Wednesday, August 26, 2015

What To Expect When You're Expecting

Psalm 77:14 "You are the God who does wonders; You have declared Your strength among the peoples" 

A few weeks ago my good friend who is the founder of "Use Your Words the Movement" declared it to be birthing season. God has planted something in each and every one of us that is fed by His Spirit and His Word. While the seed may have been planted a long time ago the ability to grow is dependent on your willingness to properly feed and nurture it. While I have never birthed a child I am familiar with the process having watched those close to me experience it. Conception is the beginning of the process in which the egg is fertilized and placed inside the woman's uterus (I know I know TMI but bear with me) and is often unbeknownst at the time. The woman eventually starts to experience changes within herself which alerts who that something is growing inside of her. There are a various emotions a woman will experience during this time and it varies between women.

Pregnancy is a process that can, at first, be concealed. However, there comes a point where what is growing inside this woman (often referred to as a gift from God) can no longer be hidden and must be shared. It is the gift of life! One can only imagine the excitement of God allowing you to bring life into this crazy world. There will be lots of questions and expectations from that mother from the moment the pregnancy is revealed. Some she will have answers to and some she will not. There are certain things expecting women can't do and there are certain things they can't consume while their seed is maturing. Eventually, the level of comfort for both the mother and the baby decreases which is an indication of birthing time! From that moment things change forever from things that you expected to things you never saw coming, but it's okay because God is with you.

I'm sure at this point you're wondering "What's YOUR point?". My point is that when God has planted something in you it has to come out. It is inevitable to conceal the gifts that God has given for His glory. So expect the unexpected when God is working in your life. Good things will happen and not so good things will happen, but keep going. Labor is the toughest part of the pregnancy process (so I've heard) and it is also the last part of it. If you're uncomfortable right now, in pain, and feel like you've come to an ending point then you are probably in the birthing process. Don't give up, see it through because the best is yet to come. As we previously expressed here on our blog "God doesn't want you to be perfect, He wants you to be willing". Be willing to experience some pain on the way to experiencing joy. Be willing to leave behind everything that's most familiar (Abraham/Lot), be willing to go into the fire (Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego), be willing to get swallowed up by a whale (Jonah), be willing to dream big (Joseph), be willing to die (Jesus).

So what do we expect when we're expecting? Expect the UNexpected! #FearlessFAITH  

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