Proverbs 16:18 "Pride goes before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall."
So as you may or may not know, today is Freedom Friday. One is incapable of really exercising freedom in Christ with the heavy weight of pride. Do you know anyone with pride or have been around prideful people? Are you possibly operating in pride? Maybe not fully but, moments of pride that may occur from time to time. This five letter word carries much strength. It can be the very reason we do not see God. I mean think about it, the Pharisees were prideful. They didn't want to hear anything Jesus was trying to say & thought of themselves as superior to others.
Where there is pride, love is absent. This is referring only to people who operate in pride habitually. The people who believe nothing they do is wrong & everything others do is wrong. I'm not talking about prideful moments because we all have those moments at some point, but when it is a part of your character then it is a major problem as a Christian. As Christians, God calls us to be servants. Of course, when we first get saved this will not be an over night character additive. Good thing is that as we grow and learn we can definitely allow God to mold us into a humble servant of Christ which is a humble servant for people. People meaning everyone and not just the people we choose to serve. Yeah, it is that real. Can you imagine serving your enemy? Have you ever served your enemy? Something in the sense of just simply treating them better than they treat you. I have been in situations personally that God has used me to treat people I know do not like me with kindness. They were expecting me to respond to them in a negative way and when God helped me treat them differently they were utterly shocked. These people did not know God and God told me that if I just submit to Him they will see Him in me and they did. It was hard, but I had to swallow MY pride to broadcast God's glory.
It is agreed that pride comes before destruction. How? Because conducting ourselves in pride ruins our chance at seeing Jesus eternally. In the natural sense, it can limit our interaction with others as far as potential great relationships because no one wants to feel belittled or degraded with people they choose to share time with. Also let's not forget about the end part of the verse, "A haughty spirit before a fall." What is a haughty spirit? Basically it ties in with pride. It can be a proud look, which God hates in, Prov. 6:17. Ladies, this is something we have somehow struggled with for years. For some bizarre reason we sometimes are unable to give one another a compliment because of pride. Rarely we uplift one another and everyone knows it. We talk about each other's hair, makeup, shoes, social pages, if we are not all dust! And I say, we because I too have taken part in such behavior when it really is not important enough to talk about. As women our words should be looked as to be kind not tearing down and rude. So, in honor of #FreedomFriday let's allow God to work on us. It is imperative that we make sure He does because our works are in vain if we work in pride. Enjoy your weekend!
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