Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Just Try It

Psalm 34:8 " Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!"

Have you ever had food that from your favorite restaurant that was too good to share? Contrarily, have you ever had food that was too good NOT to share? You know that if someone just tried it they will never eat that type of food anywhere else and they will crave it all the time. Well that's how I feel about God's Word, His glory, His mercy, His grace, and etc. God is too good to us for us not to share that goodness with others. Its so easy to get caught up in our own blessings that we don't allow them to flow from hand to hand and heart to heart which is what they are supposed to do. There is nothing selfish about being a Christian because God has more than enough to offer to us and through us.

When Christ wrongfully received the sentence that you and I rightfully deserve, that was mercy; however we are still able to experience God's goodness. This is no different than you sharing God's goodness with those who you think (for whatever reason) aren't worthy of the kingdom (which is something a saved person should never think about anyone). The reason life is good for us is simply because God is good. That's news that is too good not to share. Let's not forget that we have a job to do by obeying the Word and also sharing the Word. God blesses you so that you are able to bless others. God's power, love, and etc. is more than enough to spread around. Just as the 2 fish and 5 loaves kept multiplying as they kept breaking and distributing God's love will do the same. Share some of God today and everyday!

#FearlessFAITH #TasteAndSee  

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