Tuesday, July 28, 2015

X Marks The Spot!

How are you doing beautiful people? It's a new day. Be thankful! I have a question for you. Who all has read a children's story about finding hidden treasure? You know the story that usually involves some pirates, a treasure map, and of course the hidden treasure. Yeah, pretty much everybody. For those who haven't I'm sure you get the gist of the story. If not, let me break it down in my own little sweet and short version. So there is this pirate, right? Let's say his name is Captain Red Eye. Captain Red Eye has this treasure he wants to leave for himself because his enemies are after it. It is treasure so understandable that they would be after it. Also, he can tell a close relative where he hid it if he is not able to retrieve the treasure. This is where the treasure map comes in. Treasure maps usually have an X that is at the end signifying where the treasure is placed. Follow the directions and you will find the hidden treasure. The End. Simple logic really. I bet you are wondering why is this young lady talking about pirates and treasure? Well, because life can be illustrated that way.

There are actually quite a bit of treasures God has for us. Treasure in this life as a Christian on earth. Hidden treasure concerning His Wisdom in which the world knows nothing about. Then, there is Heaven, a well undeserved pot of gold that we one day want to see. In life, God has this treasure that is hidden from the world. Jesus is the ONLY way to unlock it. God's infinite wisdom can only be given through recognition of His Son, Jesus', blood. Our treasure map is The Bible. With this map, it tells us everything we need to know about finding our "pot of gold" otherwise known as Heaven. Remember the enemies earlier? Well, satan knows about this treasure because he has already experienced it. That is why he does not want anyone to receive it because he lost out. Satan wants everyone miserable for eternity like him, but thank God for Jesus, His Word, and second chances! No matter what confusion or attack the enemy throws as long as we remain faithful to God and continuously read our treasure map(The Bible) we will get The Gold(Heaven). Are you reading your treasure map? You should! We all should! How can we expect to get the gold if we aren't following directions?  Stay the course and we WILL be rewarded.

#XMarksTheSpot #HiddenTreasures #TreasureMap

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