Thursday, August 6, 2015

Somebody's Praying!

2 Samuel 24:25 And David built there an altar unto The Lord, and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings. So The Lord was intreated for the land, and the plague was saved from Israel.

It's #ThankfulThursday folks! Today we are thankful for the prayers of others. I know I am. Truth of the matter is, you never know who is praying for your well being, peace, and protection. There have been times I've met complete strangers who prayed for me. All I could do was thank God because it reminded me of His Love. Someone else praying for you only means God placed you on that person's mind. Only because, we never leave His mind. God is always caring, loving, and protecting us even when we don't think He is doing it. Remember, He doesn't sleep, take breaks, or get tired.

Going off to college, I felt the prayers of my family. Everything I was taught slapped me in the face every time I wanted to do wrong and did wrong. It wasn't until that one night, my whole life changed. The ironic part about it was the very thing I thought made me happy was the very thing God opened my eyes to. He allowed me to look at myself and asked, "What are you doing?" I found out how unhappy I was and ran to His arms. That life altering moment happened with prayers from my family. I wasn't thinking about God, but He was thinking about me! So much so that He made sure He placed me on the hearts of prayer warriors. David, brought offerings to God, genuine offerings. He wasn't praying for show. His ways were pure going to The Throne of Grace. What did God do? He stopped the plague from reaching Israel. Every day there are dangers we know absolutely nothing about. However, that doesn't change the fact that God is still keeping us safe and alive.

The ultimate Intecessor is Jesus. We don't always know what to pray. Let's be real, our prayers aren't always genuine. Never get too excellent that you don't understand why we need Jesus praying for us as well. Jesus is on The Right Hand of Mercy praying for our bad selves every day, all day! I'm thankful! Don't know about you, but I need every prayer I can get. So be thankful that not only does God place you on the hearts of others, but that you are also on His Heart daily! Take time out to pray for others today!

#ThankfulThursday #JesusIsPraying #PrayForOthers

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