Friday, June 26, 2015

Transparency: Clean Your Window

1 Thessalonians 4: 11-12 " that you also aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you, that you may walk properly toward those who are outside, and that you may lack nothing" 

This past Sunday at The Fort Bend Church in Sugar Land, TX Minister Cedric Ballard shared two songs from his new album "Transparency"(which is currently on iTunes). I truly believe there is a song of every person on this album. In listening all week it put some things into perspective for me. It is often said that we should see ourselves how God sees us but what if God can't actually see us? What if we've hidden who we are behind all of our guilt, shame, and stubbornness? Our inability to be honest, open, and true with ourselves also disables us from being accessible to God. In order for God to make us new through the cleansing of our hearts, the renewing of our minds, and the forgiveness of our sins we have to be honest with him as well as ourselves. 

In wake of the Confederate Flag debate in my home state, Mississippi, I realized that transparency isn't just necessary between you and God but also with you and your peers. It is so important to know the hearts and intentions of those you allow into your life. Think of it this way, a frosted window is not only prevents people from seeing in clearly it also prevents you from seeing out of it clearly. How difficult and dangerous is it to operate in any realm with visibility? EXTREMELY! How can you tell someone else that there is a spot in their window when you're isn't squeaky clean either? That spot could very well be in your own window. All in all we must make sure we are in good standing with God and accept accountability for our actions, views, and etc. 

In order for you to see clearly and live freely you must be completely cleansed. Is this really Freedom Friday or are we hiding behind frosted windows (i.e. Flags) alluding to freedom that has not truly been given? 

#CleanYourWindow #FearlessFAITH 

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