Friday, April 24, 2015

Forget It!

It is #FreedomFriday and we are going to forget some things today. How can we listen to God if we are still harboring emotions or thoughts that are counterproductive to our growth in Christ? So you have been hurt? Don't live in it. Stop carrying that into your relationships, friendships, or your life in general. That specific hurt should be left where it started. Yes, people throw dirt. We can't grow if we allow the dirt to stifle us. Flowers bloom through dirt. Gardeners know you have to toil with the soil and pull the weeds out before the rose appears. Just as in life, people will disappoint us. Nothing we can do about that. What we are capable of doing is allowing those moments to strengthen us and not be our downfall. See the weed, pull it out, and continue to blossom.

How can we do that? Find the good in letting go and grow. Forget about the intent and focus on the outcome. Did it take you out? Are you not still here? Is God not still blessing you? Do you not have a new day to conquer? We go to bed at night(or not) worrying about unnecessary stuff. God forgot about all of your wrongs and mistakes when He called you friend. So why can't you? Get some rest and forget about it. Smile and forget about it. Laugh and forget about it. Live and forget about it. It's time that saints act like saints. If we look broken down and down trotted how can we help anyone else? Therefore, brothers and sisters let us forget about those things that once held us captive and move onward to those things in which God has purposed for us. Happy Super Awesome Friday!

Forget the negative
It does you no good.
Remain positive.
In all things you should.
God has a way of making things better.
Let go and forget what is not needed to remember.

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