Thursday, May 7, 2015

Don't Wait Until It's Too Late!

Ever thought about the movement of your limbs, the clean air you breathe, or the sight you have? What about your ability to think, to drive, or just simply get out of the bed? Those things are some of the many we take for granted. As we generally go about our day, we tend to pray for so much, but how often are we thanking God? How often do we praise Him more than we ask of Him? Maybe just maybe He hasn't answered certain prayers because we aren't truly grateful for what we already have. Even our relationship with Him isn't given the gratefulness it deserves at times. We are too busy worrying about earthly relationships that we neglect the most important one of all. I reiterate our relationship with Jesus very often because it needs to be repeated. Every time I get on social media people, Christians, are constantly talking about how they wish they had a "bae" when God is sitting there like I thought I was enough for you? I'm supposed to come "Before Anyone Else"! Hurtful.

So don't wait until it is too late. Don't wait til God's availability is no longer at your fingertips. Thank Him while His Mercy is upon you. Thank Him while you're in good health. Thank Him while you are in your right mind. Thank Him simply because He deserves our gratitude. We aren't that cool, awesome, or angelic that we can go a second let alone a day without praising and thanking God. Cultivate that relationship more. Spend more time with Him. You will be amazed at how great your day goes and life will be. It's #ThankfulThursday so don't wait until it's too late to Thank God! He's consistently GREAT. So we should be consistently grateFILLED! Yes, I made that up. Be full of gratitude beautiful people! #GrateFILLED #DontWait #Cultivate

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