Thursday, July 9, 2015

Come and See

John 1:46 And Nathanael said to him, Can any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip said to him, Come and see. 

"Can any good thing come from Nazareth?", Nathanael asks. How many times have we heard people question God? Better yet, how many times have we questioned God? The answer is PLENTY! Yesterday, I had the pleasure of catching up with two great friends of mines. One moved back here a few years ago and the other moved to Cali with her husband a few years ago. Well, our friend from Cali came to visit. So all three of us got together for some good ol' girl chat. We laughed, we shared stories, we encouraged one another, talked about our personal lives, and ended in prayer. One thing I took from that conversation was faith. The very thing we write about every week stuck out to me the most. I had to admit that growing up I had the wrong view of faith and am just now looking at it in the right perspective. Listening to the stories and struggles of my fellow sisters revealed to me how vital faith is to us as Christians.

So Nathanael, in his confusion is wondering about Jesus, The Messiah, coming from Nazareth. Is it possible that The King of Kings is coming from such a lowly place? Nazareth isn't the most desirable town. In today's terms, it would be like Jesus being a hobo(because He has no home) coming from the lowest city proclaiming He is God's Son. Hard to believe right? Yeah to the natural man, but faith is what opens our spiritual vision. Just as in your life you may find yourself wondering how will I pay my bills I only make $7.25 an hour. How will I finish school? How can I teach or preach The Word when I mess up every day? The answer is, Faith. I love Philip's response, "Come and see." Come and see means try Him. People tend to get into a habit of doubting before they even try God. Just because it looks like there is not a way, we forget Jesus is The Way, The Truth, and The Life! If we believe God then we should believe His Word. Our minds are programmed from birth, that we must see something in order to believe it will happen. Faith is the complete opposite. In Christ, we are believing without seeing it come to pass, yet. Think about it. If we could see it before it happens then why would we need God? Why would we need to have faith if we know what God knows? God uses our faith to build our trust in Him. He is not doing it for show or to make us suffer. He wants us to realize He will do what He says He will do even when it doesn't look like it will happen in our mind. He fed the five thousand and He can feed you. He healed the sick and He can heal you, your relationships, and your mind, but we must ignite our faith.

These terrible times we are in should be used as a launching pad for our faith in Christ. Can any good thing come from Nazareth? America? My community? Me? Yes! With faith in Christ ALL things are possible. There isn't anything or anyone "too bad" for Christ to make new. There is still great works that will be done in the midst of all the confusion. He is The Light that shines in us though the world is full of darkness. Let your faith shine and tell yourself and others to Come and See! Jesus Lives!

#FF #IsItPossible #ComeAndSee

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