Thursday, July 2, 2015

No Limit Soldier

Joshua 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go"

Many of you may remember mid to late 90s when Master P and his camp had everyone proclaiming to be "No Limit Soldiers". Although I was amongst many singing the lyrics I had no idea what is was to be a soldier until I dedicated my life to Christ. Enlisting in God's Army almost immediately made me a force to be reckoned with and the devil had his people in place to challenge my faith. You see, the devil knows that when we are a part of God's army our abilities are limitless. Unfortunately, we sike ourselves out putting limits on what we can do which inadvertently puts limits on what we believe God can do. Often times we don't know our own strength, limiting ourselves to only what we think we can achieve. We dream dreams that are easily attainable versus dreams that are "too good to be true". We so readily recite scriptures without equipping the words with the power that lies in our tongue. Remember, gun is only a powerful weapon if the person who has it knows how to use it. The dreams that you share with your friends, family, and colleagues should leave them thinking "Yeah right, there's no way you're going to do that". There is a saying that is overly used (although I love it) which is "Speak it into Existence". I truly believe that because you never know who's listening that can help make that dream a reality. God's Word is our most powerful weapon and only He can teach us how to use it through spending time with Him daily, meditating on His Word continually, and believe that which you speak.

So don't complain about the battles God has given you during your journey to achieve your goals. The tougher your battles the stronger God knows you are. Stand tall and prepare to conquer whatever it is in front of you. God has no limits which makes you a NO LIMIT SOLDIER!!

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