Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Life Is Good.

Ecclesiastes 6:7 All the labour of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.

Hey you! Did you know how great your life is in Christ? Your prosperity is never ending. I know it may seem bleak sometimes, but it is only temporary. Only thing that will last forever is God's Word and in that Word are His Promisies. Promises of triumph and not defeat. Promises of restoration and not destruction. Promises of life and not death to His people. That means YOU. Let's not get into the comparing game that allows us to lessen our value. God knows what He is doing. If you are not where you want to be in life the answer is not in envying others on social media. The answer is to take inventory on what WE are doing and to also be content at where we are in life.

So I ask again, didn't you know life in Christ is good? Count your blessings people. It can always be worst. How do you think our Gracious God feels looking at His people He redeemed, by His Son's Blood, complaining about trivial stuff? Complaining about stuff that has nothing to do with why we are saved. Sadly, we focus more on selfish ambition than telling others Jesus loves them. Just as the leading scripture states, we can work towards achievements, but it doesn't necessarily fulfill us inwardly. Getting caught up in the rat race of finishing school, landing a career, getting married, and having kids, we forget we have spiritual work to do. All of those things are applauded, but let's not lose focus on what our true mission is in life, to lift up Jesus. Focusing on those things will only cause depression and a heart full of complaints. There are married people who are still empty. There are million dollar bank accounts attached to people whose life lacks meaning. People who thought their kids would bring joy to their lives, but find they still need more. More of what? Jesus! Stop looking for "good" in things or in people and realize what GOOD you have in Christ! God placed other relationships and things here as an additive for our enjoyment not the root of our Joy. Life is Good when your life is rooted in Christ.
Where is your Joy coming from?

Challenge: No complaining the ENTIRE day. Be thankful and let Jesus fill your appetite! 

Have A Superific Day!

#JoyfulLife #ChristLife #LifeIsGood

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