Tuesday, August 11, 2015


What's going on peeps? Today, we are going to discuss fellowship. There use to be a time when our neighbor was our friend. If we needed anything, they helped us. Likewise, if they needed anything we would help them. Not just the person across the street, but really anyone. Now times have drastically changed. Most of us barely know our neighbors and we are perfectly fine with that. As long as they stay on their side, we are good. Let's not get started on the church. The time we spend together if you can count it, is usually only in church. Somewhere down the line we stopped cultivating relationships. Silly, because that's the only way we can cohesively work together. The arm has a relationship with the hand. As do the leg with the knee, so we need to as well. How can we edify and be a working member of the body of Christ when we barely speak to one another? Holding grudges, bitterness, or whatever else that is keeping us from forming that relationship should not be a hinderance. For instance, I have the pleasure of meeting with two young ladies I've never met before. We all are doing The Disciple Challenge. God is good because I couldn't afford The Redeemed Girls trip to fellowship and grow my relationship with Christ. So, in turn He provided this challenge sent to me.

First day was yesterday and let me tell you, it was awesome! We were on video chat discussing our lives, struggles, God's Word, answered questions, and ended with prayer. It opened my eyes because you never know who is going through the same things as you which is why fellowship with each other is important. We get so closed off that we forget it is therapeutic to be able to discuss life with others in a positive environment, of course. The Challenge was mandate that we text as little as possible because texting isn't real conversation. It's the lazy man's way of communicating, honestly. Furthermore, our fellowship with Jesus should be MOST important! Sacrifice time for Him because He is giving us time for everything else. Also, make time to talk to someone you barely talk to. Catch up with that friend or family member. Perhaps make a new friend. I'm getting to know two awesome young ladies! It's a sacrifice, but a well worth sacrifice. Don't get so busy that you forget what is important. Jesus pushed fellowship while He was here on earth. He wasn't closed off and to Himself. The same path we are to take. Be open. Make the sacrifice because we don't have the time we think we have. Love through fellowship while you can! May not have another chance.

#Fellowship #GrowTogether #Sacrifice

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