Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Less of Me

Matthew 23:12 "For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted" 

Humility is the most underrated characteristic a person can exhibit and is often never spoken of. Back in January I received a promotion at work, no big deal to me I told who I was going to tell and went about my business. Approximately two months later another coworker got a promotion in which a big show was made of it. Expressing how much more money the new position offered, getting a personal shopper, forgoing duties deemed lesser of the new position, purchasing a new car, and many other bouts of arrogance. At my place of employment promotions are accompanied with a 6 month probationary period to ensure that you are capable of fulfilling the duties of your new position. It is during this period that if you cannot fulfill the duties you are at risk of being terminated without the lengthy process it would normally take. I say all of that to say this, last Friday was that person's last day because in the midst of glorifying and exalting thyself the opportunity to learn and grow was missed. 

There are two lessons that should have been learned here. #1 If you think you know everything you'll never learn anything. #2 Wait for God to exalt you because if you don't He'll humble you. When God gives you a humbling experience it could mean one of two things. Either you have exalted yourself and He has to bring you back to where you should be OR He is preparing you for something extremely amazing. If it is the latter the humbling experience is to prepare you to be able to handle the power, authority, money, fame, or whatever God is going to do in your life.

So when someone has to describe you in 3 words let's hope humble will be one of those characteristics. Think of Jesus, He has so much power in His hands yet He still sat amongst the people. He talked with them, He walked with them, He ate with them. His promotion didn't exempt Him from any duties deemed by society as "less than". He washed the feet of His disciples!!! Being humble is not thinking less of yourself, but it's about thinking of yourself less. Try it!!! 

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