Monday, August 24, 2015

Question Is...

Today is a new day and none of us knows what today will hold, but we know that we're not alone in facing it. So today the question is: Where do you want to be? At this point every school in the southern region of the United States is back in session. Generally the beginning of the year encompasses many questions in which we are told to set goals for the remainder of the year. Some of us even have to set career goals at very immature points in our lives. This years marks the second year of graduate school for me. While I'm very grateful to have the opportunity it took a while to get here. Why? Because, at the age of 9 I made plans for my life and my career none of which came to pass no matter how hard I tried because it wasn't in line with God's plan. Often times we think we have it all figured out when life isn't designed that way. It's okay to "not know" when God is leading you because you are in good hands.

So when deciding where you go from here ask yourself these questions...Is God where you want to be? If not, why be there? Is where you are where God wants you to be? I'm at a point in my life where I don't want to be anywhere that God isn't is is not allowed. God's presence is needed in my life at all times (to protect me, to guide me, and to keep me). Don't focus so much on the ending just take time to enjoy the journey.

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