Monday, August 31, 2015

God Will Bring It To Pass!

Isaiah 46:11 "...Yes I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it.

Hello, all! Fearless Faith will be doing something new for the next few months. We will be going from five days to three day a week posts. Don't worry it is just temporary. That also gives you time to dig into The Word on your own time.

So, today's post is simply saying don't fret! Oftentimes, we feel the need to figure out why certain things are happening to us and want to build a plan to "fix" our situation. This scripture reminds us that God has NOT forgotten about us. We have to remember that God truly wants the best life for us. If it is in His Word then it will surely be done in our lives. God doesn't speak just because it sounds good or to hear Himself talk. He means what He says. The reason we doubt isn't because He is taking too long or playing with us. Doubting in this case, comes from fear, mistrust, and lack of knowledge. Planting more Word on good soil produces that mustard seed faith we need to please God. Understand that you are here on purpose. God saved you on purpose. Nothing that has been done concerning you is in vain. Try not to let your situation have you and give your situation to Jesus. Let's exercise repeating scripture in confidence knowing God has already came to our rescue. He helped us before we even knew we needed help.

Don't fret; God is not through with you yet! You are loved, valued, unique, and hand picked by God. That's enough to be excited about. I want to leave you with this song by Tina Campbell called, Destiny. It is a beautiful song inspired by a rough time in her life which God spoke to her saying, "It is not over." Yes, it seems bleak, but you are purposed. I know you are feeling weak, but hold on. I have so much good things in store for you. God may be speaking those things to you, listen to Him. He does not lie. Believe that He will fulfill His Promises in your life.

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