Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Am I?

Hello good people and it is that time again for your mid week word. This would be more of a self evaluation than an inspiration. Well, it could be a little bit of both. Every now and again we have to ask ourselves are we giving God our all? Can you imagine living your whole life and forgetting God? I know us good saints will never do that, huh? Probably can't even fathom ignoring such a great God, right? In all honesty, it is not that hard to put God on the back burner, especially in the times we are living in. Society is designed to worship everything else, but God. It is fairly easy to put work, family, bills, friends, etc...before our King. He wakes us up, we rush to work. He blesses us with food. We rush to eat with no thanks whatsoever. Now it is the end of the day and we barely recognize Him. Is that fair? Of course not. Listen, we are unable to give God what He deserves, meaning we can't thank Him enough. However, we can give Him our ALL which is what is required of us. Get that, I said our ALL. Anything we do outside of God will fail. There have been plenty of times that I stopped doing school work to just commune with Him and passed my test with flying colors or the test got pushed back the day of so I could get more study time. 

I was told when I first began my relationship with God that you can't go wrong pleasing Him. Our flesh or satan may have us thinking that if I don't pay this bill instead of bringing my tithes and offerings that I will be broke. Wrong, God always provides the increase and it is not our money anyways. He blessed us. Just like He blesses us with everything else we have. Let's not live our lives in vain. Ask yourself, am I really living for God? Am I impacting my community, surroundings, people I encounter? We don't have to do something spectacular. All we have to do is be true in our relationship. People notice the small things in our character that we completely forget about that points to Jesus. Am I treating EVERYONE the same? Am I living life in His Will?  The truth of the matter is, our way of living will come up again. So let's make sure we are giving God our all no matter the cost. Jesus paid the hugest cost known to man. Let's return the favor. 

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