Thursday, July 16, 2015

Picture This- July 2015

What is going on people? I'll tell you what's going on, another picture this moment! It's almost the end of the work week for some of you. So let's get right to it.

Picture this! So there is this guy. He is so in love with this particular girl. Why? I don't know. She barely listens to him and she doesn't trust him. Yeah, come to think of it, that's why she doesn't listen. Her trust issues and selfish ways keeps them from having a successful relationship. Yet, he still sees the beauty in her. The girl isn't ugly. I mean to the naked eye she isn't, but her attitude is deadly. She is always complaining and comparing. Very rare does she appreciate the things he does for her. Think that stops him from loving her? Not at all. This excellent man continues to love her unconditionally until...well he never stopped loving her. However, she chose someone different. Completely ignoring him, because her eyes were on the wrong man. Now, she has to deal with the consequences of choosing the wrong mate. Mr. Excellent hates that she made the wrong decision, but it was her decision to make not his. He is a gentlemen. Acting accordingly, he won't force himself on her.

Okay, is it sinking in now? Mr. Excellent is Jesus and we are "the girl." Every day God shows us how much He loves us, ALL of us, but do we acknowledge Him? Some of us claim we are in a relationship with Him, but do we whole heartedly trust Jesus? All we need is a mustard seed, yet we can't even muster that small bit in tough situations. Are we self seeking? Has God been seeking your commitment while you seek after your own desires, the world's desires, or satan's? Remember God will allow us to make our own decisions. He loves us yes, but we ultimately make the decision as to who we will be committed to and love. Think about how much you mess up every day. Add in your doubts and selfish behavior. God still blesses you. His love is incomprehensible. Can you picture Jesus dying on The Cross saying forgive(insert your name)_______? Can you picture not choosing the right Man to be committed to forever? Can you picture this?

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son so that whosoever believes in Him shall NOT perish, but inherit everlasting life. 

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