Thursday, July 30, 2015

Be The Difference!

Hello people! First, I would like to thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday! I truly appreciate it and this year was the best birthday thus far. Okay, now let's get to the topic of discussion.

With so much going on in the world, one might think there isn't anymore hope left. Well, that's not necessarily true. Change always comes by just one person. That one person who has the courage to stand up for what he or she believes in is usually what ignites the masses. It's only going to get better if we get better. Our neighborhoods won't be safe until we put in the work for that to happen. Sacrifice is crucial for change to happen. Today's Christian is so caught up on looking for bae, a job, and every other personal agenda that has nothing to do with ministry to really care about the needs of the world. In other words, "We ain't got time."' Then if we do help, we broadcast the news as if we are above the people we helped. Giving with the wrong heart to make ourselves feel superior instead of giving with a pure heart. But hey, that giving agenda is another post for another day.

I'm not fussing. I too am included in this. We shouldn't let fear, pride, basically NOTHING keeps us from being the salt for this unflavored society. As a matter of fact, we will not be able to hide being the difference if we have Jesus as our Lord. Letting Him guide us, will automatically draw people to the wonder that is God and boom there goes a conversion. There goes that drug dealer being delivered. Look! That murderer gave his life to Jesus. It only takes one person to be a light for others to see Jesus. Don't be fooled thinking you need a group. God's Light will shine bright enough for all to see if we let Him use us. Our weak light will only go so far(self righteousness). His Light is the difference! Let His Light shine. Show that you are on The Lord's side! Be brave. Be led. Be the difference!

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