Wednesday, September 16, 2015

I Am He!

Isaiah 48:12 "Listen to Me, O Jacob, even Israel whom I called; I am He, I am the first, I am also the last.

It is the middle of the week and it is time for another Word of encouragement! I Am He, God says to us. These are words we should never forget. This scripture can give life to so many seemingly dead situations in our lives. When we feel like all hope is gone, we can remind ourselves, "I Am He!" Those moments the enemy tries to sneak in, "I Am He!" We have no reason to worry or fear because God is always here for us. He was here before us and He is not going anywhere. So, our best bet is to get to know Him. Now in the King James Version the scriptures begins with, "Hearken unto Me..." That is one thing we fail to do as people of God. Throughout scripture, we will find that God is speaking to His own. Although He loves everybody, He expects those whom call Him Father to love Him back and obey His Word. 

Just a quick testimony, I was working two jobs briefly this summer. My body was tired and I prayed to God about what I should do. School started which made me all the more tired. He told me to leave one and I didn't listen at first. I was wondering how I will pay certain stuff and He kept saying trust Me. Well, the one He told me to leave didn't put me on schedule for two weeks. I laughed because my bills still got paid and He was basically showing Himself to me even in my doubt. I worked one last week at the job He wanted me to leave. Finally, I decided to trust God and quit. Ever since then, I have been promoted twice within only two months of me working the job God planted me at. God just showed me once again that I can't go wrong trusting Him. It is no sense in running my body to the ground when I serve an awesome God Who WILL supply. That was a product of not only God's Grace, but me finally listening to Him. When was the last time you really listened to God? Are you praying in vain? Could you be asking God for guidance with your lips, but your heart is still embedded on what you want to do? Look at the church today? Does it look like The Body of Christ is listening? Are we forgetting about the mighty God we are suppose to serve? Is I Am He satisfied? We would know if we were listening, right? The answer is...well the answer is waiting on us. God speaks every day which is why we shouldn't just talk to Him when we need Him. His words of Wisdom and guidance is offered with every breath He gives us. Just look around, silence yourself, and Hearken unto God. Here is a video I want to leave you all with. Make the commitment to put God first, listen to your Father, and never forget Who He Is to you. 

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