Friday, September 9, 2016

Don't Miss God!

We are in a desperate need as The Body of Christ to remain focused! The world needs us. I truly believe we have forgotten that. In the midst of us looking around in disappointment, we fail to look up and stand out in the Hope that we received through Christ Jesus! Communities can be healed. Celebrities can be delivered. Prisoners can be set free. Whether it be mental prisons, emotional prisons holding on to things that happened ages ago or physical prisoners, Jesus Blood can penetrate a person's lowest shame and make him new! I challenge you and me to start our morning AND night with this song. William McDowell's medley is a great worship song to release ourselves to God. Surrendering to God gives Him the mobility to use us for His Will. What is His Will? For everyone to be saved by sharing The GOOD NEWS. Jesus died and was resurrected to keep us from spending eternity in hell. Don't we want our world to get better? Well, we have to be better in order for that change to come. Didn't you know being with Christ is sacrificial? It shouldn't be looked at as punishment to give up certain things. Many times, the very thing(s) we are holding on to does us no good.

Are we really going to neglect spending time with God to check Facebook? Are we really too busy to pray, but can watch Scandal for an hour? It is vital that we show how awesome it is to be in Christ. If we barely talk to Him and care about this relationship, how can we convince others to form one? So, again I urge you to listen to this song morning and night. Hey, you may find yourself listening to it more than twice a day. I am believing that by doing so it will ignite the light that we have been dimming for so long. Withhold nothing!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Not my Will!

Here is a poem, better explained as a conversation we may often have with ourselves. The will to want to live for God battling our fleshy ways to want to practice the complete opposite. Funny, because as much as we try to live without Him, we realize how much we need Him. So, why do we run from someone Who loves us more than anyone ever could? Why ignore a God Who only wants the very best for us? Why lose faith in Someone Who never lies and always WINS! Jesus always comes out VICTORIOUS and so shall we once we live for Him. It is normal to have doubts because we are still in the flesh, but we can't set up camp in our fears or dwell on life's many obstacles. At some great turning point(s) in our lives, we have to say, "Not my Will!"

Not my will, but Yours will I follow.
Man, what a tough pill to swallow.
Knowing that people will hate you because of Him.
Are you really trying to let go of sin? Yes! Because a life of sin is broadly dim.
That is impossible! There are too many temptations.
Little white lies and pleasure filled sexual relations.
Is it really pleasure? Is sin really all that great?
Look around. Our world is full of it and we are in terrible shape.
That is why God sent His Son, Jesus, to die for our filth.
Even He said, "not my will."
So, if The Son of God had to sacrifice, why shouldn't we?
If He gave His Life, then we are called to live to the same degree.
Why should we have it easy? He already promised us Heaven!
The Lord loves the righteous says Psalm 11.
How must I live righteous in such a evil driven world?
The same way as Jesus did. We are called to love every man, woman, boy, and girl.
Because it is not about us! Forget your comfort zone.
The Holy Ghost comforts us when we are weak HE IS STRONG!
Not my will Father because I have no sense of direction.
I am constantly lost without your help and protection.
NOT MY WILL. I don't want to keep running.
It is He who keeps me from stumbling.
Let us walk and not faint.
Keep our eyes on Christ.
Pray, Pray Pray!
That is the strongest way to fight.
Stay in HIS Will and not of our own.
Until one day we shall all be called one by one, HOME.

Friday, August 19, 2016

We ARE Justified!


                                     Be sure to wish her a great birthday via her social media pages! We thank you 
                                 for your obedience in birthing such a inspiring blog that helps so many people. 

It is amazing how most of our parents can look at us and see no wrong. If there was a disruption at school and we are the ones that caused it, Mom would say, “Oh no not my child. Not little Timmy!” Little Timmy just sounded like a good reference, but you get my drift. Even while talking to my mother, she mentioned, “You’re a good girl.” While I am holding the phone I have an instant highlight reel of not so good things I’ve done, even in my salvation, and I think, wow! Some things my mother knows and some things she doesn’t, but she still thinks I’m good?

It gets deeper when I know God knows EVERYTHING I thought about, imagined, said, and have done. Then, as I hold my head down in shame, He lifts it up and says, BUT YOU ARE JUSTIFIED! How am I justified? I am justified through The Blood of Jesus. Which does what? His Blood washes me clean. Every sinful act, thought about or done has been wiped away with His Pure Blood.

Because He is Pure it covers my impurities! What a blessing! This is why saints get excited at the very name of Jesus and why it is vital not to leave Him out. If it was not for His sacrificial death, we would not be here. None of us would have an opportunity to go to Heaven. We would just live a miserable life and die and be miserable forever! 

We are justified. God looks at us the same way our parents do when satan tries to bring up our shortcomings because we are covered by The Blood. This of course is not to say we should just live however we please. No, we should still seek to live our lives demonstrating how much we love and respect God which in itself will lead to a more discipline and free lifestyle. However, when we do mess up, we can rest in the fact that we are covered. Let me remind you that no man is saved by good deeds, but only through God’s Grace. Stop trying to live right on your own and beating yourself up when you fall. Instead, ask God to help you through His Spirit and when you fall get up and strive again.

That’s what life is about. Living to please God, not by being perfect. Just openly love a Perfect God. 

Friday, July 15, 2016

Freedom Friday

Fighting Relentlessly, Entering Every Domain to Obliterate Manslaughter

And I say to you today my friends, let freedom ring. From the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire, let freedom ring. From the mighty mountains of New York, let freedom ring. From the mighty Alleghenies of Pennsylvania!
Let freedom ring from the snow capped Rockies of Colorado!
Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California!
But not only there; let freedom ring from the Stone Mountain of Georgia!
Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain in Tennessee!
Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill in Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring.
And when this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God almighty, we're free at last!"

The great speech from our dear brother, Martin Luther King, Jr. This speech is drenched with words of power and hope. A speech that should seem quite simple for some. I mean why not come together as a human race? Why not live together in harmony? Why hate someone based on the color of their skin? Why make up characterizations and place systematic boundaries on a particular race just because you are choosing not to like them? Why are we even still discussing this issue? All of these years and yet hate crimes have not ceased. What is the solution?
Well, it is complicated. In our frustration and pain, we must remember the dream. The dream that one day we will be able to come together as one. Until that blessed day comes we must band together as a race and support one another. There is power in strength and we must take this time to comfort one another and educate the unlearned on the many struggles our race has faced and are still facing. This is not the time to go against each other, but to stick together. By sticking together and looking to God, we can find more answers than forgetting our faith and fighting with each other. It is not time to lose hope or faith because HE still cares even though we are in great despair. Let us rally together until those rich words that were spoken becomes a reality and pass down that same tenacity for change to the following generations. Find local organizations in support of the movement. Maybe God will lead you to start one if there aren’t any. Let’s not be idle. Let’s not just post hashtags and wear t-shirts. We have to continue to break down these hateful walls. Black IS Beautiful and we have a right to live freely! Free to raise our kids, work, and enjoy life like any other tax paying American citizen. LET F.R.E.E.D.O.M. ring! Fighting Relentlessly, Entering Every Domain to Obliterate (black) Manslaughter!

What does freedom mean to you? How important is freedom to you? It's time for us to M.O.V.E. Mobilize and Organize for Victory and Empowerment! Hash tagging is not enough. Marching is good and has proven effective, but it's still not quite enough. We have to be strategic in our actions and pure with our intentions.
What is our purpose in all of this as Christians? First, we are not allow any form of media to discount the power that we have as a people. Matthew 5:16 tells us to let our light shine before men so that they may see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven  

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Who is Satan?

The title of this may be a little startling since this is a christian blog; however, give me a moment to express the importance of knowing who Satan is. Most of our posts speak directly towards developing a relationship with God. Spending time in His Word, worshiping Him, praising Him, and etc. which is extremely important. We suggest these things in order for us to live out our purpose in Him without fear. The fear of failing, the fear of knowing, and the fear of succeeding. Perhaps you're thinking, "fear of failing I understand, but the fear of knowing and the fear of succeeding is silly". Remember our post "Ignorance is Bliss"? In that case not knowing was certainly better than knowing. While I can't say for certain, but perhaps this is why some people fear knowing certain things. Unfortunately, some people fear living to their utmost potential to avoid the accountability that accompanies that success. Where does said fear come from? You guessed it, directly from Satan. He doesn't want you to know your abilities and moreover he doesn't want you to know God's abilities.  

Just as God has a plan for your life Satan has strategies to prevent that plan from coming to pass. This is who Satan is: a lying, conniving copycat creating strategies to convince you that he is more powerful than he really is (Fervent by Priscilla Shirer). Unlike God he has limitations and does not control your destiny. Knowing exactly who Satan is allows us to recognize him in certain situations and knowing God gives us the ability to fight back accordingly. Satan tries to get the very best of you because he knows what God can do with the very best of you.

It's a new month with a new focus: Acceptance, Truth, and Joy and we're ready to show Satan who's boss! We're halfway through 2016 so take a look at where you are, remember where you were 6 months ago, and imagine what God has in store for you 6 months from now. Acceptance is what I would like you to keep in mind when you think of where you are right now (mentally, spiritually, and physically). When you accept where you are within each one of those aspects of your life you are exhibiting an understanding of Truth (God) and your truth. We want the two, Truth and your truth, to be aligned but most often they aren't thus requiring us to do some work. Your truth are the actual facts and you cannot obtain joy until you have accepted your truth and found purpose right where you are.

Look at it from this perspective, we are a technological generation in which many of us can get caught up in games on our phones. Most of the games have levels that require mastering the level you're currently on in order to move to the next level. Sometimes there are things that have to be uncovered, patterns to be followed. walls to be knocked down and etc. All of these games start out easy but as your levels increase so does the difficulty and trickery. That pretty much sums up our lives. We'll face obstacles at each level, but once we realize where we are we can then figure out how to move on from there joyfully. Yes, satan WILL try to intervene. Yes, satan will try to distract you. Yes, satan will lie to you about who you are and about who God is. Yes, satan will try to confuse you. So how do we stop satan? We use our strongest weapon...PRAYER! And always remember satan has limits whereas God does not.

Through prayer you'll allow God to lead your life out of the mundane, ordinary state that you're in to an extraordinary, supernatural state that will make all of your enemies tremble! Are you ready to go there? I know I am!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Picture This! May 2016

2 Timothy 2:19 Nevertheless the foundation of God stands sure, having this seal, The Lord knows who are His. And, let everyone who names The Name of Christ depart from iniquity.

Picture This! So, there was this well known person passing through a great mass of people. He gave each person the exact same instructions. The instructions were very specific regarding what he wanted from them. Turns out only one person followed the directions that were given. Everyone admonished this person with their mouth, but only one actually followed directions. True enough that was the only person who stood out in the midst of all the people and their praises.

See where I'm going with this? You guessed it! God actually gave me this vision Monday morning. I was floored. I read a scripture that was convicting to me and prayed on it before I started my day. Then, I closed my eyes and God gave me this. Obedience to God is better than the sacrifice of praise with our lips. In Luke 6:46 it asks, "Why call Me Lord and you do not what I say?" God wants to be Lord over our lives, meaning He wants to govern us. Trusting Him in good faith that He knows what He is doing is all He asks of us. Isn't that a key element in a relationship, trust? How dare we praise someone we rarely submit to in our daily living? How dare we talk about God in such high esteem but live our lives the way we see fit. The scripture says in Proverbs 21:2, "Every way of man is right in his own eyes, but God ponders(looks at) the heart." This is exactly what went on as I closed my eyes. It is funny how convincing it seemed to hear the great number of people calling for this person yet, it was all rubbish. He looked over every voice and searched the hearts. That of which, He only found one that obeyed. Once I opened my eyes, it proposed a question for me. What am I doing to stand out? Am I living a life that is pleasing to God? Is this a wake up call?

God wants us in a place where we are solely satisfied with Him. We should be eager to give ourselves to God daily by adhering to what He has to say. Then, actually putting His Word into action. Seeing how messed up the world is now, people need to see us searching and fleeing to God. The world has Hope, Jesus! We are to exemplify that to others. How? Not just by merely talking highly of Him, but by following His Will for our lives through obedience to His Word.

How can we call ourselves sheep 
if we do not listen to our Shepard?
For God gets ALL the glory!
Let us lift our lives in worship together!

Friday, May 20, 2016

Christian. (Verb)

Hello good people! This year is just flying by us. I could have sworn it was just January like yesterday and I was bundled up in boots and gloves. Now, the summer is vastly approaching. Just as the seasons change in Mother Nature, they also change in our lives. I can definitely attest to a time of diligently reading The Bible and spending time with God. Man, was I on fire! When He woke me up I talked to Him. Throughout the day I would pray, and before I laid down I made sure to talk to my Father. How about now? Oh, I am either too sleepy to care or rushing to work. Then, I am so easily distracted by my day that I "forget" to acknowledge Him when I am fully awake. Let's not even talk about how "exhausted" I am to talk to Him before I go to bed. Isn't that funny? I, me, and maybe even you can go a whole day without spending any QUALITY time with God. I am not referring to those drive by prayers that we mumble. Do not misunderstand me, by drive by, I mean no meaning. Those prayers we say just because like..."Oh Hey God, almost forgot about ya...okay well bye" kinda prayers.

For whatever reason we tend to forget about the ONE person who never forgets about us. Us silly humans can call our parents every day, friends, significant others, etc...but "forget" to have meaningful conversations and meditation with God. You know The One Who sent His Son, Jesus, to die for OUR sins, filth, and deserved seat in hell. One quote I found while looking back at some notes I took during my devout years is this, "It does little good if Christians declare and defend The Truth, but fail to demonstrate it in their lives." How powerful is that? Who really cares how much we talk about God if we barely spend time with Him for Him to be ACTIVE in our life. Being a Christian is not an adjective to me, but a verb. It is not just a person proclaiming to simply know Christ. It is a person living like Christ. Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus says The Word of God! How do we allow our minds to change?

Well, the answer is and will forever be in His Word. I can say I do not want to have sex all day long. Does that stop the desire? No. Does it prevent temptation from ever so loudly knocking at my door? Of course not! What will sustain me in those times? His Word, through DAILY meditation, prayer, and fellowship with God and with like minded people. How can a drug addict stop using drugs around addicts? So how can we get closer to God if we are hanging around people who seem to have it as an option and not a priority? Bad company is another post, but I believe you get the point. Let's live out our beliefs and be the action verb Christian and not just the adjective...

God is speaking.
Do you hear Him?
His words are piercing,
but we are not listening.
We are so busy,
but not really.
Lord I don't have time.
Even though You gave me time.
I mean You understand
Because You are forgiving, right?
Man, what am I saying.
I have been too busy complaining
to realize You have just been patiently waiting,
on me.
It's crazy. Your Love is so sweet.
I don't want to keep taking advantage.
Today is the day that I stop taking US for granted. 
You made this possible.
You are GOD, incomparable!
Your Power is unstoppable!
People call me crazy because Your Word is not logical.
I laugh because Your Word is REMARKABLE!
You opened my eyes and my life was then radical.
Said that to say, I love you and 'bout time that I show it.
Christian is a verb. 
Not just another word.
Not just something cool to say. 
Remember, God said He loved us and His Son died to demonstrate.
Jesus, came and showed us how to behave.
He loved until the last blood drop while being betrayed.
Now it is on us; what will we illustrate?
The noun, the adjective, or the verb?
Let's choose to freely LIVE out The AMAZING Truth of God's Word!