Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Lord, Increase!

Luke 17:5 And the apostles said to The Lord, increase our Faith.

Hello good people! It is yet another week and August is winding down. Time is moving fast which is why we can't waste time. Every opportunity we get to be with God should be cherished and ceased every day. It is on us to do so. God isn't going to force a relationship. He has done enough for us already. Look around. Saints should be running to The Throne daily. The world is in ruin. Just last week I was told about a demonic statue being placed in Detroit and Oklahoma with sculpted little children next to satan. Get this. They want to place this 7 foot foolishness beside The Ten Commandments. Just awful! People aren't hiding who they worship anymore. It is all out in the open for everyone to see. In times like these, who wouldn't need more of God?

So, the leading scripture shows the apostles telling Jesus to increase their faith. Ever needed a replenishment from Jesus? I'm sure we all have and will as long as we are living on this earth. We get that increase when we read our Word. How can we exercise true faith if we barely know Who we have faith in? There is no way we can solely depend on the inspirational social media statuses and this blog for spiritual guidance. What we must do is dig into our Word. Not just reading it to say we did, but asking God for understanding of His Word. Many read, but few actually understand what God is truly saying to us. The Bible is the ONLY book I know that can provide Peace, Joy, Correction, Renewal, and Wisdom. God tells us how to maneuver through life in His Word. Want to know why people are so stressed? Lack of Word. Can't just glaze over scripture, feel a sensation, then call it a day. That Word has to take root, has to be watered, cultivated in our hearts, and then will sprout in our lives. Whatever we may need from God rests in His Word. Need an increase? Well, increase your time with Him. It is amazing how much fulfillment we can get by just spending quality time with Him. God isn't a genie here to grant our every little wish. It is our faith that opens the door to our blessings. Jesus later told the apostles that their faith can move a sycamore tree out of its root to the sea all by a mustard seed ounce of faith. They would have never known if Jesus had not told them. Jesus is The Living Word, but He is not walking around earth anymore. Now we have The Word to go to for our increase of knowledge and understanding. Utilize it. Increase your daily reading and watch God increase your faith in Him.

                  #Increase #ReadYourBible

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