Friday, August 21, 2015

Follow Back

Matthew 4:19 "Then He said to them, Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men" 

Happy Friday!!! Let's switch it up a little today and do "Follow Friday" instead of "Freedom Friday". This is a generation of "social media" where all communication can be done without ever leaving the comfort of your own home as well as without having to open your mouth to speak. Sadly, some measure their level of success by the amount of followers they have acquired on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, SnapChat, and etc. Now, I personally don't have a lot of followers on any social media outlet; however, I do have my rules. The major rule being if I follow you and you don't follow back within 24-48 hours (depending on my mood) I will unfollow. Yes, I'm very aware that it is a petty way of behaving, but that's just what I do.

Now, were designed to follow...Christ that is! Jesus is the one who should have an infinite amount of followers, yet from the looks of things Kim Kardashian, Beyonce, and Nicki Minaj may have more followers than Him. Actions speak louder than words. We may profess our love for the Holy Trinity on Sunday, but our lives don't truly depict that of a follower of Jesus Christ (and that includes what we share on social media) Monday through Saturday. So stop what you're doing to follow Christ.

The scripture above comes after satan had been tempting Jesus in the wilderness in an attempt to get Him to follow Him versus carrying out the task that the Father had given Him. Be careful who you're following in reality as well as the realm of social media. Your eyes are ears are openings that allow what you see and what you hear to enter into your mind which could eventually enter into your heart, hardening it to the truth that is Jesus Christ. After Jesus left the wilderness unscathed by satan He was able to carry out His mission.      

It's amazing what God will do for you if only you follow the lead of Jesus Christ in your life who God has appointed as your G.P.S (God Provided Support).

#FollowFriday #FearlessFAITH  

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