Friday, August 28, 2015

Be True To YOU

It's FRIDAY...Freedom Friday!!! Let's talk about being true today, true to yourself. This is a crazy crazy world we live in and the one thing we all probably have in common is no one likes to be lied to. Ironically, the same people that don't like being lied to end of lying either to someone else or worst of all to themselves. Take everything and everyone else out of the picture and focus on yourself for a minute. What kind of lies have you told yourself lately? Have you been so consistent in lying to yourself that you believe it yourself? Your outward should reflect your inward and sadly that isn't the cast generally. Some of us walk around with lively with a bright smile when we're actually dead inside living in darkness trying so hard to conceal the truth. You no longer have to be that person. Confide in God and allow Him to guide you to the earthly being He has equipped to help you through being proud of your truth. Free yourself from the lies that you keep telling yourself which are also the lies that are holding you back from being a better you for the Kingdom. The worst injuries are self-inflicted so if you wouldn't want anyone else to harm you then stop harming yourself. 


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