Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Come Back

Hosea 14:4 "I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely, for My anger has turned away from him" 

Sometimes it may seem like God is far away from you and it may very well be true. If in fact God is far away from you it is not because He has chosen to distance Himself. The distance is usually due to our own fleshly desires which results in us turning away from Him. It's okay to go back to God. He's actually waiting on you to do so so that you can continue your journey with Him. God's love for you is unconditional and greater than your love of sin. Allow Him to forgive you, allow Him to love you, allow Him to guide you.

Let us not get so caught up in where we want to go that we disregard God and ignore His guidance. We are fed and led spiritually by the Word of God; therefore, if we turn away from it it is inevitable that we will begin being fed and led by the world.  Indeed, we may still be heading to the final destination that He has predestined for us, but we'll never actually make it without Him. The "shortcuts" that we take on our own often lengthens our journey because its not what God has designed for us.

Remember as a child when your mother/father would take you to the park (or anywhere outside of your home for that matter) and asked that you not leave their sight. This was in order to protect you. God, your Heavenly Father, wants nothing more than to protect you from the dangers and deceiving nature of this world. Don't go out of His sight, come back to Him He's not angry at you for leaving.

#FearlessFAITH #ComeBack  

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