Thursday, August 20, 2015

Be Aware!

Colossians 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

Hello, hello! It is Thursday peeps and boy is this scripture relevant! Have you ever came across people described in the leading verse? You know, the ones that use eloquent speech mixed with enticement and agressively try to make you believe it came from The Bible? Funny thing is, when you read with The Wisdom of God you don't see it. Well, that's exactly who we should keep our distance from. Just as the picture states, we should bear fruit. Not just any fruit, but the fruit of the Spirit(Galatians 5:22-23).

If your teacher/supervisor told you to go home and grow apples, would you grow oranges? No. So why should we depart from His Word in regards of the fruit we bear? Never let anyone entice you to go against God. It is vital that we know, understand, live, and spread His Word in that order. That's part of the problem. Most miss the understanding and living part. They just read and start spreading their own version and if they word it right, it starts to sound pretty good. Remember almost doesn't count. It almost sound like The Bible, Almost is a lie. Sound doctrine breathes God's Holy Word. God's Word is not to give us a sensation, applaude our sin, and ease our guilt. However, people will try to make you believe that it's okay to sin everyone does. When Romans 6 declares otherwise. Also, be mindful of the self righteous who judge EVERYONE. They have so many rules it ain't funny(excuse my grammar). Have you met the "it's a sin for women to wear pants," "you MUST attend church four times out of the week," or my favorite "you going to hell!" That's not of God.

Best way to discern is again getting to know YOUR God by opening up that Bible. Sacrifice time for just you and Him. Soak everything He gives you in and pray you never depart from it. Today, people get so caught up on the "show" of being godly that they miss out on God all together. Don't let that be you. We can be nuts FOR Jesus just not nuts WITHOUT Him.

                #Beware #KnowHisWord #FF14

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