Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Come See A Man!

John 4:29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?

Hey, hey! Another day that The Lord has made especially for you! Aren't you glad? You should be. Anywho, let's dig into this scripture. So much is happening in this verse. Out of her excitement, shock, and faith she proclaims to everyone, to Come see a Man! Jesus just finished telling this woman about her life. In her mind she was just going to the well to get water not get read like hooked on phonics. In today's terms yes that was the ULTIMATE read. He basically, shared her whole life with her and she is wondering how does He know these things about me. That's simple. On the outside looking in we know that Jesus knows EVERYTHING. However, while Jesus was walking the earth people weren't so acknowledging of that fact. Even today, with everything God has done and is doing for us we still fail as a human race to acknowledge and believe in God. Now just imagine what is running through her mind after this talk she had with Jesus. Probably the same questions we have today when God speaks through people concerning us about our lives. We all have or will go through those same emotions at some point. For example, when it seems like the pastor is talking directly to you during the sermon. If you didn't know, it's not the pastor broadcasting your business it is God speaking through him to teach and convict.

God loves us and corrects us when we aren't living the best possible life here on earth. Just as He took time to meet the woman at the well, He will take time to meet us in our "well state." Now what we do after God meets us is totally up to us. Absolutely love how on fire she was after talking with and believing in Jesus. It takes you back to when you first heard about Him. Remember when you first got saved? Definitely remember how I wanted to tell everyone and anyone what God did for me. It was a special kind of fire stirred in me that I thought would never burn out. Even though it hasn't burned out, it is not burning as intense as it used be. As Christians, we have to keep the fire ignited. Telling others about Christ is our MAIN purpose on earth. It is easy to get side tracked with our lives, jobs, families, etc...that we put Jesus on the back burner. He isn't to be forgotten or hidden. He is to be The Light that shines through us every day! We can learn from that woman at the well. Our walk should be pointing to Jesus just as she did. Spreading the Good News and proclaiming to all to, "Come See A Man!

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