Friday, August 14, 2015

Shut It!!

Phillipians 3:13 "Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind me and straining toward what is ahead," 

It's FRIDAY!!! And what a week this has been! Two things that are exciting about the end of this week #1 we don't ever have to see it again #2 we made it through to prepare for another week. You can't get ahead if you keep going back. Yes I know the pit of the week may have encompassed some challenges and disappointments as I'm sure the week peaked with some victories and exciting moments. Either way no need to dwell on either because we're not done. There is so much more for each of us and that is why we must refrain from going to that closed door. 

It's funny how God takes us through something and put an end to it yet WE feel like there is still more to come of it when it's really not. We continue to go back to what God has already deemed over. And in that sense we're stuck in a cycle of hurt, disappointment, distrust, and etc. Free yourself of all of that on this good ole Freedom Friday. Leave the door closed that God has shut because you probably don't want to experience what is going on on the other side. Praise God all the way to the next door that He opens for you. There is a Gospel song called "Praise Him in Advance" because what God is taking you to is definitely better than where he's taking you from. Don't allow your discomfort to become comfortable. Move when God says move! Remember He has given us Christ as our G.P.S. (God Provided Source). Let Him be your guide, your counselor, your comforter, and anything else you need. 

#FearlessFAITH #FreedomFriday #ShutIt  

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