Friday, August 19, 2016

We ARE Justified!


                                     Be sure to wish her a great birthday via her social media pages! We thank you 
                                 for your obedience in birthing such a inspiring blog that helps so many people. 

It is amazing how most of our parents can look at us and see no wrong. If there was a disruption at school and we are the ones that caused it, Mom would say, “Oh no not my child. Not little Timmy!” Little Timmy just sounded like a good reference, but you get my drift. Even while talking to my mother, she mentioned, “You’re a good girl.” While I am holding the phone I have an instant highlight reel of not so good things I’ve done, even in my salvation, and I think, wow! Some things my mother knows and some things she doesn’t, but she still thinks I’m good?

It gets deeper when I know God knows EVERYTHING I thought about, imagined, said, and have done. Then, as I hold my head down in shame, He lifts it up and says, BUT YOU ARE JUSTIFIED! How am I justified? I am justified through The Blood of Jesus. Which does what? His Blood washes me clean. Every sinful act, thought about or done has been wiped away with His Pure Blood.

Because He is Pure it covers my impurities! What a blessing! This is why saints get excited at the very name of Jesus and why it is vital not to leave Him out. If it was not for His sacrificial death, we would not be here. None of us would have an opportunity to go to Heaven. We would just live a miserable life and die and be miserable forever! 

We are justified. God looks at us the same way our parents do when satan tries to bring up our shortcomings because we are covered by The Blood. This of course is not to say we should just live however we please. No, we should still seek to live our lives demonstrating how much we love and respect God which in itself will lead to a more discipline and free lifestyle. However, when we do mess up, we can rest in the fact that we are covered. Let me remind you that no man is saved by good deeds, but only through God’s Grace. Stop trying to live right on your own and beating yourself up when you fall. Instead, ask God to help you through His Spirit and when you fall get up and strive again.

That’s what life is about. Living to please God, not by being perfect. Just openly love a Perfect God. 

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