Tuesday, July 21, 2015

I Will.

Hello, hello great people! The month is almost up and I don't know about you, but it has been a very interesting month to say the least. Our challenge focuses on trust, hope and love. Oftentimes, we are faced with situations that test all three of those to strengthen our relationship with God. It is almost like God wants us in a position to lean and depend on Him. When it doesn't look like there is a way out will we look to Him? Will we continue to trust Him in our raging waters of life that He will deliver us out and calm the sea? Does that love for Him still abide even when we are not getting our way or treated fairly? Was Jesus treated fairly? Did He give up? Was His trust broken with His Father?

No. Jesus continued about His Father Business which is the same duty we have as professed believers. Not just when it is all good and sunny, but even in the most trying situations our heart should say, "I will." I will trust, You. I will continue to let Your love abide. I will remain in The Hope of Jesus Christ. I will treat everyone right in spite of how they treat me. I will do good to my enemies. I will seek to help the needy. I will read my word daily. I will pray more. God just wants us to be willing. Not perfect, but available. Listen to this song and tell God no matter what, I will! 

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