Saturday, May 31, 2014

Forget NOT His benefits


Psalms 103:1 "Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless His holy name" 

Psalm 103 is one of my favorites! Often times we focus on verse 1 but the real blessing and depth comes from what follows. This Psalm describes all of the benefits of serving our God. We can get so caught up in our current state and situations that we forget ALL the benefits of God which are beyond what we can ever imagine. Seriously, if God never does anything else for anyone else He has already done's written! Yet because of who He is He continues to bless us. For that we must bless His Holy name, but beyond that we must continue to serve Him...that's what He desires from us. What if this were reversed and God was singing a song about how we personally benefit Him and His kingdom? What would the list consist of? Would there even be a list on your behalf? What have you done for the kingdom? Our relationship with God should be a win-win type relationship...we have to benefit one another. How do you benefit the Kingdom? 


Friday, May 30, 2014

We get what we pay for

Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

You ever heard that saying, "Ya get what ya pay for..."? I am sure you have. I want to relate that to this post. We all have this collective mindset that we are going to Heaven. By we I mean we as human beings. No one wants to think about satan or hell. By having these comical movies about ghost and raising the question if hell or satan is even real can be very life threatening. Some people think he is some mythical creature and think hell is some made up place like the North Pole both of these are false. God tells us that He will throw satan in the lake of fire once Jesus returns in Revelation 20:10. I say that to explain that how we live determines where our end destination will be eternally. Just like how we choose to live effects our natural state as far as getting a job, going to school, etc...our spiritual state works the same way. Although we all want to go to Heaven many of us are not which is also in The Word in Matt. 7:13-14. So, just like the popular phrase states, we get what we pay for in a sense. The leading scripture above which talks about how we basically earned what we paid for because the price of a life of sin is death twice. What is dying twice? First dying naturally and entering into hell which is the second death, a life of torture and misery. Thank God for a BUT! Anytime God inserts a but it means that there is Hope and Mercy on the other side of the verse. So it ends BUT the GIFT of God is eternal Life in Christ Jesus our Lord. See the difference? But the GIFT, a gift meaning something that was GIVEN to us. After the but is simply talking about salvation. Why do you think God added, " Christ Jesus our Lord." when He already stated Himself giving The Gift? He added it because people thought and still do think we can enter Heaven without acknowledging Jesus. He wanted to be clear that the ONLY way to receive salvation is through Christ and He is the reason we can inherit life everlasting.

Speaking of Heaven we had a solider called to the army this past week, her name was Maya Angelou. In honor of her death I want to end with a personal poem since she was a great black poet! They say you get what you pay for, but God has already paid what we couldn't afford. Don't be mislead or get it misconstrued. Hell is real don't be fooled. Especially knowing Jesus died for you to live in Heaven with Him and the angels. Don't find yourself in hell tangled, with the regrets like the rich man. You get what you pay for and Jesus already paid for your sins!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Do you Hear It?

Do you hear it

Matthew 19:21 "Jesus said unto him, If thou will be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me" you hear that? God is calling you! Listen closely...He's calling you out of bondage! He's releasing you into a new realm with new gifts, new knowledge, and a new life in Him - with Him. 

Scripture is timeless. In fact this same thing is written in the Bible in at least 4 places (Luke 18:22, Matthew 19:21, Mark 10:21, and Matthew 16:24). My favorite wording is Matthew 16:24 because it says "deny yourself" meaning give up things that YOU want to follow Me. What Jesus is saying here is essentially what He would say to us today; however, it would be give up your smartphone, ipad (tablet), computer, television, etc. We are a commited generation...committed to our careers, computers, cell-phones, hobbies, tablets, and etc. but we are no longer commited to one another and most of us aren't even committed to Christ. We are held captive by the things of this world so much so that we aren't able to bask in the REAL gifts that God has given us because we're so infatuated with the technology of our day. By no means am I saying all of this is sinful and we should discontinue use; I'm merely saying we can have these things, but we must be careful not to let these things have us. It's so easy to get caught up in the life of's cool, intriguing stuff! You know who uses cool, intriguing stuff as a distraction right? RIGHT! I don't even have to say it so this is why we must be careful. It's okay to use these things but once again don't let them use us! We must still be available to God...we must still engage in meaningful relationships, friendships, and kinships...we must still love thy neighbor...we must still serve the people of AND NOT of God...we must still give God total control of our lives. And when we do that we will then have freedom!

Over the years Marissa and I will often take time away from social media and even our cellphones to get clearer guidance from God. She'll text me "After today I'm no longer taking phone calls or text messages until God tells me otherwise" and without quesiton I reply "Okay" and vice versa. Sometimes you have to be willing to drop everything to cleanse youself so that God can replinish you. YOU have to free yourself from YOU sometimes to make yourself available to Him. It's not always the devil holding us in bondage sometimes we've enslaved ourselves to the things I listed above. Free yourself...God is waiting on you! 



Wednesday, May 28, 2014

What about your friends?

Proverbs 13:20 "Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm."

Man how true is that verse! I personally know a lot of damage control could have happened if I chose my company more wisely. Heck, I wasn't good company myself until I accepted Jesus in my heart.

Kim touched on relationships last week. She talked about the whole spectrum. I want to speak a little on friendship. Hearing sayings and stories on how some friends are just for a season, I never thought it was true until I gained The Ultimate Friendship. You know my relationship with Christ & while that friendship grew others started to wither and fade away. My club buddies, cursing crew, and sisters from another mister soon turned into associates before my eyes. Even the guy I just knew I was suppose to be with I saw as a stranger. God opened my eyes that it was either them or Him. That friendship I thought I had was toxic to my spiritual relationship ESPECIALLY the boyfriend I had. What was so oblivious became crystal clear. It was toxic, unhealthy, fruitless companionships that had there good moments from time to time but led nowhere and that is not where any relationship compass should lead. A friend in a few words is someone who loves you genuinely and encourages you to be YOUR best. No superior judgment, conditions, mess, nor will they continue to lead you down the wrong path. A friend resembles Jesus because that's where true friendship begins! As soon as God opened my eyes and I finally let go of what I thought I had He began to bloom real friends into my life and I am forever grateful! I may not speak or hangout with each of them everyday but I know the love is constant no matter what. Funny because the same people I did do that with are long gone now and that love was questionable. Knowing friendship is not one sided, I too have to take account that I also was not a good friend or girlfriend before I got saved which I have admitted to them. It's crazy how right we FEEL when in reality we are totally wrong. Even in my salvation I know I could do better in my friendships and overall relationships with others. So what about your friends? Are they lifting you up or pulling you down? What about you? Are you a true friend? No one is perfect, but let's strive to be better! The best example on how to be a terrific friend is Jesus. Growing into His Likeness is a sure way to knowing who should we call friend and how to be one.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Watch your Mouth!


Luke 6:45 " A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh"

As a child I can remember being taught "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me". That's a cute little saying, but the reality is that I don't remember any sticks and stones that I've encountered; however, I can specifically recite things that have been said to me that affected me both negatively and postively. Words have power -- power to break a person down as well as power to build a person up. Do an inventory on what flows from your mouth daily, weekly, and even monthly to evaluate how you are using the power of your tongue.

What you say is a good indication of the condition of your heart...are you evil-hearted or good-hearted? The tongue is a small tool, but when used a certain way it can become a deadly weapon. Watch what you say to people and be careful how you say it because in the end what you say about or to someone else actually says a lot more about you, your character, and your heart.


Monday, May 26, 2014

You mad? Don't worry be happy!

Happiness has been such an issue in today's society. People of all racial backgrounds and circles have a problem with simply being happy. Even Christians sometimes appear to be depressed or unhappy which is a complete paradox. I have taken upon myself to participate in the #100 day happy challenge starting at the beginning of this month. Since the commitment, I have been hit with so much in just a short amount of time. However, at the end of the day I can truly say I kept my joy, my faith, and my peace because Jesus never left my side. Do not get me wrong, there were moments of frantic, frustration, and fear. Yes, I said fear, but those emotions did not succeed and take over me as a Christian. That is what makes us who we are. It is not that once we are saved we stop feeling human emotions it is that we learn AND practice to deal with them differently with the Help of our Lord. God equips us with His Spirit Who comforts us, His Word which encourages us, and His people to help us through tough times which with ALL of that help it makes it easier to just be happy. Why dwell on something you have no control over especially when we have such a Sovereign God. The more we REST in the fact that He WILL take care of us in EVERY way possible, we will and can be happy. That is why The Word says let The Redeemed of The Lord say so. Christians should be the happiest people on the planet! We have REAL Love, a paid debt that we could never afford, every need taken care of, support out of this world literally and the list is ENDLESS. So when I read His Word, look at what God has done for me personally, and others around me how can I not be grateful?! You mad? Reconsider, He is AMAZING! Your life is AMAZING. It may not be where YOU want it, but you are still breathing so that means progress is definitely happening and it CAN get there it just is not there YET. So wait, sip your tea, and be happy. God got it!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Motivational Monday: Let's Do This!


1 Corinthians 9:24 "Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize?  So run, that ye may obtain" 

Don't get too relaxed on today; instead, use this day to press a little further and get ahead in the race you're running. God rested on Sunday not Monday...and as far as I know God doesn't stop working on a holiday so neither should we. Driven, passionate, tenacious people don't take days off they make ways when others take days. One sure way to get ahead is to keep going when others are at rest. As stated by Maya Angelou "Nothing will work unless you do". This is a short reminder to keep going because despite it being a holiday it's still productive and RUN SO THAT YE MAY OBTAIN! 

Happy Memorial Day!  

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Let us rejoice!

Psalm 149:1 "Praise ye the LORD. Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints."

It is something about going to church and worshipping God collectively with fellow Christians that I value dearly. Going through a tough week, great week, whatever the week, it is always necessary to collectively praise The Lord. Some people think it is not necessary to go to church as a Christian, but there are numerous counts of God's people being blessed by coming together on one accord in praise. If you read Joshua 6 you will find how God's people came together in praise and the walls of Jericho came tumbling down. No, that was not worship service but it was God's people coming together worshipping Him and they were blessed because of it. The placed they worshipped in Old Testament was called The Temple. It was a sacred place and there was something about going to that alter that you could not get in personal commune with God. Even though we are the temple of God, there is nothing wrong with corporately praising our God. Yes, salvation is personal but God encourages us to fellowship with one another as well. Can we really say we love Jesus if we do not love the idea of church HE created? Heaven is church! You have a choir singing and ALL is worshiping God in their own way so if we have a problem with it now then how will we be okay to do it in Heaven? God created us to want to be around each other. Especially as saints, seeing how there are not that many of us, He wants us to show brotherhood for the world to see. How can we love if we do not like being around one another? So, rejoice in The Lord and be glad! David declared to exalt His Name TOGETHER! We can not get everything we need spiritually from technology and being alone. There is something about laying yourself at His Feet in His Temple and edification from others that we all need to make it through and be renewed. So, enjoy worship today COLLECTIVELY. *smiles*

Friday, May 23, 2014

What is courage?

So what is your definition of courage? Is it jumping off a cliff? Is it diving off an airplane? Is it going white water rafting? What is it to you? My definition is basically to choose to go on no matter what. Life with all of its pleasantries has some obstacles. Facing our challenges head on with nothing but a life jacket in a toiling sea is courageous to me. Seeing how there are tons of thoughts going on in our head probably telling us to run, hide, and give up, deciding to not waver is honestly what God charges us to do in 1 Cor. 15:58 " Therefore, my brethren, be steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of The Lord, forasmuch as you know that your labor is not in vain in The Lord." Did you get that? Your work is not in vain. Meaning what you do for Him including keeping your professed faith is not going unnoticed by God. God WILL save you from those troubling waters of life. I mean did He not already save us from hell? So of course He will save us from our troubles. Yes courage is jumping off a cliff. That cliff may be a lovers arms that past hurt or pain from others may be keeping you from plunging. That dive may be a dive into that dream that will not die. Going white water rafting may be rowing in trouble waters of life with currents and tides constantly trying to toss you under. Yes, all of those are brave acts that we all can relate to and have to do. Speaking for my own life, I have way more obstacles than I would like, but God strengthens me. I show that I am weak and He shows that He is STRONG! Courage is Faith. It is allowing God to work His Plan for your life because we all know how hard that is to do. We want things to work the way it was set up in our heads. We want certain problems if not any at all, not the ones God allows to happen. Jesus had Courage to tell religious leaders that their way of thinking is dead and He is LIFE. He had courage enough to die for the sins of the world that we might have life with Him eternal. His courage gave us Faith. That Faith gives us courage. We will not have all the answers, but we do have Faith which is really all we need. David as a young man had courage in Christ to defeat the big, bad, giant. We all have seemingly scary giants that come our way. Soaking in God's Word allows us to be brave and not just read about mighty acts of God, but allow God to move mightily in our lives. Courage is living, breathing, smiling, laughing, persevering, loving, praying, worshipping, choosing to do all of these things no matter the circumstance is all courageous! God does not have cowards. He has brave saints in His army, fully equipped to handle life and ALL it has to bring. Fellow brothers and sisters in Christ going through a tough time and lost for answers just know that God will never leave you. That's the only answer we need. He is right there with you. It is hard when we can't see our way out, but we know He IS our way out! Be encouraged, be courageous, have Faith, dive, jump into life!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Freedom Friday: Free to be Me


Psalm 119:45 "I will walk in freedom, for I have devoted myself to your commandments" NLT

Knowing who you are gives you the freedom to boldly be who God has called you to be both when people are looking and when they're not. When you stand before God make sure He is able to recognize you as the person HE created and not the person YOU'VE created. Love who HE created being careful not to alter yourself into the world's image of who you should be becoming a foreigner to God. He created you in the image of HIS likeness so that He may know who you are...what you consider a flaw God considers His perfection and His endorsement on you...invest in yourself. He is a perfect God who makes no mistakes; therefore, your flaw might contain your purpose....embrace it. Strive to see yourself as God sees you and then love yourself as He loves you. Freely worship Him, freely praise Him, freely cry out to Him you'll find that the closer you are to Him, the more you learn about Him and in turn the more you learn about yourself. Never alter who you are so that someone else can be who they proud of you!

#FearlessFAITH #FreeToBeME

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Who are You?

Psalm 139:14 "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well"

As simple as this question is it is often the most difficult to answer. Have you ever been in an interview where the interviewer leads with "Tell me about yourself" and you were completely lost for words? That happened to me and I vowed to never let that happen again. The key to knowing who you are is first knowing who created you and why. All of my favorite scriptures flow together to help me define who I am and perhaps that's true for you too. As I grow in Christ, who I am changes daily; therefore, I have to seek after God DAILY so that I can keep up with who He is molding me to be....He is the potter I am the clay only He knows what the finished product will be my duty is to adjust accordingly. Makes sense right? RIGHT!

Your potential is limitless in the eyes of God. The Word says that He can do exceedingly, abundantly above all you can ask OR think. Do you believe that? If so, don't allow YOUR thoughts of yourself to be limited, the Word says in Proverbs 23:7 "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee". Pay close attention to the phrase "thinketh in his heart". You see in the WORLD we don't think with our hearts we think with our heads and feel with our heart, but the spirit of God flows from heart to heart. God is more concerned about the condition of your heart so that's where He looks for your desires (hence Psalm 37:4). The devil has access to your mind but not your heart! Plant your seeds in your heart then use your head as the fertilizer that makes the seed grow. Yes, the devil will try to inhibit growth but the roots will be too strong for him to destroy what was planted in a place that he does not have access to. The devil nor the world can tell you who you are because God defined you when He created you.

So who am I you ask? I'm a woman of God is steadfastly seeking His heart, His desires, and His purpose. Bearing all the fruits of the Spirit longing for my place in the kingdom. My life has been made available to God so that He can use me the way He sees fit. Everything that I am and everything that I will be is determined by Him and the work of His hands. Perfect I am not, but fearless and faithful I am! Who am I? I am a woman who LOVES GOD...who are you?



Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Courage and Compromise

Each time I read the 6 Biblical Lessons on Relationships by Bishop T.D. Jakes I have a new takeaway that I know will help strengthen my relationships. Not only have I noticed the benefits of these principles for relationships, but some of these principles even offer self-improvement. To begin effective use of these principles in relationships it seems necessary to start with a self-evaluation. It is not possible to have a healthy relationship with anyone if you don't first have a healthy relationship with God and yourself. Today the two lessons are "It takes Courage to Really Love Someone" and "Healthy Compromise in Relationships".

Courage to Really Love Someone

Bishop stated in the article that "deciding to love gets harder as you get older". I had never thought about that before, but now that I'm getting older it does make sense. Generally, the older you are the more you've experienced (good and bad) within relationships which causes some people to guard their hearts a little bit more. Courage is a characteristic that is most prevalent in those who have strong relationships across the board (with God, friends, and family). It takes courage to allow yourself to love and be loved knowing that there is a possiblity of being hurt, it takes courage to be a follower of Christ in a world that largely goes against His ideals, most of all it takes courage to boldy be who you are inspite of who others think you should be.                                                                                                                                                     Love FEARLESSLY!

Healthy Compromise in Relationships

This statement was right on time for me! As I stated yesterday, no two people will always agree. A cruical aspect of healthy relationships is healthy compromise...creating win-win situations. Compromising is a self-less act where you step outside of yourself to see things from the view of the other party. LISTEN and keep an open mind so that no one walks away wiht a loss. This is sometimes the most difficult thing for people to do because they have not yet mastered the first 3 principles noted in the article. Once you have overcome initial differences, obtained emotional and spiritual freedom, and gotten the courage to love you'll be able to easily listen, understand, and compromise. 

Strong Relationships in the Making


Monday, May 19, 2014

Strengthening our Relationships

Lately I've noticed there to be a lot of strain on relationships not only in my personal life, but in the lives of those with public status. Somewhere along the way we have lost the principles of creating and maintaining sacred, strong, and loving relationships. I have always had my own relationsip principles, but I had never had a successful one so I kind of kept my thoughts to myself. It was such a blessing to find the 6 Biblical Lessons on Relationships by Bishop T.D. Jakes as it confirmed that my principles were in line with the Holy Spirit (which I mentioned in yesterday's blog). Over the next few days I'm going to expound upon those 6 lessons starting with "Overcoming our Differences in Relationships" and "Healthy Relationships Require Emotional and Spiritual Freedom"  

Overcoming our Differences in Relationship

Finding common ground is a critical part in establishing a relationship, friendship, or kinship. No two people are exactly the same; therefore, at some point there will be a difference in opinon. If anyone tells you that they have a relationship in which they've never had a disagreement they are lying; either to you or to the other person. Here's news, it's okay to have differences...agree to disagree and move on. If someone feels like they can not disagree and everything still be fine you have a MAJOR problem. This stops that person from being who they truly are which will eventually explode...TRUST ME I've been there (am there rather). You don't have to agree with each other but you MUST understand one another by LISTENING. Do not regard your opinion as superior to the other person's because the only superior in the relationship is God.   

Healthy Relationships Require Emotional and Spirtual Freedom

Galatians 5:1 " Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage"  

This reverts back to the "F" word -- Forgiveness. You cannot have a healthy relationship if you are weighed down by baggage from past relationships; betrayl, hurt, disappointment, and etc. How you've been treated shouldn't change how you know you should be treated. Where you've been does not affect where you are going. Forgive those who have wronged you and forgive yourself for your past mistakes. Take back the power and control of your life and once you have it back give it all to God; you can trust Him.  

Let's strengthen our relationships...Build each other up versus tearing one another down! 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

What's your Relationship Status?


2 Corinthians 4:18 "While we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things wheich are not seen. For the things which are seen temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal." 

Your relationship with God serves as a model for the kind of relationship you should have with others (your spouse, family, and friends). Relationships are forever and how you treat those close to you reveals the tenderness of your heart. When everything else fails those relationships should still stand strong; serving as a foundation for who you truly are without the THINGS that you have and "love". Things change God doesnt! 

Relationships are evident throughout the Bible starting with Adam and Eve; they worked together and when Eve messed up they faced God together as one. David’s friendship with Jonathan meant so much that they wept together and he defended David as his father Saul sought to kill David. Although there are many more biblical relationships to consider I'll stop with those two. 

Putting your focus on things that this earth offers you is worthless when the cost is meaningful relationships with people; people who can vouch for you when the time comes at the gates when you have reached the end of your journey of life; people who can validate your faithfulness, love, kindness, and goodness towards others NOT things. Colossians 3:2 says to set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that God loved a THING, in fact He will gladly destroy things that takes focus off of Him (Deuteronomy 6:15). God loved people and as we strive to be more like Him we must model the love that He has shown throughout eternity. The capacity to which you are able to love is dependent on the amount of love you have shown towards God. 

We are one body with many parts. Each person and their purpose is a body part that is essential for the functioning of the body as a whole. Our relationships with one another is what connects us all to the head (GOD) and to one another. We are as strong as our weakest links; therefore, we must make sure that each link (relationship) is strong.

While dealing with some relationships in my life I found this article "6 Biblical Lessons on Relationships" by Bishop T.D. Jakes that literally had me shouting as I read. God has a way of confirming that you are on the right path and your thoughts are in line with His...that's the Holy Ghost! These lessons will be the focal points of this week.

INVENTORY CHECK: What's the status of your relationships? 


Faithful Vessels

Meet the Authors






Scriptural Reference



The fruit of PATIENCE 

....Coming Soon.....

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Investments gone wrong

      Who invests in something without solid proof of a return on their investment? Even in the natural realm we will call it foolish to buy into a stock on a "just because" mindset. Yet, we choose to invest in fruitless and unproductive relationships on the same "just because" thought process. Are you depositing your love in a pyramid scheme? You know that quick "love." That temporary stuff that looks good at first but heart damaging kind of love? We must be careful with getting into relationships with just anybody even friendships because after the dust settles we are inadvertently risking bitterness and hopelessness to enter into our hearts. Then once broken by that thoughtless encounter, we act as victims saying so and so hurt me, but fail to acknowledge the fact we allowed them to hurt us. I have had my share of failed relationships. I have been a playa as well as being played and if I would of had the Wisdom that God gives me now back then, I would of had less of a mess with my relationships. Even in my salvation, I have dated with my eyes closed and heart open. There were times I listened to God and did not even entertain a date with just anyone and times I disobeyed and went out on meaningless dates that led to meaningless relationships. Dating especially as we get older is serious business. We do not look at it as serious because we are more focus on the Mr/Miss right now. We just don't want to be lonely, or the one who is dateless at all the social gatherings, or not wanting to be alone on the holidays.
         Dating is more than just having someone to think about during a love song or someone to update as our significant other on our personal social profiles. He/She is more than a hashtag on Twitter. We need to really be assured that whomever we choose to share our lives with is who God created to do so. By doing so, it will lead to much less casualties of the heart. God invented relationships! That is why it is soo very important to trust Him when waiting on your mate. Of course I am going back to Jesus, but our relationship with Christ is the most important one we will have and if we take care of that one we would not worry as much about who we are suppose to be with. We will be more focused on what He wants us to do and He will send great friends and your mate your way. There are plenty of great people who could fit the profile of your wife/ husband in your head, but only one can fit your heart. That's why we should be careful and pray. Speaking for me, I use to get and still get guys all the time saying I'm their wife, how much they want to be with me, it is just something about me, and they can't get me out of their mind. If I would have dated all of those guys I would be stone nuts by now because none of them were my Adam, my One, my Rib. It was getting frustrating listening to men tell me all of those things and pursue me so diligently, but I knew my heart was not with them. That door was locked and they did not posses the key. Now, I am blessed with a sample of God's Love for me. I know the difference. It was clear as day. He unlocked my heart with ease. He did not have to break in or bum rush it. He just walked right on in. And that's how Love is. It just happens. It is not forced. Love does not need help, just requires patience. So kings and queens, know that God has your royal partner already prepared. He may want to use you or them individually right now before He brings you together collectively. Whatever the reason may be for Him not bringing you two together yet is definitely a good one  because He knows what He is doing better than we do. Be patient, pray, wait, pray, and enjoy your life. Because if you honestly can't enjoy your life without a mate then that may be the reason why God is taking His Time revealing your mate. Just my thoughts.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Is Jesus Enough?

Psalm 107:1-2 I give thanks to a The Lord, for He is good: for His mercy endures forever. Let the redeemed of The Lord say so, whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy.

    How is your witness? Do you REALLY Love Jesus or is it only when things are seemingly good? What if you struggle your whole life trying to pay your bills? Would you still love Him? What if He never gives you a soulmate? What if you are the only family member left? What if? can insert any devastating news in that question and really think about would you still praise Him? Would you still want to corporately and individually worship The Lord? Did God die for your preferences? Did Jesus die for you to live a lavish lifestyle? Did He die for you to own a pair of red bottoms? No, Jesus died for our sins. Not saying wanting those things is wrong, but even if we never received ANYTHING else from Him, He really has done enough. Is Jesus enough? Who do we really desire to be married to, Him or the things we want?  Oftentimes we go through purposeful trials to see the answer to that question. An old song I remember growing up states, "If Jesus never does anything else for me, He has already done enough" and every time it cross my mind I ask myself do I really believe that? Considering past and current trials, I would say yes because He is WORTHY of every ounce of worship my body can give. Jesus saved me from hell, hell! Words are not enough to explain the severity of my pathway to destruction. I could have been dead so many times. I did not realize how dead I was before my spiritual resurrection. Jesus fills my cup! He quenches my thirst. If I never eat again, I know He is my Bread! If I lose my sight, He is my Light! I get excited just by hearing His Name. Jesus, my EVERYTHING!
           There will come a time that we will be tested on how much He really means to us. Getting terminated from our jobs, getting evicted, kids acting up, marital problems, etc..can happen to us. Christians are not exempt from problems, but we are suppose to handle them better because we have Jesus. How can we convince others that Jesus is really all anyone needs when we put more trust in other things? To have Jesus is to have EVERYTHING! Do we really believe that or are we just using Him to get what we need? It sounds good to say but we MUST put it into action. Sinners are depending on us to reflect Christ whether we know it or not. They want to see someone genuinely live for Jesus and be happy about it. One of my managers told me earlier this week that I am always smiling and wondered what a day in the life of Marissa is like. I give glory to God because he did not know the struggles I have had just in the past couple days alone let alone my life. That is what people need to see. I could mope around and kick dust for not having this or not having that, but what good will that do me? Then on top of that it is disrespectful to Christ! Jesus willingly died for me and I'm complaining about what?! Nothing I do not have can compare to what Jesus did and that goes for everyone. Please let's not be like the Israelites who complained about not having meat in the wilderness when God was blessing them to eat bread from Heaven. See preferences can kill us. If we have Him He WILL supply. Rest in that, believe that, and let's spend more time cultivating our relationship with Him than complaining within ourselves about what we do not have. We will be happier, gain more peace, our relationship with Christ will grow deeper, and others will be saved because of it. Isn't that the whole point anyway to draw people to Christ not get what we want.

Glory be to God 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Do you remember the time?

Psalm 51:12 Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.

          I remember when God spoke to me. I was at a club in Starkville at the age 19 and He called my name. Firstly, I did not want to go. The reason I went was because people were depending on me to go. In a way I felt like I had to go to please them, but Jesus called me. He called me in my mess. There were drunk people, loud music, I was cursing all night,  & I had a skimpy dress on. I felt out of place. He asked me what was I doing in there and to come Home(to Him). I never looked back. My whole life changed from then on out. It was funny because my father is sick and right before I went to college my father told me there will be days I will have to stand alone and I cried. At the time, I did not realize what He was saying, but it touched me.  God was speaking through my dad in regards of my salvation. As soon as I gave my life to Jesus, I knew EXACTLY what my father was saying. I was and have been alone at times during my salvation, but I was not LONELY. When on the flip side, when I was a sinner I was not alone, but lonely. There would be people around, but my heart was empty. There is a reason why Jesus says He will never forsake us because He knows there will be times when He is REALLY all we have. We can't call mom, dad, best friend, wife, husband, bro, sis, etc...all the time. They are only human and are unable to do what He can do for us.
          I share my personal salvation because I think about it so much. It is the root of my Joy! When everything goes wrong I think about the beauty of my relationship with Jesus. It is awesome to be saved. My salvation showed me that God was not looking for perfection. He was looking for affection. Someone who cares and wants to genuinely live for Him with no strings attached. Isn't that what we want? Well we get that yearning from God. Salvation isn't an obstacle course or an initiation process. It is gaining a passionate relationship with Christ. This is not some ordinary relationship. Salvation does not equal up to any relationship we will ever find. It's breath taking, worth wild, mind blowing, and an opportunity to live with Jesus forever. If you are not saved I urge you to say yes to Jesus now. There is a void we all have tried or are trying to fill that only Jesus can fill. Don't just go by what others have said about Jesus, including me. Get to know Him for yourself and I promise you will not regret it! David said oh taste and see that The Lord is good. Even in all his mess God never LEFT David and that is what we need in life, Stability, assurance, comfort, REAL LOVE that begins and ends in Jesus! If you desire to be saved, say this prayer: Lord, I thank you for dying for me! I also realize that my life is meaningless without You. I am tired of living my life without a purpose. I give myself to You! I am ready to live for You and only You until your return. In Jesus Name, Amen!
            For those of you who are saved, I ask that you reflect on the day that He saved you. Continue to keep that in your hearts and let that comfort you in times of despair because that is The only guaranteed thing we as Christians posses, our relationship with Christ. Say yes in your storm. Jesus said yes when dying for the sins of the world. What would of happened if He said no? I surely don't want to know because I say YES! Yes to Your Will and Yes to Your Way. My way has taken me to destruction every time. Lord, YES in my storm and YES in my night season. I still say, YES!

Glory to God!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

The F word

       Do we know what it means to forgive? Do we understand that forgiveness is not weakness? Forgiveness is not overlooking the fact that someone has wronged you. It will not lessen the extremity of the situation, but it will lessen the stress of it! It is freeing, brings peace, and is one great characteristic of being a follower of Jesus. Forgiveness is also hard. It is hard because we want revenge. We want answers. We want to know why did this person choose to hurt me? Why did this person not care? We want them to feel what we feel. We want them to understand the hurt we have to deal with, but guess what? They never will because they are not you. Revenge is nothing more than a weak act of judgement that will do more harm than good. Did your pain stop? Did your frustration disappear? No, but what can ease the pain? Forgiving them. Forgiveness is powerful. It is the ability to relinquish the control of what someone did to you over your mind, your life! People are walking around broken, dismissive, and bitter because someone still has power over their emotions. Don't be a prisoner, a slave, held captive by what others have done to you. It is okay to hurt, but don't allow that hurt to take over who you are as a person. I am definitely a witness that God WILL fight your battles and vengeance is ALWAYS His. Not forgiving is not trusting God. Yeah, it goes that deep. I mean can we honestly say we trust Him if we don't trust the process of forgiveness? You know that is a part of Him. So to deny that part of Him being worked in you is to deny Him completely!
           Love is amazing! It is beautiful in every aspect. The Bible says it like this, Love can cover a multitude a sins. I mean isn't that what Love did on The Cross?  So when someone mistreats you, express your feelings, cry, be angry, and forgive. They already hurt your feelings. So why allow them to CONTROL your feelings? Be free! Forgive. Jesus forgives us EVERY day and He can help us forgive others. Don't you know if you don't forgive He won't forgive you? You may or may not have read or heard the story in the Bible, Matt 18:21-35 to be exact,  which in a nutshell talks about this servant who was released from his debt from the king. Okay, the king forgives him; he is now free. So, in his newfound freedom he runs into someone who owes him money and the guy did not have the money. What does he decide to do? In poor judgment, he chooses to the throw the man in jail. Man, when the king found out he was hot! He could not believe this same man he forgave could not forgive his fellow man. So what happens next? He is punished for not being forgiving. So answering my question, Jesus will NOT forgive us if we CHOOSE to walk around with unforgiving hearts. It is only right because God is RIGHTEOUS. He exudes it. How can we say we love him and do not what He says?! But that's another post. There are plenty of sanctimonious people going to hell for unforgiving hearts. Forgiveness is very important. It can cost you your natural life meaning physically living, but you are not living your best life because of what others have done to you and your spiritual life meaning you can eternally reflect on how you did not forgive others in hell. So ask yourself. Who do you need to forgive? Pray about it, pray some more, and do it. Let God be The Captain of your heart and stop being held captive by others.

                                                                    Glory be to God!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

Proverb 31:25-27 "Strength and honor are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come. She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eatheth not the bread of idleness" 

Happy Mother's Day to my wonderful mother. I honestly think her picture should be in the dictionary next to the word "strength". This is a woman who gives constantly; not just to me, but to anyone who needs. Over the past two years I have watched my mother experience so many ups and down (probably more downs) yet she still walks around with a smile on her face and a willingness to help others. She still loves unconditionally, she still gives selflessly, and she is a woman of God. Many people have grown to consider her a mom, but God blessed me with her all of my life and I couldn't be more grateful. The way my mother loves me is nothing short of unconditional. At this point I really can't put into words how I REALLY feel about my mother and all the things that she has done to touch my life aside from actually giving me life. 

Happy Mother's Day Tan...glad I get to spend this day with you! 


The real about God and being a follower of Christ

Mark 8:27-29,  Jesus and his disciples went on to the villages around Caesarea Philippi. On the way He asked them, Who do people say I am?” They replied, “Some say John the Baptist;B)"> others say Elijah;C)"> and still others, one of the prophets.”  But what about you?” He asked. Who do you say I am?” Peter answered, “You are the Messiah.”
Luke 14:26-27 26 If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple.A)"> And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple."B)">

Do we really know Who God is? Do we really understand the cost of discipleship? Were you told that being a Christian is not only uncomfortable for sinners around you, but for you too? How so? Following Christ is uncomfortable to our inner man. Our inner man that wants EVERYTHING to go our way. Our inner man that wants EVERYTHING right now. Our inner man who LUSTS for divers pleasures. And what image did you have of Jesus? Was He some majestic super hero? Somebody you pray to, but don't have a relationship with? Somebody Who healed your grandmother a few years back? Someone Who you call on just in time of "need." Negating the fact we ALL need Jesus EVERYDAY. God is not just looked at as some "healer" who heals you and sends you on your merry lil way. Everyone that Jesus healed in scripture gained a relationship with Him for life! He is not like worldly doctors who heals you and sends a bill and that's it. It is more to it and it is sad that people are so spiritual but miss the true essence of Jesus. God is real therefore His relationships are real. He isn't some piece of clay made from China. He isn't some overly wise man that is looked as by others to be maturely superior. Ask Moses who He is. He will tell you, He is I AM THAT I AM. Ask Satan who He is, he will tell you He is THE BEGINNING AND THE END because he was there and will be there when He throws him in the fire. Ask David who He is. He will say He is THE ROCK OF SALVATION. Read Ezekiel and you will find Him being A WHEEL IN THE MIDDLE OF A WHEEL and the list goes on. He is ABOVE ALL! We can't fall in love with God until we fall out of love with ourselves, our goals, others opinions on who we should be. To love Jesus is to love everything that He Is and that He comes with. Which means we will have some heartaches more than we like actually, because it is not about us. If your walk is suitable for your preferences you need to evaluate which path you're taking because the straight and narrow is pretty tough. It entails nights of crying, days of confusion, people mistreating you, people rejecting your love, people dying, YOU dying. Have you thought about someone taking your life for your belief in Christ? People don't teach as much about the TRUE definition of picking up your cross and following Jesus. It's not roses and dandelions. It's not catered to our expectations. It is real, it is rough, but it is worth it. Because to Live is Christ and to die is great gain. I will take a beating and have taken a few blows already, but it is all worth it because I am never alone and He promised me that and a place in Heaven which makes it ALL worth it. Colossians 3:2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. By doing so the blows won't hurt as bad. Because even in the pain there is a promise.
                                                                   Glory be to God!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Talking WITH God

Romans 10:17 "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God"

Are you talking to God or talking with God?

We're generally busy during the week so (although it's not right) we rush our prayers and end up talking TO God not allowing Him the chance to communicate WITH us. Satuday morning is usually the morning where we have the most leisure time. Take a moment to just sit silently in the presence of God and allow Him to speak to you. Although our lives are busy we should never be too busy for God and if you are you need to re-evaluate what HE has called you to do because it surely won't take away from Him. God is a jealous God who loves you and wants to spend as much time as possible with you. The more time you spend with Him the more you'll get to know Him and the more you'll understand your purpose in Him. I talk a lot about your purpose in God because it is something that I have to constantly remind myself. My life belongs to God; therefore, I have to live according to His rules. Remember, as christians we live in the world, but we are not of the world. With that we must be careful not to take on the ideals of the world thus hindering the fulfillment of our purpose in God. The ways of the world has the ability to block the communication channel with you an God with its ideals and distractions. BE CAREFUL!

Last week I accepted the challenge of ALWAYS getting on my knees to pray instead of praying in the shower or in the car. Guess what? God revealed that my praying on my knees should not replace my shower and car prayers; instead, it should be added to those prayers. Every night I've prayed on my knees then I get in bed and wait for the Lord to speak to me. I'm so grateful for my relationship with God! If it wasn't this blog surely wouldn't get written, but I have to communicate with Him in order for Him to speak through me as He often does here. 

God loves for us to talk to Him but He also longs for us to LISTEN to Him! 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Cultivating the Fruit: Day 3

Galatians 5:22-23 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law"

Love, Joy, Peace, Long-suffering, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control

Day 3: Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control

I could talk ALL day about faithfulness, especially God's faithfulness towards us. Faithfulness is your loyalty, dependablity, and trust. We all know that God is all of that to us; therefore, we must exercise those characteristics with others. God is so faithful that He wakes us up each morning, guides us safely to our destinations, and provides when He sees fit. Being faithful exhibits good character in that it shows your ability and willingness to follow through, your ability to keep your word, and your ability to be trusted. God desires your faithfulness...great is thy faithfulness.

Gentleness is humbleness. There is nothing more inviting than a humble spirit. Matthew 23:12 says " and whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted" Being humble is a requirement; therefore, if you don't do it yourself you'll force God to do it. To be exalted by yourself is nothing to be  humbled by God is everything. When you are humble people are drawn to you. I have not yet seen the full speech, but I've heard a lot of great things about how humble Kevin Durant was in his acceptance of the 2013-2014 NBA MVP award. He now has new fans because of his humbling speech. It pays to be humble and it speaks volumes in terms of character.

Self-control. Jesus is the best example I can give for self-control. He is the ONLY man known to walk this earth that did not fall into the temptation of the devil. That's some MAJOR self-control. This is difficult for us because the devil uses people we label friend, sister/brother, cousin, teacher, boyfriend/girlfriend, wife/husband, etc. Just as the God uses His people the devil will use his that's why we must be able to recognize who belongs to who and how they can potentially affect our lives and our walk with God. We are to still love them, be patient with them, be kind to them, and show goodness towards them; however, we must remain cautious (Proverbs 25:28). The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy; therefore, we must gain self-control so that we don't fall victim to the devil and his tactics.

These fruits are essential for your Christian appetite. Unfortunately, you can not go to wholefoods, kroger, or walmart to buy them. This fruit is grown though seeds planted by the Holy Spirit who SHOULD be living in and through you.You shouldn't have to mention God for people to know that you belong to him. Instead your acts of love, joy, long-suffering, kindess, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control should speak for itself. As we continue on our journey as Christians our goal should be to become more like Christ and here are 9 ways to do so. Each day we should be evolving and growing in Christ. No one should ever look at me and say "same ole Kim" because I'm far from who I was last month and certainly last year. I'm not perfect nor do I pretend to be, but God still uses me and for that I'm grateful.


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Cultivating the Fruit: Day 2

Galatians 5:22-23 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law"
Love, Joy, Peace, Long-suffering, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control

Day 2: Long-suffering, Kindness, Goodness
 If you read yesterday's blog, today you should be filled with love and joy with a peace of mind that only God can give you.
Long-suffering (patience) is a fruit that you definitely have to bear in order to operate in love, have joy, and be at peace with whatever you're faced with in life. Knowing that God does things in His timing and His timing ONLY will definitely test your patience. Honestly, if you don't have patience with God you can forget about having patience with other people, being stuck in traffic, at work or whatever it is that tests your patience daily. God has never been in a rush to do took ~31 years for Him to start using Jesus (in our sight) and ~2 more years to complete that work in Him. He called David to be King, but it didn't happen immediately. David spent years under Saul's leadership and more years running from Saul who wanted to kill him before He could sit on the throne that God had long promised him. I have no shame in saying that patience is an area that I definitely need work in because generally I want what I want, when I want it (not good...I know). In fact, yesterday I wrote a status on FB that said "My plans = God's entertainment". My plans were on an expedited schedule instead of God's schedule. To my surprise God has definitely found a way to slow me down to teach me a little patience. Good things come to those who wait, PATIENTLY. Oddly enough, God was kind enough to slow me down before I got out of control and wrecked myself...that's His kindness.

Kindness is similar to mercy; where, God spares you from what you REALLY deserve. You see I shouldn't be able to speak in God's name with all the sinning I've done, BUT GOD is so kind that He looked beyond my faults and scars to use me for His glory. He is so kind to prepare a place for me (and you) in the Kingdom just as long as I live for Him. He kindly disregards knowing that my last mistake will not be my LAST mistake and that my last sin will not be my LAST sin. That's when the goodness of God comes into play.

Goodness is very similar to grace where God gives you what you do not deserve. I love the saying "God is good all the time and all the time God is good". It's used a lot but that doesn't take away its validity...God is in fact good and you can never give Him enough credit for that. Everything that I have today is because of the goodness of God. I am blessed beyond measure. Goodness comes from the heart and it should flow from heart to heart. Just God is good to us we too should be good to others especially those who can do nothing for us.
David says in Psalm 23:6 "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever". I'll go out on a limb to say goodness and kindness are interchangeable with grace and mercy. As long as God shows us (and we show others) kindness and goodness and we patient in allow Him to do so we will have a place in the Kingdom forever. I don't know about you, but my goal is to see that place; therefore, if cultivating the fruit of patience, kindness, and goodness will allow it I will try that much harder to do it.

Yesterday morning I was running behind...I couldn't get my hair right, then I had to cook breakfast, then after I got in my car I noticed I forgot part of my lunch so I had to go back inside, while inside I decided to change my shirt -- everything was going "wrong" in my sight. My commute is usually 20 min or so, but 45 minutes had elapsed and I was stuck in stop-and-go traffic which is unusual for the route that I take. I almost started to complain until I got to the place where a police was sending us on a detour due to an accident that caused them to shut down the entire road. God said to me "see that could've been you BUT I put things in place to ensure it wasn't". In that moment I realized God had tested my patience and had been kind and good in doing so by blocking it. If my morning had gone according to MY plans I could've been in a life-chaning accident.
God is Good!


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Cultivating the Fruit: Day 1

Galatians 5:22-23 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law"
The book of Galatians (along with 1&2 Corinthians, Colossians, Luke, and Revelation) sites many specific right and wrong actions in accordance with living for God. You'll find several instances thoughout the Bible where planting and cultivating crops is at the forefront of a lesson (Personally I love the parable of the sower in Matthew 13). Where and how you are planted determines what will grow or if anything will grow at all. I don't know a lot about planting anything, but one thing I do know is that the growth is dependent upon the foundation, the type of soil that surrounds the seed, how much light it receives, and how it's fed. WOW! Spiritual growth essentially depends on those same things (where I'm rooted, who I surround myself with, God is the light, the Word is the food). What are you cultivating? As you are rooted and planted in the foundation that is the Lord and fed by the Holy Spirit you should be reproducing the Fruit of the Spirit.

Love, Joy, Peace, Long-suffering, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control
 In the next few blogs I want to focus on the Fruit of the Spirit. Since there are nine I will deal with three each day.
Day 1: LOVE, JOY, and PEACE  
You should be walking in love, full of joy with a peace of mind. Remember, if no one else does, God loves you! God is love; therefore, to know Him is to know love. Forget what Webster defined loved to be...God defined love when He GAVE His son. If you read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 you'll see where God defines love (you'll also find a little fruit there too). God loves us and in return He wants us to love Him as well as His people. That's not so hard right? WRONG!!!!! I never knew how hard it was to love ALL people until I had been wronged by a few people. I've even found that some people don't know how to receive love because they don't know love (God). With the help of the Lord I have learned how to love everyone in spite of anything they have ever done to me or said about me, with that comes joy.
Joy is a sense of gladness that comes from knowing the goodness of God. The situation you're in shouldn not and does not determine whether or not you have joy. Your knowledge of who God is determines whether or not you have joy! No matter what situation I am in JOY still exists. No matter what is said about me or done to me JOY still radiates from my spirit. I may cry and experience hurt but JOY still exists...I know this because the Bible says so in Psalm 30:5. The Lord still sees fit for me to wake up every morning to set out on the journey He placed me on and for that I will always be joyous and nothing can take that away. I can reJOYce (yes I know it's spelled incorrectedly) in knowing that He is not done and His plan is greater than any little thing that is said or done to me, with that comes peace.
Peace is like gold to me. It shows how much you REALLY trust God. When you find peace in the midst of your storm you must give all the credit to God. Peace comes with God's favor and in T.D. Jakes voice "FAVOR AIN'T FAIR" (Part 1 Part 2) Check it out in case you missed it last year. If you have peace be utterly grateful...peace removes worry thus freeing up space for praise, worship, and the receipt of your blessing. I thank GOD for peace of mind!


Monday, May 5, 2014

Running from God??

I went to a women’s conference with my sissy a few years ago and one of the evangelists spoke this word from the book of Jonah. I don't recall exactly what she ministered; however, the story stuck with me as I had never read the book of Jonah prior to that conference. As a you may know, Jonah is a book in the Old Testament that is a story about disobedience. God had called on Jonah to cry out against the city of Nineveh because it had been overcome by wickedness. Instead of Jonah being obedient to the call that God had put on his life he attempted to flee to Tarshish via a boat. On that journey the men amongst the boat found themselves in the midst of a storm in which everyone began to call upon their gods to calm the sea. Ironically, Jonah was fast asleep in the boat and was not aware of the storm. He was awakened by those amongst him and as they began questioning who he was. When they found out that Jonah was a Hebrew and feared the Lord they became afraid (funny that they did not worship our God yet when they heard His name and experienced His wrath even they feared Him). After hearing who Jonah’s God was even these men (who were not of God) began to call on the name of the Lord to calm the storm, which did not work. As the last resort, Jonah was thrown into the sea which  then calmed the raging waters. The men that were amongst the boat now feared the Lord, offered sacrifices, and took vows. As a part of God’s plan, Jonah was swallowed by a large fish. Jonah spent 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the fish. After Jonah had cried out to God from the belly of the fish God delivered Him and spoke the word that Jonah had ran away from once more.
There are 4 take aways in the first 2 chapters of Jonah.
1.       Disobedience (Jonah 1:1-3)
2.       Storm (Jonah 1: 4-16)
3.       Prayer (Jonah 2:1-9)
4.       Deliverance (Jonah 2: 10) 

Questions:Are you running from God out of disobedience? Are you the cause of a storm around you that you aren’t even consciously aware of?
Sometimes we don’t realize the importance of what God has called us to do so we ignore it as if we didn’t hear Him. You can do a lot of things but one thing you cannot do is hide from God, we learned that when Adam and Eve tried it back in Genesis...IT DIDN'T WORK!! In Jonah’s prayer he acknowledges the fact that even though he was disobedient God still covered him in the storm. When God has a plan for you in your efforts to run away you’ll run right into God… He'll still use you and you will be forced to acknowledge who He is, the power that He has, and His love for you. No matter how difficult the task may seem know that God entrusted you to do something for Him and if He gave you the task He'll give you the provisions to complete it.
GOOD NEWS!!! It’s not too late!! Once you’ve stopped running and surrendered to God (or He's trapped you in a place where your only way out is to acknowledge Him) He’ll instruct you again just as He did Jonah. [Thank you Lord for second, third, and fourth chances] Be ready to move when God says move don’t make Him force you. It's one thing to be in a storm that is of no fault of your own, but to be in a storm that YOU created by being disobedient is a different story.
Moral of the story: LISTEN to God! Don’t run away from Him! Running away is a race you’ll never win; instead, run towards Him. You’ll never cross the finish line running in the wrong direction…everything you accomplish outside of the will of God will not fully satisfy you and it definitely will not please God. Stop trying to please those around you...Live to please God!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Getting what God has for YOU

1 Corinthians 2:9 "But as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him" 

To get what God has for you He must first be able to communicate with you and you with Him. In past blogs I have talked a lot about prayer, hearing God's voice, and trusting God's plan. All of those things come together to equip you to receive what God has for you. Free yourself of distractions, making yourself available to be used by God (for His purpose) and to be blessed by God (for your good). 
Be careful though, because although God longs to bless you the devil longs to block those blessings. Therefore, the devil will stage "blessings" of his own to distract you from the true blessings of God. The things that the devil tempts you with may sometimes closely resemble what God has for you, but differs in that it comes with stipulations and consequences that are designed to hold you captive. It is often something that will consume you so much so that you are too busy to seek God and receive what is really yours. NEWSFLASH: God's blessings have already been paid for...there are no stipulations. In fact, God's blessings come filled with love and the provisions you need to to be free in Him. 
God's blessings can be received by Praying for discernment and praying with stability (even in your weakest moments pray with the strength that you know God has). Do NOT pray to God with uncertainty in Him and His power... that is insulting! In addition, you must also love Him to receive His blessings. Your love for God is shown by how much you put into your relationship with Him and how you treat His people. Ultimately God is most concerned with the condition of your heart (which is a completely different topic) and He blesses you accordingly. Worship God for who He is not what He can do for you because at this point He's already done enough. We have to be grateful of His generosity to CONTINUE to bless us knowing He doesn't have to.  

It's time to set the atmosphere to receive your blessings...what an awesome way to start the week! 
Worship song: Set the Atmosphere by Kurt Carr

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Heaven Bound

Romans 8:18 "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us"
This is a scripture that will stick with me for the rest of my life. It is the last scripture that my grandfather marked in his Bible before going to glory. This is also a reminder that no matter what we are currently experiencing God is right here with matter how bad it seems it's a part of His plan. More importantly none of it matters because it doesn't compare to the glory that will be revealed when we make it to Heaven. Even in your weakest and/or darkest moments the glorious home waiting for you is something you can surely look forward to.
I love the picture above because it says you GRACE will bring me home to you...not your works, good deeds, or kind words but God's GRACE! Nothing that you do will go unnoticed; however, nothing you do will ever repay Jesus for the place He secured for you in Heaven. Ride out your suffereings on the earth because I assure you just as the Word says there is no comparison to the glory that will be revealed to you. This makes me smile and hopefully it will make the way you view your sufferings, problems, and etc. I know my Papa and Dear are having a good ole time walking around Heaven together! I can bet my grandaddy wishes he had a camera to take tons of pictures and send to us.
We miss you and love you both dearly!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Prayer and Supplication

Philippians 4:6-7 "Be anxious for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
It has almost been two months since my grandfather passed and he has been heavily on my mind lately. His being gone is still very surreal as I have never lost anyone so close to me. As I was sitting talking to my grandmother about my grandfather she told me that no matter what condition he was in physically he ALWAYS got on his knees to pray at night. I'm not sure about you and your prayer life, but I rarely get on my knees to pray...I generally pray in the shower, in the bed, in the car basically whereever is convenient for me. PROBLEM: prayer isn't supposed to be convenient to me it should be a priority and I should kneel down before the Lord in prayer giving Him my FULL attention versus praying while doing something else. So I made a vow to myself that I would start getting on my knees to lasted for a few weeks and once I stopped I noticed a difference. Nothing drastic happened, but I was definitely in a deeper more intimate fellowship with God when I actually got on my knees to pray. So here is my challenge to you (if you don't already do it) start getting on your knees to pray EVERY night not just when you're going through a difficult time and see if it makes a difference in your intimacy with God. Although at times it may be tough to must still pray with stability being confident in God's ability.
I read the book Anxious for Nothing: God's Cure for the Cares of Your Soul (John Macarthur) as part of my Bible study class. The book stated that God gives you strength one day at a time and through prayer you can avoid anxiety. Don't worry...instead pray right, act right, and think right. The only way to replace a bad habit is to replace it with a good one. For me praying while doing other things is a bad habit that I've acquired so my goal is to replace it with the good habit of praying on my knees, giving my full attention EVERY night not just nights following tough days.
Happy Saturday!! Get on your knees tonight!!!