Monday, February 1, 2016

Love From Above

Hello people! January has passed and we are now entering a new month. We are going to discuss EL OH VEE EEE this month. I know many do not like discussing it around February because of Valentines Day and they may not have a Valentine. I mean what is a person to do without flowers getting sent to them or enjoying an incredible evening with their sweetheart, right? Wrong! Love is deeper than buying a stuffed animal and fine dining. What about when the honeymoon is over? Tell me what happens when V Day passes or before it even comes. Love goes as deep as loving our enemies. It penetrates the soul and captures the heart. Loving someone requires forgiveness. Being selfless is a known characteristic. Genuinely loving is not about being right, but making sure we are representing God correctly. Actually, it is deeper than what we may feel or think.

So this month, I challenge us all to love like from above! That love never gets old or runs empty. It is tough, but it is necessary. Did you know our very lives depend on it? Naturally and spiritually we will not be able to survive without it. When was the last time we prayed for our enemies? Do we really treat everyone the same with the love of God? Are we easily fueled with anger? Take today to evaluate your love life, the REAL one. Our love life is the only TRUE indication we are saved. No one cares how much we give or how eloquent we pray when the Love of God is absent. Let's explore this life changing Love from Above and allow His Light to shine within us!
