receive in thine heart, and hear with thine ears" 

What do you do when your comfort zone becomes uncomfortable? Listen to God and Live in the moment. That is our April challenge and as we approach the middle of the month I just want to remind and motivate you to stick with whatever God is telling you to do. With doing so you show God how big your faith is and how much you trust Him. Be ready for your challenge to be challenged!! The level of your discomfort is directly proportional to the level of your spiritual growth. And nothing else makes the enemy more angry than seeing you grow; gaining trust, strength, and more faith in the Almighty. Continue to let His voice guide you, let Him guide you as Ezekiel did. Ezekiel knew exactly what He wanted to do and where He wanted to be; however, God's plans were slightly different. Now, I'll be the first to admit that what God says might not be what you want to hear, but it's exactly what you need to hear. His direction may not take you where you want to go, but it will take you exactly where you need to go. Things will get in the way, but it won't stop you. People may get in your way, but before you step out of character to deal with them step out of the situation and let God handle it.  God is bigger than any obstacle and and stronger than any person so just live in the moment allow Him to speak and act on your behalf. By allowing Him to have total control you leave room for Him to do things never imagine in ways that you didn't know were possible. 

#ListenNOW #LiveNOW 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Compel! No Complaints!

We are here to compel and not to complain.
Jesus left His Heavenly seat for us.
Who else would do the same?
Jesus came low with nowhere to lay His head.
Can you imagine not sleeping in your comfortable bed?
He went through ridicule and a gruesome death.
To be lifted up to glory so that we can one day have rest.
Yet, we have turned into a thankless people.
Don't you know that our words are lethal?
For with our words we can kill.
Kill our testimony that God is REAL.
What good is salt if it has lost it's flavor.
What good are Christians who don't lift up The Savior?
It's not about us. Our lives our sacrificial.
Pick up your Cross, remember?
Let this mind be in you, we easily quote
Yet still want our way while the world continues to think we are a joke.
Want to know why the world is in such bad shape?
Take a poll to see how many actually pray.
We are here to compel not complain.
No selfish prayers of Lord bless me today.
I want this and I don't have that.
While people are dying in sin and satan grins
Because we are too busy complaining about nothing, again.
So when judgment time comes where will you be?
Will Jesus Blood be on you for God to see?
Because Jesus Blood was complaint free.
So free yourself of complaining if you desire to live eternally.

To live like Christ is to die to self. That means die to selfish habits and thought patterns. Complaining gives a sense of entitlement when we should be grateful. How thankful are you? It is shown in your daily habits. How would people describe you? Moreover, how would God describe you? Because He will one day. So I urge you and myself to compel others to Christ more than we complain about life.

#FF #iWontComplain #Compel

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Get Moving!

Just because it is the weekend it does not mean we get a pass to be lazy. That just gives us the extra time to workout. Time that we constantly make excuse for throughout the work/school week. We know the common excuse, "I am busy." Well, are you too busy to take care of yourself? That's basically what you are saying. Not trying to be to harsh, but as people of God we need to be an outward representation that we love God by also taking care of the bodies He gave us. We feed ourselves spiritual food for growth and health, right? That's great, but we should not neglect taking care of our physical health as well. We can pray until we are blue in the face to lose weight or get our blood pressure down, but what good is all of that prayer with no work towards achieving the goal?

Work that requires us to be active. How can we give God our all if we are not taking care of ourselves? So, let's get active. I'm joining and going to commit myself to working out every week as well. Of course, everyone does not have the same stamina so start at your own speed. Take a brisk walk if you can't jog. Jog if you can't run. If you can run then go for it! Hit the gym, the park, or your neighborhood. Just get active. You'll feel better and exercising is a great stress reliever. Get a partner if you must, but get out there and get moving! There will be a testimonial follow up on anyone who wishes to share what exercising has done for you within the next month. You can email for us to post your testimonies!  #GetMoving #FF 

Friday, April 10, 2015

Stuck In The Mud

It's #FreedomFriday ladies and gents! Just as the quote states, we are incapable of reaching our goals, our potential, and our overall freedom by hanging on to things or people that are meant to be in our past. It is like trying to get a car out of the mud. No matter how much we press our feet on the gas, scream, or turn our wheel the car is still stuck. All it is actually doing is digging a deeper hole and creating an even bigger mess. So, we then call for help. Whether it be triple A, a friend, or relative we usually have someone on our mechanical speed dial to get us out of this messy situation. Let's use this same narrative for our lives shall we?  For whatever reason, we may end up in our "metaphorical mud pit." In so many cases, we get involved with people who were never meant or sent to last for the long haul yet we keep them around not knowing it is causing us to lack progression. Ever been around people who are not helping you get further in life? We should be surrounded around those who challenge us to do better, inspirational, encouraging, supportive, self less, and caring people. Those are attachable people. The detachable are the discouragers, judgmental, hypocritical, selfish, and unloving people. Hanging around people of that nature is a sure way to end up "stuck in the mud."

Yes, sometimes we can't avoid those people because we want to be "good saints" and give everyone a chance. So yeah we may overlook certain negative characteristics in people that will cause the sticky situation. Just like it takes help to get out of the mud in the narrative, it does spiritually as well. We develop certain connections with people over time whether it be good or bad and just because we are connected doesn't mean it is a godly connection. That is where Christ comes into action. He is willing and able to help us out of life's muddy ordeals. Daily attaching a piece of Him to us in itself will detach everything and everyone that is keeping us from what we deserve. He said that He came that we may have life, not death and more abundantly, and not just going through the motions. So I challenge you to write down what you deserve and stick to it. Don't settle. Don't go backwards. Stick to your guns and don't get "stuck in the mud."

#FreedomFriday #DeclareUnstuck #FF #YouDeserve

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Truth Be Told

Luke 12:2 "There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known"

Yesterday a large portion of our nation was outraged at the not so surprising footage of yet another police officer shooting and killing of an unarmed african american male. Where do I even begin? This seems to be a new media trend. I say "new MEDIA trend" because this has been an ongoing issue in african american communities for as long as I can remember; however, without the media coverage it's like it was never happening. I can assure you african american can tell you of at least one person they know who has been a victim of police brutality in some way (from verbal to physical to death). How could we have addressed this issue within our community when the source of correction is the source of the problem? How is that those who have been entrusted to Protect and Serve our communities are the ones we need protection from? Police officers are expected to enforce the law but somewhere along the way they've decided that they are above the law when the only person who is above it is God...the One who knows all, see's all, and controls all. Now, The initial story I read in regards to this situation was heart throbbing and the second one I read made me slightly angry and it's because they LIED as if the officer was a hero for killing yet another african american "villain". I'm not sure how your news outlets are set up but at least twice a week here in Houston I read about an officer involved shooting in which case the pursuant is killed. Many of those articles look like the second one I mentioned above. So, what is the actual truth? I guess we'll never know in most cases, but in this one the truth (the ugly truth) was told. It seems as though the only ones that are being protected by law enforcement are the members of law enforcement whom are public service employees paid mine and your taxes. Additionally, I'm curious as to how an honorable military 1st class patrolman can fear for his life when a taser is taken from him. How can we deem this as acceptable? Is there no other means of taking down a fleeing individual besides eight bullets? Every since George Zimmerman was acquitted for the death of Trayvon Martin I have found the phrase "I fear for my life" to be admissible for the shooting deaths of african american men. You're a police officer, so how is it that you're so easily fearful? It's not a case of fear it's a case of abusing your authority! Police carry a belt full of tools to aid in detaining those who resist arrest a gun should be the last resort. Not to mention this man was shot 5 times from behind and 8 shots were actually fired. How bazaar is that?

I say all of that to say this in today's post. The truth always prevails! With all that is going on around us and everything that tries to come against us just know that God sees it all. This (the earth) is not our home so justice may not always be served in our favor, but there is a judge higher than the ones we face in the courtroom. A Judge who doesn't need you to present any evidence or state what your version of the truth is because He was there and can bare witness Himself. Don't depend on the local police officers to protect you because God has that covered. Live Fearlessly and Faithful!

#FearlessFAITH #TruthBeTold #BlackMALELivesMatter

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

April Challenge

So the challenge for the remainder of the month is to listen to God and LIVE in the moment. Stop dwelling on the past. Enjoy right now. Not saying don't plan, but follow God's Plan. Don't know His Plan? Well, that's where the listening comes into play. There are so many that are moving rapidly in various things, but are getting absolutely nowhere. Just because one may move slower doesn't mean that there is something wrong. It is better to move slow with direction than fast at a dead end or in circles. Life is not this mad rat race that the world so easily paints. God wants us to enjoy our stay here though it be temporary. Make the most of it. What has you stuck? Who are you comparing your life to? Who has you stuck? Take the advice above and move on. Yes with man it is hard, but with God's Help we can do ANYTHING. So ask Him to help you live your life and move on. He knows all about helping us do so. Just ask Lot in Genesis 19. There it shows the good of moving on with The Lord and the bad of not doing so. God blessed you with another day. Try not to replicate the day before or last week. Let it be better, seriously. Go LIVE!

#AprilChallenge #FF #ListenToGod #Live

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

He Got Up and Went to Work!!!

Psalm 34:7 "The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them."

On Sunday He rose and I must say He definitely is at work in my life. It's TESTIMONY TUESDAY... my time to share how God showed up in my life yesterday. Recently I cut off my relaxed hair and began embracing my beautiful natural tresses. With such a drastic change I have become obsessed with trying to take care of my natural hair which entails a lot of trial and error in regards to products and styling. Sunday I did a little impulse shopping (which I DO NOT recommend) buying a really expensive hair treatment for deep conditioning. While at work yesterday morning I felt the urge to return it and get a cheaper product that seemingly works the same. The "urge" wasn't to wait until tomorrow or when I got off work it was to go NOW and it was still fairly early in the work day. I strongly contemplated it as I would have to leave work on my lunch break to retrieve the product from home, return the product at one place, then buy the other product at another place; however, something said go...NOW. So I followed instruction. [Side note: Recently, I've been using cash for miscellaneous spending because I find that I am more reluctant to spending unnecessarily. This time, without hesitation and despite having ample enough cash, I used my debit card for my purchase.] I returned to work and proceeded with my day, then my cellphone rings. It's a number I didn't recognize so I almost ignored it and moved on, but something told me to answer. The caller was from my banking instituation informing me that there was fraud activity on my debit card, but [GOD] they were able to block the transaction and that they would cancel the card and send me a new one. I was so very relieved that they caught it but I immediately attributed the fraud protection to God. I called back to make sure that the call itself wasn't a fraud and they explained to me that because I had just used my card in Texas they knew there was no way I could have made it to Tennessee in such a short time span to use it again. Then it all made sense that "something" that had been urging me to move was SOMEONE, it was GOD!!

God is always always always at work in your life. Just as the scripture says above He encamps around this who fear Him. He is protecting you from dangers seen and unseen so don't ever forget that. He protects you when you can't protect yourself. One thing about God is He knows His sheep by name; therefore, when anyone tries to use my name God blocks it because He knows me! When anyone tries to steal my blessings God blocks it! When the devil is out to get me God blocks it! I can rest in peace knowing that I am fully protected with an insurance plan that has a premium that was paid in full when Jesus died for me. Jesus didn't get up in vain. He got up and went to work, for you and for ME!! He never ceases to amaze me therefore I will never cease praising Him. In this He confirmed His omnipresent and omnipotent characteristics. While He was with me here in TX He was able to protect me all the way in TN. There was no way I could (nor anyone else could) travel that kind of distance in short time span OH BUT GOD...He can do it all and He did and for that I'm thankful. Look for God in disguise in your life today and everyday I guarantee you He's working for you too!

#FearlessFAITH #TestimonyTuesday #TellAFriendTuesday #ShareYourTestimonies

Sunday, April 5, 2015

He Got Up!

It is Ressurection Sunday and what a rejoicing Sunday it is! This is not only a celebratory occasion today but every day. We as Christians just take special time out to recognize the awesome power of God. We know that Jesus got up with ALL Power in His Hands. Even though He faced a gruesome death, God shows that it is never what it looks like and how Sovereign He truly is. The Cross is our faith. Surely if we can believe Jesus died for us and defeated the grave than we can operate that same faith while going through trials on earth. Rememeber His Sacrifice and Ressurection by sharing the true meaning of Easter to those who are unaware. Embrace them just like Jesus did, would, and will. He embraced you didn't He? HAPPY RESSURECTION!!! #HeGotUp #FF

Saturday, April 4, 2015

It's Not Over

It's not over, though blood was shed.
It's not over.
He's not dead.
It's not over.
Why do you grieve?
Jesus died to set you free.
It's not over.
Though some cheer,
That Jesus death is finally here.
But it's not over.
You just wait and see.
He will rise on day three.
It's not over for the kingdom of God.
We always win.
Never a lost.
It's not over.
Who told you that?
You'll see for yourself
When Jesus comes back!

Just like the above picture states, there is a reason for trials. Jesus went through excruciating pain for our freedom and God's Glory. Do not forget that just like it wasn't over on Calvary, it is not over in your life either. I don't care what you are facing or will face, remember that your trials are not your end point. Jesus proved on The Cross that nothing is too hard for God. He got Jesus out of the grave and can get us out of any troubles we face. So no matter what others, satan, or even self doubt may proclaim you be encouraged as a believer to know it is not over, yet. Our God is a deliverer!

Romans 5:3-4And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation works patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope:

#HolyWeek #FF #ItsNotOver

Friday, April 3, 2015

It Was Not The Nails.

It was not the nails that held Jesus on The Cross.
There were two others souls next to Him whose souls were lost.
One rejected and the other accepted.
The crowd roaring in mockery.
Religious leaders shouting in their life of hypocrisy, "King of The Jews."
Not realizing that King was hanging there for them, me, and you.
It was not the nails that kept Him there.
He could have come down, but we wouldn't be here.
So what kept Jesus on That Cross?
He left Heaven for what cause?
Jesus was driven by Love, love is He.
His Love for us is the very reason we breathe,
Why the foxes eat, and the birds sing.
He loved us first. 
Remember Adam and Eve?
But because of our sins, 
He had to come down.
Jesus, the ultimate Sacrifice,
No more lamb or ox to suffice.
His Love is His Blood. Can't you see?
It was not the nails that kept Him hanging on Calvary.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son so that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

There's Always a Reason

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus" 

Have you ever had a day, week, or MONTH when you just found it extremely hard to be thankful due to the circumstances you were faced with? I've got news for you, no circumstance should ever cause you to feel like you can't be thankful for the day that the Lord has made. There is nothing that you, who are a faithful warrior, cannot endure ESPECIALLY if you've been lead by God and here's why. Tomorrow is the Friday before Easter Sunday (Good Friday). Well over 2000 years ago on this day Jesus (the Son of God) was nailed to the cross that He carried for YOU. There is no obstacle or circumstance in your lifetime that you will face that can compare the the pain, suffering, and humiliation that He endured for YOU. If there was a reason for His suffering, is there not a reason for your suffering?  Is that not enough for you to ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS be thankful?  At no point during Jesus' suffering did He doubt God or withdraw Himself from the plan of God, so why should you? He trusted that He had done everything that He was supposed to do in order to fulfill His purpose and because of that obedience He knew God would do His part as well. Was the experience easy? No. Was it worth it? Certainly. Jesus defeated the grave something that had not been done and has not been done since then. So ask yourself, am I doing everything that God has told me to do? If you are then don't fret. Acknowledge God in the midst of your circumstance with immense gratitude.  We weren't called to defeat the grave, but we are surely capable of defeating our circumstances.

 There's ALWAYS a Reason...Jesus is the reason!!! 