Friday, August 7, 2015

Let's Hope

Romans 5:5 "Now hope does not disappoint us, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us".

Wednesday night was the series finale of the [once] hit show "The Game". The finale brought back the beloved couple, Melanie and Derwin, who are expecting twins. Due to the trouble Melanie had previously experienced conceiving they sought out a doctor for a third opinion on the health of the babies. While in the appointment Derwin expressed to his wife the faith that he had and the faith that she should have generally and in regards to their unborn children. After they left the doctor says "Those African American's are so hopeful". I chuckled and took it as a compliment because we are indeed a hopeful people. But I think that the church in general, despite the race, should be hopeful.

I want to bring your attention to Luke 5:17-26 where a paralyzed man went through the roof to get to Jesus. This man was hopeful that he could be healed, he believed Jesus could and would heal him, and he had the courage to make something happen. How much hope do you have? To what extreme will you go to get to Jesus? Hope, Faith, and Courage are a triple threat against devil and all his tactics. This man strongly believed that Jesus could and would heal him if given the opportunity. Can you imagine how many people around him thought he was crazy for speaking healing of such a "permanent" condition into existence? Remember how crazy people thought the woman with the issue of blood was for loudly pushing through the crowd, pushing through her hurt, pushing through her situation to touch the hem of Jesus' garment for healing and deliverance. When people think your journey in your faith-filled purpose is crazy that means you're doing it right. When people think your actions for reaching Jesus is insane then you're on the right path. And when I say crazy I mean in the sense of going out of your way to see God not hurting yourself or other people. For example, when Jesus healed the blind man he did it with spit-based mud, that's crazy!! It takes hope, faith, and a lot of courage to allow a "stranger" to put spit-based mud in your eyes in hopes that you will then see.

I know things get tough and your current situation may seem permanent or irreversible, but God has proven time and time again that nothing is outside of His power. He can and will change your situation based on your level of hope, faith, and courage. He can reveal new things to you that can completely transform you if you believe in the communication lines that have been established between you and Him. Don't lose hope. In fact, let's hope together.

#FearlessFAITH #LetsHope #HopeFaithCourage

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