Monday, August 10, 2015

Let's Go

Psalm 32:8 "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with my eye" 

Let's reflect back to a point in time when our cellphones weren't an all encompassing tool. Actually, let's reflect back to a time when they didn't even exist and we relied on familiarity to travel from place to place or an actual roadmap. Some people found maps helpful while others found them to be confusing preferring not to use them and staying within the areas they were most familiar. Today is much different in that we have so many tools to go many places beyond our comfort zone, reach more people, and accomplish more things. One thing the past and the present have in common is God as our guide and the Bible as our road map. Although today there are still many people who find the Bible confusing and overwhelming (much like roadmaps) we have so many more ways to reach people and get them into the Word with various translations that make reading and understanding easier, but the one thing a Bible app cannot give you is a relationship with God. There is a tremendous difference in knowing of someone and actually having a personal relationship with that person. Same is applicable to God.

As children our parents are instructed in Proverbs 22:6 to raise us up in the way we should go while the scripture above leaves the responsibility for being guided by God on us. In order for God to guide us we must see eye to eye with Him since that is how the scripture says He will guide us. Which means we must be able to communicate and understand one another. We must trust God enough to fearfully and fearlessly go where He is telling to go, do what He is telling us to do, and say what He is telling us to say. That's right, we must be fearful of the Father and the consequences of disobeying His commands and not allowing Him to guide our lives. We must also fearlessly go where He leads despite what it looks like or feels like. Let nothing you face affect your confidence in God, your self-assurance, nor your ability to accomplish your task. I saw a picture that read "The ship that you're waiting for to come in, may very well be the ship that you need to build." You may not be a carpenter, but guess who is? You guessed it!! Jesus was and still is a carpenter and anything/anyone else you need Him to be.

So are you ready? Don't ask God for guidance if you're not willing to move your feet! You can't go anywhere if you don't move and you definitely can't make a powerful move without Christ. He is your G.P.S . (God Provided Source). So let's go!!!

#FearlessFAITH #LetsGo #GPS

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